Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 197: Leader

197 Leader

"I don't want you to be in this place anymore, Fay'er!" Den Kan said with hoarse voice. He didn't want his sister to end up like this. Not even once in his life would he imagine this kind of end to befall his sister just because of his stupid mistake.

Den Fay laughed coldly. "Do you know how much mocking I received because of you? The number of people I had to kill in order to be the leader?"

"Fay'er?" Den Kan was stunned. His little sister had done something like that? It's not like it was impossible, but the nature of his sister was soft and she shouldn't have done something like that. What had happened?

By the side, Sou laughed. "Do you know that it was for you? She was adamant to meet with you again, and the only way was by using the people from the X Empire."

Den Kan finally understood. To look for him, his sister had been enduring harsh time here and forced her way to become the next leader of X Empire. All of it just to have the people to search for him. And yet, he didn't know any of it and stayed on his place hiding all these years.

When Sou chased him out, he said that he would kill him when he returned. Because of that, Den Kan never had any courage to return back and stay hidden. He was not strong enough to face off Sou.He thought that his sister will be better off without him, but he's wrong.

"The punishment to not be chosen is killed," Jun Hua turned her head slowly. "She doesn't have any choice in this matter."

"How do you know?" Den Kan was surprised.

Jun Hua smiled lightly, but she didn't answer. She looked towards Den Fay who was standing there as she heaved a sigh. She should have known that this would be the ending for her teacher sister.

"You won't be able to save her anymore."


The hidden truth of the treatment that Den Fay had received was something that Jun Hua only knew coincidentally. She would never expect that the news she received that day would turn out to be her master sister. But, the cruel fate stay, there was nothing that could be done to help the woman out from this.

Sou looked towards Jun Hua venomously. "You seem to have gotten some other news, little girl."

"Dad, let me kill her!"

"You can't. Let your mother handle this," Sou turned to Den Fay. "She is all yours."

Den Fay eyes changed as she gathered her concentration. The thick pressure of bloodlust immediately emerged. Her eyes were changing and her pupil was no longer in her eyes. It has turned all white. Both Sou and Niao retreated to the back.

Jun Hua let her finished her preparation as she stood before her. "Master, I won't kill her. But, I want you to see what kind of person she had changed to after all these years."

Den Kan eyes turned larger. "Hua'er!"

The fight started. Jun Hua immediately entered the state of high concentration, but her eyes don't turn white. Except the fact that her face became devoid of emotion, her appearance didn't look much different compare to her usual self.

Den Fay attacked first, Jun Hua bent down her knees while slashing towards the woman stomach. It only managed to scratch her side as Den Fay moved sideways midway. Jun Hua side stepped and evaded the next attack of Den Fay as she moved back.

Jun Hua kept on evading the attacks from Den Fay. On the back, Den Kan cannot help but feeling nervous. He knew about the limitation Jun Hua had and if she kept on waiting like this, won't she get hurt later on?

The sister he once treasured had turned into a stranger he no longer recognized. She was still his sister, but she's not the same like in the past anymore. He wanted the fight to end soon, but then he heard a scream of pain coming from Den Fay.

His eyes widened for he didn't see any attack from Jun Hua hit Den Fay. The pain must have come from using the technique.

"Quickly end the fight!" Sou yelled.

Den Fay moved again, but Jun Hua was quicker. Before Den Fay's attack could reach her, she had moved forward and slashed toward one of the woman arms, cutting it off from the shoulder. The hands fall to the floor and Jun Hua spin to the side, evading the desperate attack from Den Fay.

She moved to the back, her forehead is full with beads of sweats. The fight might be short, but it had exhausted her even more than the usual fight she had. She cannot drag the fight any longer or she will be in the same state as when she overused it before.

Den Fay moved and Jun Hua too, both of them were attacking. In that moment, Jun Hua was slightly faster. She wounded the other arm right on the wrist, which caused the sword to fall down. Den Fay cannot fight any longer in that condition.

"Mother!" Niao took her sword and move towards Jun Hua, ignoring the fact that she was already lost against Jun Hua before and the wound on her left shoulder because Jun Hua used her as a shield before.

Jun Hua had come out from that state, but she still reacted quick enough to evade the girl and stabbed her on between the bones in the stomach. Hurting her, but it will not kill her. Niao screamed and rolled to the side, holding her stomach with disbelieving face.

Den Fay tried to move, but her feet suddenly stabbed from behind. Den Kan had done it.

"Kan'er, why?"

"It should be my question. When you know that I was chased away, why don't you follow me and come to that place?" Den Kan said aggrieved. That time, he had told her to meet with him to run away from this place. Why didn't she follow him?

Den Fay eyes looked around, but she didn't answer. She instead tried to hold the sword back using her wounded arm, but Den Kan kicked the sword away.

Sou looked towards them icily. He had underestimated the ability of that girl. He didn't think that anyone would manage to hold Den Fay for that long to make her act up. He walked forward with his bow ready towards Den Kan.

"She was pregnant 19 years ago."

Den Kan eyes rippled. He turned towards the girl on the side. She was pregnant, was that the reason why she can't leave?

"And the inheritance of X Empire," Jun Hua said slowly. "It requires her to not leave the chamber for 10 months every year."

"What are you talking about? What inheritance?" Den Kan looked towards Jun Hua only to see the latter was still standing albeit with frown on her face and her feet slightly trembling. The fight had taken a bigger toll on her body than what she expected. Her eyes were watching Sou as she uttered the next word slowly.

"The real inheritance of this technique," she answered.

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