I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 7: Chapter 5: Part 2

Book 7: Chapter 5: Part 2

Heres the chapter, enjoy~

Part 2

Ciel! Ouma-san, please stop!

No, not yet.


Ouma-san was staring at Ciel with excitement, so I returned my gaze to Ciel again and saw.

Whats. going on?

Ciels body, which was lying on the ground, was wrapped in blue flames, and the next moment he was restored to an unharmed state.

Aviss eyes widened at the sight of this scene.


I dont know what skill you used, but if it doesnt kill you in one hit, Ill just keep attacking until you die.

Once again, countless attacks rained down on Ciel, Night, and Akatsuki. And this time, Night and Akatsuki were also taking damage.



Night! Akatsuki!


As I desperately tried to move my body to save them, I was met with another strange scene.


The moment Ciel let out a loud chirp in the direction of Night and Akatsuki




To my surprise, both of their bodies were suddenly enveloped in blue flames, and then they started to move again, unharmed.

W-whats going on?

Master Usagi and Iris-san, who were watching the scene, were just as shocked as I was. In the midst of all this, only Ouma-san was smiling happily.

There is only one possible cause for this. Its probably Ciels skills.

C-Ciel skills?

If you only consider the appearance, it is probably the [Blue Flame] skill, but if you look at the effect, it may be [Resurrection]. But thats not the main issue.


Have you noticed? Ciel is much stronger after he is resurrected compared to when he is first knocked down.


Its the same with Night and Akatsuki. For some reason, they are stronger after they recover than before.

Y-you cant be serious

As I watched Ciel and the others in dismay, Ciel, Night and Akatsuki all attacked Avis and were blown away by the powerful attacks each time. However, each time they recovered with the mysterious blue flame and went at it again and again.

As a result, Ciel died and came back to life like a phoenix, and each time he resurrected, the flames grew in intensity, and now he was so hot and bright that he looked like a miniature sun.

W-whats going on? Why isnt he dead? And whats with the heat?

What Ouma-san described was right. For some reason, Ciel and the others were getting stronger and stronger every time they were wounded and revived. Eventually, even if Avis attacked them, they did not sustain a single scratch.



Avis was struck on the cheek by Ciels small but scorching hot wings and was blown away with tremendous force. As Avis flew away, the appearance of a gigantic Akatsuki intercepted him.



Akatsuki knocked down the flying Avis with astonishing power.



Night, who was waiting on the ground, bit Avis as he was slammed into the ground with great force, and then violently swung him around and threw him high into the sky. Avis was unable to move in the air with his body already in tatters and could only scream.

Its ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous! This is not real! Ive absorbed all the power of Evil and become the perfect God of Destruction! And still that little bird.



As Ciel reached the top of Aviss head with a chirp that sounded as if it was saying, Shut up! he struck Avis down to the ground again with his small but sun-like glowing talons. This is not real, is it?

N-no way T-this me was!




With a grin, Night and Akatsuki approach Avis, who had crashed onto the ground. Avis let out a short scream and crawled along the ground to escape somehow, but Ciel landed blocking his way.

Pii? Pi?

Where do you think youre going? Huh? Said Ciel in an intimidating tone, with a voice so dusky that even professionals in the field would rave about it. Ciel walked up to Avis.

S-stop it. stop p-please stop.





Literally ripped to shreds, Avis finally let out a loud scream and stopped moving before quietly disappearing from Akatsukis [Sanctuary] skill.

As I watched in dismay, a message suddenly appeared.

Youve earned the title [Master of the Divine Beasts]

What can I say? I was so fed up with the whole thing.

(This is not real, is it?)

After Ciel and the others defeated Avis, Master Usagi asked, but unfortunately, it was all real.

(Its just not right! Its Evil, you know!? Its the nemesis of the Holy and the enemy of all humanity! In addition to that, he was a ridiculous guy who absorbed the other Evils and became the ultimate perfection! And its not even a Holy being that destroyed it? Do you have any idea how crazy that sounds?)




For some reason, Ciel was twisting around in my hands as if to say, Im embarrassed in reaction to Master Usagis words. However, Night and Akatsuki seemed to be somewhat apologetic.

(T-this is how it ends! Moreover, the fact that he was a perfect Evil!)

