I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 7: Chapter 5: Part 1

Book 7: Chapter 5: Part 1

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Chapter 5 Unbeatable Trio




After successfully fulfilling my role as Miu-sans boyfriend, I was once again spending my days in training with Master Usagi.

Of course, Iris-san was also with us, and as usual, the two Holy were giving me difficult training. Im glad to see that both of them had recovered from the attack they received from Avis There were no particular after-effects, and theyre able to fight as they always had. Well, this training was so tough that I didnt even have time to think about it.

Even so, I had recently been able to use the power of Evil more consistently, so I was still training with Master Usagi to make full use of Kuros power.

Yuuya-kun, youre really amazing Youre absorbing more and more of our techniques

Affirmative. Yuuya, youre outrageous. I can never win against you.

Ara? But Yuti-chan has inherited all the Bow Saints techniques, right? Then you still have a fighting chance, dont you?

Negative. The current Yuuya will soon also master my techniques. That will cancel it out. And then he can unleash another Holy technique. There is no way for me to beat Yuuya.

I see.

While Master Usagi and I were fighting, Iris-san and Yuti observed the progress, and Night and Akatsuki were also doing their own training. Night was training to do high-speed attacks while wearing [Magic Attire], and Akatsuki was training to be able to use his skills more extensively.

Ouma-san was sleeping in the house as usual, but there was a new observer of our training starting this time.

Pii, pii!

Ciel, who had recently joined my family, watched the battle between Master Usagi and me, his eyes shining brightly.

He was moving his tiny body as frantically as he could, cheering me on as if to say, Do your best! With such support, I couldnt help but try my best.



With the power of Evil in my body, I deploy [Magic Attire] only on my hands and feet.

Then, while making full use of the steps that Master Usagi taught before, I threw the [Absolute Spear] with all my might. The spears power was so great that it left even the wind behind as it closed in on Master Usagi.

As expected, Master Usagi did not have time to avoid the attack, so he caught the tip of the [Absolute Spear] with both his legs and ears, forcing the attack to deviate from its trajectory.

(Ah! To make this me finally use my ears youve grown a lot!)

[Three Divine Steps]!

My attack did not end with just throwing the [Absolute Spear].

The step that I took when I threw the [Absolute Spear] earlier was a technique that Master Usagi used when he was dealing with the Scythe Saint during Quarros attack. I used that technique to throw the [Absolute Spear] and simultaneously close in on Master Usagis body.

It was only because I had the [Evil Dens Eye] that I was able to recreate this fighting technique.

Once I was in front of Master Usagis chest, I already decided on my next move.

I didnt even give Master Usagi a moment to breathe and unleashed my full power, using Iris-sans signature [Single-Sword Flash] by using the [Item Box] to change my weapon to the [Omni-Sword] immediately.

And then.

Hah hah


The tip of my sword was pointed at Master Usagis neck.

Its a point isnt it?

(Yeah you win.)

No way Usagi lost!

Astonishing. No way!

I was finally able to obtain a point from Master Usagi!


I lay down on the spot and shouted.

Finally I finally scored a point against Master Usagi!

Of course, if i try the same move the next time, it wont work, so I wont be able to repeat this. Still this victory was the best proof that I was growing up.

Master Usagi looked at me with a dumbfounded look.

(Geez even though you got a point I dont know who is actually the winner here.)

Master Usagi was right, I was exhausted, but Master Usagi seemed to have already recovered. I-I knew Master Usagi was too strong

(Well, whatever. Youve won today. So todays training is over. But from tomorrow on, I will be even more strict, okay?)


When I replied while lying down, Ciel flew at me.

Pi! Pii!

Oh? Ciel! Thank you for your support; I could actually feel it.

Pii, pii.

Ciel rubbed his face against my chest as if he was happy to hear my words. H-hes so cute.

(As usual, strange creatures gather in your house.)

I-is that so?

(Thats right.)

Right. Yuuya-kuns house is strange if I just think about it normally, isnt it? To begin with, the place where the house is located is strange


Its not me who built the house, but Sage-san, though.

As we talked, I suddenly remembered the title I had gotten the other day when Avis attacked.

The other day, when Avis attacked, I was defeating the Evil Beasts one after another, and I got the title [Holy King]


No way!

Hearing my words, Master Usagi and Iris-san widened their eyes. A-as I thought, its strange to have this title when Im not even a Holy.

(In order to obtain the Holy King title, you need to have the soul of the Holy in your body, youre not the Holy itself. So why did you)

Eeh? Even if you say so ah! That reminds me, the other day when Iris-san gave me a massage, I got the [Holy Soul] skill

(Hmm? Massage?)

Yu-Yuuya-kun! You must have gotten the Holy Soul by accident! Ah-ahahaha.


W-what is it? If you have something to say, say it clearly!

(No, its okay.)

Master Usagi was being pressured!

When I was surprised by the unusual sight, Iris-san turned her gaze toward me and complained about something but I think it would be better to keep quiet about it.

But, after all, the Holy Soul skill that I acquired at that time must have been related

While feeling the growth of my own body, I was thinking about such things in a carefree manner.

