Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 743 Ra'az; Next Phase

Last night, while Mira was fighting against the scaly beasts. On top of the mountain, overlooking everything, Aelina watched everything that happened around her Sect with a slight smile on her face.

"Hmmm?" She suddenly sensed an amount of energy being released and glanced in that direction, only to see a scaly beast with red murderous eyes. Although she couldn't gain a full picture of the beast, she immediately knew who it was and frowned. 

"Ra'az…" That name left a bitter taste in her mouth, but she also relaxed, knowing she didn't have to swoop in and save Mira.

Just like humans had some eccentric old people amongst them, so too did the beasts, and Ra'az was one of them. However, he was by far the most eccentric one she'd ever met. 

Most beasts, no matter how strong, didn't like talking or interacting with humans all that much. It wasn't that there was an innate hate toward them, though some beasts definitely had that, it was more like the cultures and societies just didn't mix well.

In a human city, most people respected one another, even if there was a strength gap. Plenty of people still abused their strength on those weaker than them, but the majority just wanted to coexist.

However, beast societies were different. There was a strict hierarchical system. The strongest reigned at the top, and those weaker had to obey them absolutely. They could fight it out or run away if they didn't like that. It was a messed up system, but they lived in a place where only strength mattered.

Separating into Beast Clans definitely helped with some of the in-fighting, but only to a certain extent.

That was just one of the reasons humans and beasts didn't match. The other, more important one, was that they were too different physiologically.

Because of those reasons, and some more nuanced ones, most people never got to have any real conversations with beasts. 

However, Ra'az was an exception. He was as curious as a cat. As sly as a fox and as slimy as a snake. But, more importantly, he was bored! Very bored!

He's long since reached the peak of his potential, but due to his cultivation and bloodline, he will still live for many more millennia despite being so old. 

Thus, since he's not cultivating, he needs some way to spend his time. 

Aelina has, unfortunately, had the displeasure of meeting that unpleasant creature on several occasions. 

"So, that shifty chameleon has decided to come out for a stroll, huh? Well, not that that's surprising. I did make a bit of noise, after all." She muttered, a smile returning to her face, only for a glint to pass through her eyes.

'Maybe I should pay him a visit. Ah~~ What I'd do for a bloodline like that!' Just thinking about it, a hint of killing intent leaked out of her eyes. 

But… that was all the scaly creature needed to understand he was in danger and dipped out of there like a rat that's been caught by a cat, leaving behind one angry Mira.

"Tch. His senses are still annoyingly sharp." She clicked her tongue in annoyance, but it wasn't like she didn't expect this.

Aelina, to this day, still didn't know what kind of bloodline he had or what creature he was, but considering how long he's lived, how strong he is, and the fact that she's never been able to capture him…

She wanted it. She really wanted it.

"One of these days, I'll lock that bastard in a cage that even he won't be able to escape from." She'd been working on one for a while now but has had no such luck. 

Shifting her eyes to Mira, an idea formed in her mind, but she shook her head before she could go down that rabbit hole.

"No, it's too early to deploy the bait when I don't even have the trap set." She said but still kept the thought in the back of her mind.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Aelina realized that the whole fiasco tonight was coming to a close.

With a wave of her hand, Luo Chen and Zhang Yun, who were sweating profusely in another room, were teleported in front of her.  I think you should take a look at

Realizing that they were powerless against her, they were once again dumbfounded by her power, which was only secondary to their fear.

"It seems you two have many thoughts regarding how I run my Sect." Her gentle voice enveloped the room like a warm blanket, but to them, it was more like a demonic screech. Their hearts dropped to the pit of their stomachs hearing that, and they each took a large, dry gulp, thinking very carefully about their next words.

"N-No, Ma'am! We-We would never!" Luo Chen sputtered out, his body shaking uncontrollably.

"Th-That's right! We don't have any thoughts in our brains! In fact, we don't even have brains! Just peanuts! Peanuts and muscles!" Zhang Yun frantically added but immediately realized how stupid he sounded and paled in fright. "Ah-! I mean-!"

"Enough." Aelina raised her hand and declared, silencing them. With the other, she rubbed the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache coming on.

'Should I just kill these idiots?' She seriously wondered, but doing so brought her no benefit, so she shut that idea down.

"Haaa… Never mind that." Aelina said, causing the two of them to release a deep breath. "Just go back to your families and spread the word of what you saw today. Tell everyone you know about how crazy the beasts were."

Just as they were about to open their mouths to agree, Aelina interrupted and tossed them a Spatial Ring with Peak-Stage Spirit Stones, Heaven and Mystical Grade herbs, treasures, and weapons.

"This is payment for your work today and also about how much those beast carcasses you killed would've sold for. I'll send an Elder over to your families soon in case you want to continue doing business with us." 

Their eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, looking at the items in the ring. This was enough. No, more than enough to cover the costs of everything they might've lost (even though they didn't have any intention of keeping the corpses).

The two of them weren't stupid and understood Aelina's underlying words. 

'She wants us to spread the word that she's buying beast corpses, and for a great price too!' 

"Of course, we'd be honored to continue doing business with you, Sect Master Aelina!" Luo Chen bowed.

"That's right! That's right! How could we, lowly people, turn down such an enticing offer?" Zhang Yun nodded his head and bowed as well.

"Mmm. Good." Aelina nodded indifferently, then waved her hand. "If that's all, then you may go."

"Thank you, Sect Master Aelina!"

"Praise thee, Sect Master! We definitely won't let you down!"

With that said, those two bowed once again before racing out of the building, afraid that Aelina would kill them if they stayed any longer.

Aelina sighed once again, glad to have those two clowns gone, but the slight smile on her face widened. 

'With Mira's garden doing so well, producing so many resources, once word starts to spread of what I had given those two, it won't be long before this place is swarmed with people. Fufufu~' She chuckled, her eyes curving into crescents.

But this was only the next stage of their plan.

Taking out a talisman, Aelina injected some Qi into it and said, "Spread the word. Once people start moving, begin the next phase."

Then, the talisman crumbled into pieces, disappearing with the wind. She may not have gotten confirmation from the other side, but she knew they had received her message.

"Now, all that's left is to sit back and wait." She chucked as she relaxed in her chair. 

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