No Evil will be born for tens of thousands of years from now.


When Ouma-san said that, Master Usagi showed his rarely seen wild behavior. I was somehow very sorry about all this

What on earth do you have to lament about? For you people, Evil is the enemy, isnt it? If thats the case, shouldnt you be happy that it was destroyed?

(I understand that! But if thats the case, what will be the significance of our existence as the Holy?)

I dont know. Its your fault for being weak.


No, Ouma-san. Master Usagi is not weak. Hes very strong, so its actually strange that Ouma-san is much stronger than him

As my feelings were indescribable, I suddenly noticed that Iris-san had remained silent.

Worried. Are you okay?

Yeah, Im fine. Im just wondering what Ive been working so hard for Thats whats on my mind

She wasnt okay, was she?

Like Master Usagi, Iris-san has also worked hard to protect humans from Evil. Its probably because of this staggering end that she cant get her mind straight. Dont worry; I havent been able to keep up with it either!

However, Ciel, the person in question, has been glued to me since a while ago, rubbing his body against mine as if to say, Praise me, praise me. Hes so cute.

When I looked at Ciel and relaxed my cheeks, Ouma-san continued in a dumbfounded manner.

Good grief the Holy of this generation is pathetic. You should learn from the Sage. He destroyed all of the Evil by himself, you know?

Wait. I cant see any end to the saga of Sage-san. Isnt Sage-san still too absurd?

Then, at Ouma-sans word Sage, Iris-sans eyes widened.

Sage, you mean that sage?

Hmph. There is only one Sage for me. In fact, I wouldnt even call anyone else a Sage. Anyway, when he was alive, he took care of all the responsibilities of the Holy by himself.

One person, to do all the Holy?

Really, Sage-san, you can do anything.

Master Usagi and Iris-san were amazed, but knowing that the house belonged to Sage-san and that the weapons I usually use belonged to Sage-san, it was too late for me to be surprised.

Ouma-san was talking about the greatness of Sage-san, but then he suddenly seemed to notice something.

Hmm? Wait a minute. He certainly had all the titles of the Holy. Then he must have had the same title as Yuuya: the [Holy King]. Could it be that the [Luan] that I saw at the time was his?

Ouma-san was surprised by this fact and looked at Ciel closely.


However, Ciel doesnt seem to understand whats going on and just tilted his head.

As Ouma-san said, if Sage-san had all the titles of Holy, then, of course, he would have had the title of [Holy King], which I now have.

I see. I dont know if its a different individual from Ciel or not, I dont know the details, but I think a [Luan] may have guided Sage-san.

Well, whatever. Anyway, there is no doubt that it will take tens of thousands of years for an existence like Evil to be born again this time, but even so, malice will be born in the world every day, and Evil Beasts will manifest themselves as a result. You havent finished your role as a Holy yet. Isnt it?


(Its just like the Genesis Dragon said. In any case, Im grateful that the Evil is gone. From now on, its our responsibility as the Holy to reduce the damage caused by Evil Beasts as much as possible.)

Yes. They still need our help, dont they?

Iris-san and Master Usagi, who had finally regained their energy, looked over at us.

I would like to thank you again. Thanks to you, the Evil has been destroyed. Thank you.

(I thank you too for what youve done. From now on, Ill be working with the rest of the Holy to exterminate the Evil Beasts.)

If thats the case, you should let the surviving Holy and their successors know about this.

(I dont think theyll believe me.)

Well but you dont usually joke around, so Im sure everything will be fine.

(I hope youre right So, Yuuya. Were leaving for now. Now that the Evil is gone, there may be no reason for you to continue seeking power Nevertheless, until the next time we meet, you must continue your training. Do you understand?)

Oh, and my training, too, okay? Even though Ive found someone to marry ugh.

I nodded to Master Usagi and to Iris-san, who was crying for some reason.

Of course. Now that the Evil is gone, Im going to try a lot of things to make sure I can use the [Holy Kings Authority].

(Umu Thats right; you should tell the people in the Regal Kingdom and the Alceria Kingdom yourself regarding this.)

I understand.

(See you.)

See you later, Yuuya-kun! Ill come back to see you when Im done with my business!

After saying that, Master Usagi and Iris-san departed in high spirits.

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