Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 742 Release

The night was silent, save for the rustling of leaves, as Mira's eyes continued to bore into the spot where the beast had vanished. The monstrous entity had left nothing but confusion, anger, and a lingering threat in its wake. The battlefield, once soaked in gore and chaos, now lay eerily quiet, the remnants of the beasts gone as if they were never there.

Mira's breathing was heavy, her mind a storm of conflicting emotions. Rhydian, sensing the change, slowly approached. The rage that had fueled her through the battle began to wane, replaced by concern.

"...Mira?" she ventured, her voice barely above a whisper.

No response came. Mira's gaze remained fixed on the emptiness, her body rigid.

"Mira!" Rhydian snapped, louder this time, her hand reaching to grasp Mira's shoulder.

Mira's head snapped around at the touch, her eyes wild and unfocused. The connection between them sparked, and for a moment, Rhydian was immersed in a flood of raw emotion: fury, confusion, and something deeper, something that cut to the core of Mira's being, but she couldn't figure out what.

It took everything in Rhydian's power not to recoil. She tightened her grip, grounding herself and Mira with her presence.

"Beast… gone," she said firmly, her voice as smooth as she could make it.

Mira blinked, her eyes finally focusing on Rhydian. She had been so consumed with emotions she didn't even know she had that she tuned everything else out. However, she didn't say a word even after Rhydian woke her up.

That beast, not only did its actions remind her of a "certain someone", but its words and the way it left really struck a nerve. She felt like she had been seen right through, and the beast took advantage of that to make her as angry and emotional as possible.

'No, perhaps all of this was a test so that it can get a grasp of my personality and annoy the hell out of me.' Mira speculated. She didn't have any proof, nor did she know its motives, but she was sure it just wanted to fuck with her.

An experienced warrior could get a grasp of someone's personality just by watching them fight. A lot is told through one's movements, microexpressions, killing intent, ferocity, and even one's weapon and affinity.

While it would be impossible to put together a detailed description of someone based on those aspects, a general understanding is certainly attainable. Combined with those questions and her reactions…

'Fucking bastard.'

Without giving the empty spot another glance, she turned around and walked toward the Sect. Rhydian, sensing that Mira had gathered her bearings, followed right behind her.

The cheering reached their ears long before they came into view of the sect grounds. The Battle Maiden Sect was ablaze with light and sound as disciples celebrated their hard-fought victory. The scent of roasting meat and the sweet tang of fruit mingled in the air, an impromptu feast laid out to honor the fighters.

Mira's eyes were drawn to the sight, but it was as if she was seeing everything through a glass wall. She could see the excitement, the laughter, the tears of relief. She could hear the cheers, shared stories, and joyful cries. Yet, it all felt far away, as if she were watching a play on a stage.

The emotions swirled around her, but none of it touched her. She was an island in a sea of joy and relief, isolated by her own thoughts and the beast's words and actions.

She had forgotten how human camaraderie felt. The shared pain, the shared triumph. Her many lives had robbed her of such trivial human experiences, replacing them with a cycle of rebirth, destruction, and isolation.

Her steps slowed as the reality of the situation dawned on her, the beast's words echoing in her mind. Perhaps she really was more like them, a beast cloaked in a human's form. A predator amidst the prey, hidden by her own deceptions.

While she never really cared about her humanity, race, or species in the first place, as she was still the same person after she died, that didn't mean she wanted to be a mindless beast. But maybe she wasn't suited to live in civilized societies like this.

No, she knew she wasn't suited for this kind of environment. If anything, she thrived more when alone in the wilderness, where only she was to blame if something bad happened.

Then, why did she agree to join the Battle Maiden Sect years ago?

Honestly, Mira didn't know the answer to that question.

Shaking her head, Mira tried to push these thoughts away.  I think you should take a look at

'First Maria, and now even that lizard shit is affecting me? What the hell is going on? Did some asshole cast a curse on me?' She inwardly grumbled while walking back to her residence, where Hana was sleeping soundly.

