Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 196: X Empire

196 X Empire

Den Kan walked on one of the mountains and along the way, he would look around. Jun Hua walked behind him carefully and her keen senses could trace the people around them. She didn't pay them any attention for her purpose was not them.

"They are detecting you," Jun Hua said mildly.

Den Kan nodded. He knew that his skill had deteriorated and in the first place, he was a soldier, not an assassin. For the people there to notice him, he didn't feel much surprise. What he wanted to was to meet with his sister again.

The men quickly arrived before him. Den Kan showed his arm and upon seeing the mark, they quickly retracted back.

Seeing their reaction, Jun Hua eyebrows arched. "Is there any hierarchy here?"

"The sword will represent the rank. Since my sister is chosen as one of the candidates, my rank had risen. After she is chosen as the next leader, I'm practically invisible there. But, I don't want her to stay in that kind of world."

Jun Hua didn't know what kind of feeling Den Kan had after knowing that his sister was placed in danger. But, he was not strong enough, and the numbers of talented assassins in this place were too many. He had to hide in order for them to not find him. Now, close to 20 years after that incident, he had finally returned.

Not long after that, they arrived at a waterfall. Den Kan turned towards Jun Hua. "Don't be surprised."

He walked towards one of the stone and after moving a few of them, he found a metal ring there. The ring was not big and using his large hand, he turned it. His action caused the rock to move, showing a door to them.

Jun Hua looked full of curiosity. This was the first time she saw such mechanisms. It seemed the glorious days of Mountain Kingdom when it became the leading kingdom were not for naught. They were indeed have more secret than what it seemed on the surface.

"This is an ancient mechanism left behind here," Den Kan explained. "When they found it, they decide to use this place as the base. But there was nothing extraordinary inside as there were only some alley and cave for training."

As they walked, Jun Hua can feel the atmosphere in this place was truly dark. The faint tang smell of blood was everywhere and she could feel faint pressure. It seemed this place was truly a place full of hidden danger.

Behind her, even Yasha felt the danger that he never felt before. This place was not something ordinary.

Den Kan stopped inside the first hall they encountered. He looked to the front as a little girl around the age of 18 was standing there with two short swords on each of her hand. She was looking towards them with suspiciousness.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Den Kan, former core member of X Empire," Den Kan answered slowly.

The girl eyes widened. "I see, you're that betrayer right?"

Without waiting for Den Kan to answer, the girl lunged forward. Den Kan cannot follow that speed, but Jun Hua immediately unsheathed her sword and blocked the attack. The sound of metal clashing was loud and clear in the cave.

The girl hurriedly stepped back, but Jun Hua didn't give her any chance as she moved forward and used her sword to make the sword on that girl hands flown away. Then, she stepped once more and knocked the girl using the blunt side of her sword, causing her to fall.


Jun Hua looked at the girl with cold eyes. "You're lacking experience little girl."

Before the girl could retort, an arrow was fired towards Jun Hua. In that split second, she raised the girl in front of her using her hand as the shield. The arrow pierced right to the girl's shoulder.


Jun Hua put her down again and looked towards the person who came. This time it was a man, he was looking towards the two of them with icy eyes and bow ready.

"Father!" the girl yelled.

"Shut up, Niao," the man said coldly. He would not tolerate any uselessness. He didn't train his daughter to be a trash. Besides that, the power from the girl before them was truly intriguing.

Den Kan looked towards that man with cold eyes. "Sou, where is my sister?"

"Sister? Oh, you mean Den Fay? She was inside, but you're not allowed to meet with her."

Den Kan eyes narrowed. "What if I ask you to return her back?"

Sou laughed out loud. "You want her back? Sure, you can take that trash away. That is if you can take her away."

Trash? Den Kan felt that his blood was boiling with rage towards this man, but he knew that he's not the match for this man. Sou didn't pay any attention to Den Kan as he looked towards Jun Hua with interest.

"You know the method for achieving the concentration beyond human ability. How can the information spread outside?" he said slowly.

Jun Hua didn't even put him on her eyes. This was the level of the famous X Empire assassins? He didn't have that high of a skill, but perhaps he was not the one with the real skill.

She lowered her voice and answered."Master Kan teaches me."

After she had answered, She released the girl and the girl run towards her father while looking with hatred towards Jun Hua. How dare that girl use her as a shield especially against her own father! Don't you know that he is the leader of X Empire?

Sou examined Jun Hua with interest. The girl was wearing a veil, but it's clear that she was very young. Not only that, she has the ability to react to his stealth attack. What kind of girl was she?

"Sou? Niao? What happened?" a woman similar with Den Kan appeared. Jun Hua knew, this was Den Fay, but she no longer looked like a leader of assassins' organization. Her complexion was fair, yet she looked old with her hair almost all turns white. What made Jun Hua wary was the fact that even she felt somewhat threatened by her.

Den Kan looked towards the woman with stunned expression. The girl had changed.

Sou smiled slightly. "Your brother has returned, Fay."

Den Fay looked towards Den Kan and a glint appeared on her eyes. She looked towards her brother with rage. "Why did you leave me?"

Den Kan cannot answer and he found himself under heavy pressure from his own sister. The girl from before was no longer here.

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