Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 759 Prime Disciple Competition: Visions

The dense fog that enveloped the island seemed to wrap around Mira as soon as she set foot on its terrain. Every direction appeared the same, and there was no discernible path ahead. But instead of feeling disoriented, there was an unusual sense of nostalgia that washed over her.

Mira began to walk, allowing her instincts to guide her through the veil. With each step, the mists seemed to part slightly, revealing snippets of memories.

It started with the birth of a being… a fox. The sky had lit up, a massive amount of Qi had surrounded the creature, and eventually, it turned into what is commonly known today as a fox. 

The growth of the fox was slow. It could only rely on itself, but with the abundance of Qi, treasures, and freedom, it spent most of its time testing the limits of its body. 

Alongside the birth of the fox, other beasts like it started appearing, beings started evolving, and the world entered an era of growth and competition. Due to this, the fox had to adapt. 

As it tested the strengths and weaknesses of its body, the fox learned that much of its power was within its tail, heart, and mind. Thus, that's where it accumulated its energy. It had also begun creating pathways from those sources to better control said energy.

Things like Beast Cores didn't exist back then, and neither did the standard cultivation systems that are around today. It wasn't until humans entered the scene and started rising up in the world did they realize how beneficial having a central energy source could be.

However, since the fox could only stumble its way through, it sought the most efficient way to increase its strength while also accumulating energy. For beasts, physical strength was way more important to them than control over the elements, but the fox, with its naturally superior intelligence, understood the importance of Qi.

It knew that if it could find a way to increase its physical strength alongside the amount of energy, it'd have an edge over the rest of the competition. 

Unfortunately, the 'container' was only so big. It could condense the Qi inside its body, but there was still a problem with the 'container' being too small and weak.

The solution? 

Create more tails!

Through countless trials, use of wits, cunning, experimentation, failures, and evolutions, it had somehow found a way to increase not only the number of tails but also its size, strength, and even new ways to use Qi. But, it wasn't the only one who had accomplished similar or more amazing feats. 

After a certain period of time, all beasts understood that with a bigger size, they could store more energy, and with more energy, they could get much stronger.

Many years later, after the fox had created a foothold in this world and amassed a total of 8 tails, it decided to mate with another fox-like beast to spread its lineage before it tried creating the 9th. 

After many more years, after the competition for the 'peak species' ended, the fox finally felt that it could go into seclusion and work on the 9th tail. Due to all the treasures it hoarded, the energy it accumulated, and the knowledge it had gained, the process was relatively smooth. 

However, as soon as it finished, a portal opened up in the sky, and it was transferred to another realm, leaving its lineage and legacy behind. 

The mists around Mira continued to part as she delved deeper into the island. The narrative of the first fox was impressive, a testament to the determination of a single being to change the world and rise above its peers. As the last of the story revealed the fox's abrupt departure, Mira felt a pang of sorrow. The fox's quest for power, while commendable, came at the cost of its connection to its family and lineage.

It was almost similar to… her reincarnations.

'How peculiar.' Mira thought but didn't think much of it. It was probably just her being overly emotional again, which seemed to have become more frequent after her last visit with Maria.

As Mira continued her journey, more visions emerged, painting a story of the descendants left behind. They were in a world without their progenitor, left with a legacy of power and wisdom but no guidance. These foxes banded together, creating a community that venerated the first fox's memory. They worked to understand the knowledge it left behind, developing techniques and pathways based on ancestral tales. 

However, as with any legacy, power struggles emerged. Different factions formed, each interpreting the fox's teachings differently. Rifts were created, with some foxes looking outside the Clan to see how the other species were cultivating. 

Battles and feuds became common, threatening to tear apart the very fabric of their society.

In one vision, a young fox bearing a striking resemblance to Mira in her first life, with soft brown fur, almond-shaped eyes, and ocean-blue irises, stood atop a hill overlooking a battle below. 

This fox, realizing the futility of the infighting, decided to intervene. Using the ancient techniques passed down, she united the foxes, emphasizing the importance of unity and collective growth.

Inspired by this vision, Mira felt a weight on her shoulders. The infighting among the foxes mirrored the current conflicts within the Nine-Tailed Fox clans. Their shared ancestry and the potential for collective growth were being overshadowed by petty squabbles.

However, the trial was not yet over.

As Mira reached the heart of the island, she was met with a colossal statue of the first fox, its nine tails fanned out majestically. At its base, an inscription read:

"To the heir of the legacy, prove your worth."

Suddenly, the statue animated, its eyes glowing with an ethereal light. The ancestral fox, its form magnified and empowered by the Qi of the island, confronted Mira. 

In an instant, it unleashed a burst of primal energy onto Mira, suffocating her. 

"Oof!" All the air escaped her lungs as she was forced to sit on the ground due to the immense pressure. Primal Energy soon entered her body and started causing havoc rapidly. 

Coughing up a mouthful of blood, Mira's eyes narrowed.

'Fuck! I have to do something!'

Mira's vision blurred as the force of the primal energy threatened to overwhelm her senses. Every fiber of her being screamed in agony as it felt like a thousand daggers were piercing through her simultaneously. The weight of the energy, ancient and raw, threatened to rip her very essence apart.

Her instincts screamed at her to fight back, to retaliate, but the primal force wasn't something she could just push away. It wasn't just about sheer power but also understanding and control.

Gasping for breath, the memories of the foxes from before flashed through her mind. They, too, had faced countless trials, just as she was now. They were thrown into situations where sheer might was not the answer, where understanding and intuition played the biggest roles.

Mira's mind raced back to the vision of the young fox that resembled her first reincarnation. How had she united the divided clans? It wasn't just by power; it was by tapping into the ancient teachings and pathways left behind. Using the legacy to draw strength.

The statue of the ancestral fox was not just testing her strength but her ability to use and understand the memories. The energy it unleashed was not to defeat her but to see if she could harness and control it, just like the original fox had.

With fierce determination, Mira began redirecting the overwhelming energy. Remembering the pathways she saw in her visions, she began guiding the primal energy toward the base of her spine. Like a river finding its course, the energy started to flow in the direction she intended.

She visualized her tails, the very embodiment of her power and lineage, and focused on their connection to her core. The energy surged, streaming down her spine, pooling where her body and tails met.

With each passing second, the pain lessened. The once chaotic energy started to harmonize with her own body. She didn't feel a significant difference, but she did feel a bit more in tune with her beastly side.

Sweat poured down Mira's forehead, her breathing gradually steadied, and the once oppressing aura around her started to dissipate. Slowly, she regained control over her limbs, managing to stand upright once more.

The colossal statue reverted to its dormant state, but now its eyes bore a soft, approving glow. The previous inscription morphed, revealing a new message:

"To the heir who understands and harnesses, the world is yours to shape."

Exhausted but triumphant, Mira let out a deep breath. She had not only survived the trial but had come out of it with a deeper understanding of her legacy and the primal energy that her ancestors once wielded.

'So, it seems that there is something to learn from those visions.' Mira thought, both amused and inquisitive, about how the ancients really cultivated. 

'I wonder what's next.' Her eyes shone with excitement, ready for the next challenge.

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