Now, Im here to fulfill my promise, okay?

The voice of the God of Destruction echoed.

Suddenly, the sky turned dark red.




Night and Akatsuki, who were also doing their training, noticed the sudden change in the sky and stopped their training to return to me.

W-what is it? What on earth

When I was startled by the sudden situation, Master Usagi and Iris-san shouted in a hurry.

Whats going on here?

(Theres no way I could have known! Something is coming!)


As I struggled to keep up with this too-rapid development, I saw what looked like a wave of black power approaching my house.


[Holy Sword Barrier]!

([Holy Kicking Wave]! [Holy Ear Impact]!)

The two Holy did not hesitate to unleash their strongest technique, which they had also used when Quarro attacked. Those techniques were their profound skills, and they are also like special moves.

In other words, to suddenly use such a technique meant.

The technique released by the two of them flew out of the barrier of Sage-sans house and collided with the black wave, but It was only able to deviate the trajectory of the black wave slightly.

And the black wave that has deflected landed behind the house. Then a tremendous roar rang out all around.


When I looked at the place where the black wave had landed I couldnt help but exclaim.

The reason was that the forest of the Great Devils Nest that stretched behind my house had been obliterated. Not a single plant or tree remained, and a cruel, desolate clearing spread out.

In the cleared area, there must have been a bunch of special, incredibly tough trees called black hardwood that I had used in my training with Master Usagi. But now, right in front of my eyes, I cant even find any of those trees.

All I could see now was a dead land.

While I was looking at the land in a daze, unable to understand what had happened, Iris-san and Master Usagi fell to their knees.


(Its too much!)

Iris-san, Master Usagi!

As I hurried to rush over to them, Yuti, who was nearby, shouted while staring at the sky.

Detected. Yuuya that guy is here!

That guy?

Geez, what a creepy presence, hey.

Not only did Yuti, but even Kuro inside me woke up and said that, which means!

Hou? So you can handle that attack, huh? It seems that you are more powerful than I expected. Sword Saint, Kicking Saint.

A young man was standing leisurely in the sky above my house.

Yes, it was Avis, the one who had absorbed all the Evil and evolved into the ultimate perfection. The fact that Avis had come here meant that his body had grown accustomed to the complete power of Evil as he mentioned before.

However, from the looks of it, you wont be able to prevent it for the second time, will you? Then lets begin. Die.

As soon as Avis checked on Master Usagi and the others, he once again shot out the same black wave towards them!

I immediately rushed to Master Usagi and Iris-san, who were unable to move from the recoil of the earlier technique. In the meantime, Yuti shot arrows, Night used magic, and Akatsuki intercepted the black wave with his [Sanctuary] skill, but all of them were instantly swallowed.

We cant make it in time!

Iris-san and Master Usagi forcefully stood up and tried to unleash the same technique again, but before they could, the black wave attacked Sage-sans house.



The barrier on Sage-sans house easily blocked even Aviss black wave!

Its not only Avis who is surprised by this sight, but we as well. S-sage-san, you As expected, youre outrageous

Eh? The attack that we could not prevent even with all our might was easily repelled?

Iris-san blinked several times and stared at the sky. Its hard to believe, isnt it?

But Avis didnt give up because of that.

Hou It doesnt work, huh, outsider? But even if its blocked once, Ill just keep attacking until it gets through.

As he said that, he created a large number of black masses that seemed to condense the power of darkness around him and shot them all at once at Sage-sans house.

The power and speed of each shot were tremendous, and there was no way to intercept them in time.


Whats going on?

The barrier of Sage-sans house easily prevented them all.

Avis was surprised at how unexpected this was. H-however, no matter what happened, I could only say that its because Sage-san is amazing.

I was able to get a little mental relief thanks to Sage-sans house, but that was easily blown away by Aviss next words.

Hmm. I dont know what principle you are using to prevent my attack but if youre going to holed up in there I might as well do that.


Its just changing the order of my plan Ill just destroy the Regal and Alceria kingdoms first instead of you.


If you just want to wait here, then fine. I will just burn the sight of your precious human countries falling to your eyes. I can destroy those countries from here, after all.

S-top it!

Do you think anyone would stop if they were told that?

Avis stared at me as if I were a fool and then pointed his palm in the direction of the Alceria and Regal kingdoms. At this rate, that black wave will be unleashed on the two countries!

Now, take a good look at this. This is the true power of Evil!



Avis stopped preparing for the attack and accepted my attack as I threw the [Absolute Spear] with all my might while activating the [Holy Kings Authority].

You.. that power is. the [Holy King]?

Avis was looking surprised with his eyes wide open, but his expression quickly changed to a smile.

Kukuku Kuhahahaha! If I kill you, the Holy King, there will be no one who can stop me! There is no shortage of opponents. Come and fight me!

I dont need to be told!

He might not be the kind of opponent that I could beat, but now that Master Usagi and Iris-san were unable to move due to the recoil from the technique they had unleashed, Im the only one who could fight.