The night was wearing on, but neither the fatigue nor the shadows did anything to slow Mira's agitation. Her emotions were like a storm, roiling within her, and she needed an outlet.

They reached their residence, and Mira's steps faltered for a moment as she glanced at Hana's room, where the child was safely tucked in bed. Then, she turned to Rhydian, her eyes dark and intense.

"Let's spar," she said. Her voice was tight, the words a barely-contained explosion of tension. It wasn't a question but an order.

Rhydian's eyes widened for a moment, but understanding soon replaced her surprise. She could feel the turmoil within Mira, the raw aggression that begged for release. There was no refusing this. Rhydian could only nod and follow Mira to an isolated place where they could fight.

Towering trees surrounded the secluded clearing, their dark forms looming like silent spectators. The ground was packed earth, perfect for their purpose. Moonlight filtered through the leaves, casting an ethereal glow over the scene.

Without a word, Mira took her stance, her eyes fixed on Rhydian. The beast companion, though new to her human form, mirrored her, standing tall and ready.

The fight that unfolded in the isolated clearing was anything but a mere spar. It was a clash of wills, a brutal dance that pushed both Mira and Rhydian to their limits.

Mira's movements were a storm of ferocity, driven by emotions that had been pent up for too long. Her fists and feet flew with a lethal grace, a blur of power that Rhydian had to meet with equal force. The air reverberated with the impact of flesh on flesh, the sound echoing like a drumbeat that resonated with the primal force within them.

Rhydian, still adjusting to her human form, moved with a wild fluidity that belied her inexperience. Her regeneration kept up with Mira's relentless assault, healing bruises and cuts as quickly as they appeared. Yet, there was a limit to what she could endure, and Mira seemed determined to find it.

For hours, they fought, neither giving an inch. Sweat and blood mixed on their skin, painting a vivid picture of their struggle. Mira's eyes were alight with a savage joy, a spark that seemed to ignite something within Rhydian as well.

They were no longer master and beast companion. Under the watchful eyes of the moon and stars, they were challengers where one wrong move could bring disastrous consequences.

With a powerful lunge, Mira drove a fist into Rhydian's side, and the beast companion staggered, grimacing in pain. But she was far from defeated. With a snarl, she retaliated, her leg sweeping out to catch Mira's, causing the warrior to stumble.

The fight was growing more intense, more brutal as if they were trying to kill each other. The line between sparring and a true battle was blurring, but neither seemed to care. This was what they needed – a release for Mira's frustration and a baptism by fire for Rhydian's new form.

Mira's attacks became more focused, more precise. She wasn't simply beating up Rhydian; she was educating her, teaching her through pain and exertion. Her movements were a lesson in mastery, an unspoken guide to the art of unarmed combat.

Rhydian absorbed it all, her body adapting, learning from Mira's expertise. Her responses became sharper, her strikes more powerful. Yet, the more she grew, the harder Mira pushed her.

Finally, as the first light of dawn began to creep through the trees, Rhydian's regeneration could no longer keep up with Mira's rough treatment. A particularly brutal blow sent her crashing to the ground, her body aching and unable to rise.

"Enough!" she gasped, her voice ragged.

Mira's eyes were still ablaze with that fierce intensity, but she stopped, her body tensing as if unwilling to cease the battle.

They stood there, panting, their bodies battered and bruised. The silence of the night returned, the rustling of the leaves the only sound to break the stillness.

In the hushed stillness of the dawn, Mira's frenzied gaze gradually softened, and the storm that had been raging within her seemed to calm. She stood over Rhydian, her breath ragged, the weight of her emotions still heavy but no longer threatening to consume her. The fire in her eyes died down, leaving a look of exhaustion and reflection.

Rhydian struggled to her feet, her body sore but her spirit unbroken. 

The silence lingered, filled with unspoken thoughts, until finally, Mira gave her a nod and said, "From now on, we do this every day until you evolve from a punching bag to a beginner."

Rhydian fell back down to the ground, her eyes wide in despair as a crack formed in her 'unbroken spirit'.

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