I grasped the [Absolute Spear] that came back to my hand and immediately released the power of [Magic Attire] and Evil to approach Avis.


Hahahahahaha! Come on, bring it on!

Avis didnt even show any signs of running away in response to my attack. Hes just smiling.

And then my full force attack was caught by Aviss one hand.

Hou? Its strange magic, the same power as ours Interesting!



My attack was caught lightly, but that was to be expected. Immediately, the [Omni-Sword] appears in my free left hand, and I slash it at him.

[Single-Sword Flash]!

This is

Avis opened his eyes lightly and caught my attack with his other hand, which was covered with a jet-black mist.

Do you also use the technique of the Sword Saint?

[Flying Heaven]!


I continued to use the technique without replying to Aviss words. Avis now had both of his hands occupied catching my [Absolute Spear] and [Omni-Sword].

Thats why I slammed Master Usagis technique into Aviss body. But just as I was about to do so, Avis covered his body in a black mist, and even my kick was blocked.

In addition, Alvis used the momentum of catching my kick was to make a big leap from the position and created distance.

Kukuku hahahahaha! After the Sword Saint technique, next is the Kicking Saint technique, huh? Youre very versatile, arent you?

Avis smiled fiercely, showing no signs of injury after enduring all my attacks. Then Avis opened his hands and looked down at me coldly.

Next is my turn, okay?


Then the space behind Avis creaked, and several jet-black hazes began to ooze out like black stains. The innumerable black haze produced gradually surrounded me from all directions, and a tremendous amount of jet-black spears were formed from it.



With Avis short command as a signal, countless jet-black spears were unleashed at me.

I desperately tried to block the attacks from all directions using my [Absolute Spear]. However, I was about to be swallowed up by the jet-black spears that were being released in an overwhelming number of moves faster than I could wield the [Absolute Spear].




I activated the [Holy Kings Authority] with all my might and annihilated the jet black spears one after another with a wave of holy power. However, by using the [Holy Kings Authority] now, I ended up with wounds all over my body.

Hahahaha! You still refused to die, huh? Youre pretty tough, arent you?

Avis was staring at me and laughing happily.

If I just keep defending, I will surely die. But theres nothing I can do to damage him.

What on earth should I do?

I was desperately thinking about it, but then something suddenly pulled my ear.

I-it hurts eh, why is Ciel on my shoulder? Stay away from me; its dangerous!

Pii. Piii!


I tried to persuade Ciel who was perched on my shoulder before I even realized it, but Ciel said he was going to defeat that Avis eh!

No, no, no! Ciel has just been born, right? You cant do that!


I tried my best to persuade him, but he just kept chirping as if to say, I will do it! Where did you get this confidence from? 


Aside from me who was surprised, Ciel said to Night and Akatsuki, Senpais will do it too, right? Then, perhaps in response to Ciels voice, Night and Akatsuki also expressed their intentions toward me.



Even Night and Akatsuki?

It seems that both of them were frustrated by the fact that they were outmatched by Avis the other day in the Regal Kingdom, and apparently, they wanted a rematch. No, I understand that they want revenge, but even Master Usagi and the others were no match for Aviss strength!

As I was trying to stop the three of them somehow, Ouma-san came lazily from the house.

Interesting. Why dont you just let them do it?


I, for one, am curious to see how far this species called [Luan] can fight.

F-for that reason only?

Its not just that. Ciel has unknown status and skills. And Ciel himself is so insistent because he thinks he can beat him, right?



In Ouma-sans words, Ciel said, Thats right! Excitedly.

Then, Avis, who was watching us, said with an air of ridicule.

Hah! What can a little bird like that do?


At that moment, Ciel turned back to Avis and answered in a piercing voice, a complete change from his previous cute appearance. The way he looked at Avis was as if he was giving him a huh? look.

U-um Ciel, san?

I was surprised at the sudden change in atmosphere, but he answered me in his same cute voice as before when I called out to him.


It was as if he was saying, Leave it to me Ciel turned to Avis again and flew straight out.



Ciel flew out at Avis shouting, Ill kill you, you bastard! The gap! The gap was just tremendous!

When Night and Akatsuki saw Ciels action, they looked at each other and started running towards Avis at once.



Night! Akatsuki!

I tried to stop them in a panic, but since I hadnt yet regained my strength from activating the [Holy Kings Authority], I couldnt muster the strength to move.

Then, Ouma-san approached me and said in a relaxed manner.

Well, look. Aside from Ciel, Night has the potential to be as powerful as me. And Akatsuki is also one of the few existences that can resist the Evil Dont worry, it will be fine.

Y-you say that, but! Did you see how strong he was in the Regal Kingdom?

Even so, hes still no threat to me. So it will be fine.

It may be so to you, Ouma-san, but!

Its not good, Ouma-san wouldnt listen to me!

While I was holding my head, Ciel finally reached Avis.


Hmph. Youre just as annoying as a fly Die.


At that moment, black waves rained down on Ciel and Night and Akatsuki. Night and Akatsuki managed to avoid the attack, but Ciel received the entire attack. Ciel was blown away like dust and crashed to the ground in misery.

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