Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 760 Prime Disciple Competition: Statues

As Mira's heart rate steadied, the dense fog that had enveloped the island began to slowly retract around her, revealing the vibrant world that lay hidden within. Ancient structures, looking as though they were shaped from the very bedrock of the island itself, stood tall around her. They bore intricate carvings of foxes in various poses, some combative, some serene, all carrying a certain aura of reverence.

The aura that the colossal fox statue emitted was beyond what she had felt before. With the trial over, the surroundings had an almost serene calmness, making the previous violent confrontation seem like a distant nightmare.

Mira gazed at the statue. "So, you were testing me, huh," she whispered, not expecting a response.

To her astonishment, a voice, gentle and ancient, responded in her mind. "Every legacy requires an heir who not only wields its power but understands its depths."

Mira, however, shrugged indifferently, "It's not that hard to figure out when you basically give me the answer."

"No answer was given. A path must be forged yourself. Take what you have seen and create something unique." It replied, its eyes turning dim afterward.

Mira stared at the statue, wondering if something was going to happen, but sensing no more energy emanating from it, she shook her head and walked away.

'Is it telling me that I need to follow the path of the ancients?' Mira speculated. She understood what it meant, but at the same time, she didn't.

The fox she saw in her vision, while not overly vivid, showed her focusing on focusing on the parts of her body that made her a fox. So, was she supposed to do the same, considering she was a fox? Half fox? 

Or was it telling her to find what was unique about herself and continue forward, starting from the base of her tails?

'Tsk.' She clicked her tongue, her brows creasing. 'Fucking old people and their riddles.'

However, while she would rather the message be direct, there was still one crucial problem. 

She needed that energy that poured out of the statue to continue! 

It was similar to but different than Qi. It was purer but, at the same time, fierce. Unlike Qi, which was filled with the impurities of the outside world yet much calmer. The other difference that she noticed was that one was more like an easily-controllable energy meant for accumulation, while the other affected physical strength more than anything.

Looking around the floating island, which was now clearer, Mira came to a realization.

'Perhaps, the point of this island is to find as many of those statues as possible and follow the ancient's techniques. Only once that's completed will we be able to move on to the next section.' 

She had already tried penetrating the mist with her Soul Sense, but she couldn't see a centimeter through it, much less hundreds of kilometers. Not to mention, the fog cleared up a little after she absorbed all the Primal Energy from one of the statues.

'What do you think, Elenei? Do you want to absorb some of this energy?' Mira asked. 

"YES!" Elenei screamed, jolting Mira before a large Draco-Phoenix emerged in front of her.

Over the time Elenei was away, she was only able to cultivate to Low-Stage Rank 5, much to her dismay. Though, that was mostly due to the slight change in her cultivation system. 

While she still followed the same system that other beasts follow, hers was slightly different. Other beasts just had to absorb energy and let their bloodlines do the rest. They didn't need to actively manipulate and cultivate said energy.

However, Elenei was different. She didn't have those instincts that were written in her genetic code. Instead, she had to, in a way, create them. 

Except now, she was searching for them.

After breaking through to Rank 5, she spent most of her time trying to awaken the memories of her bloodline. Or, what she liked to call, the Spirit of her bloodline. Awakening those memories, those instincts would help guide her on what path to take since she basically had the freedom to do whatever she wanted. Just like the first Dragon and Phoenix.

So, it was no wonder she'd be excited about being able to use the same energy that her predecessors used to become the myths they are today.

Surprised at how enthusiastic Elenei was, Mira nodded, "Alright. Go do what you need to do."

"Okay! Later!" Elenei kept her goodbyes short, flapped her wings, and shot like a bullet into the mist.

With Elenei's departure, Mira set her sights on discovering more statues. The island, though vast, was dotted with the remnants of an ancient civilization. So, it didn't take her long to find more. 

Most of them were just small statues, ones that weren't foxes, sometimes not even beasts or people, just large monolithic-like rocks. All she had to do to take their Primal Energy was put her hands on it, inject a bit of Qi, and it would flow into her. 

All of the Primal Energy she obtained went straight to the spot between her spine and the base of her tails. As she collected more energy, that part of her seemed to become more… connected? It was like she had better control over her tails, as well as the energy inside them.

As she tread deeper into the island, she began to sense the presence of others, both humans and beasts, who had likely undergone similar trials as hers. 

This was further confirmed when she was suddenly ambushed by a snarling tiger, its fur dappled with glowing markings. Not far behind were a few warriors, their eyes intent on removing the competition and collecting her token.

Using her improved control over her tails, Mira pummeled them into submission without much effort. The beasts lay lifeless, while the humans, though spared, were left unconscious and without their Sect tokens.

Continuing her journey, Mira encountered several more of these adversaries, each with the same idea – eliminate competition. Every encounter, however, ended in her favor.

Hours passed by, and eventually, she stumbled upon a clearing where a majestic statue of a giant elephant stood. This one, much grander than the others she had seen, had an ethereal glow and was surrounded by a diverse group of challengers, both humans and beasts. They had formed a wary truce, waiting for someone to make the first move.

All of them had tried placing their hands on the statue but were unable to absorb even an ounce of its energy. At the same time, ever since they entered its vicinity, they were unable to leave.

Mira observed the situation, sensing the lingering frustration in the air. The challengers in the clearing were powerful, and the fact that none of them had been able to draw energy from the statue indicated its special significance. With cautious steps, she entered the clearing, sensing wary eyes watching her every move.

One of the challengers, a tall woman with raven-black hair and striking emerald eyes, stepped forward. "Don't even try," she sneered, her voice dripping with condescension. "Many of us have attempted to draw from the statue's energy, and all have failed. What makes you think you can succeed?"

Mira remained unfazed, replying calmly, "Because I'm not like you." The woman's face turned unsightly, but she just snorted coldly and returned to her position.

Without hesitation, Mira approached the statue. As she neared it, an overwhelming surge of energy coursed through her. It wasn't a threatening sensation but one of acceptance. Gently placing her hands on the statue, she began to channel her Qi, intertwining it with the pure Primal Energy.

However, like the rest, she also wasn't able to absorb any of it.

Frowning for a moment, Mira tried again, but no matter what she did, nothing happened.

"See?" The black-haired woman chuckled, "Looks like you aren't any diff-"


A torrent of Primal Energy shot out of the statue, putting a mountain of pressure on everyone.

The entire clearing became the epicenter of a hurricane of raw power. The Primal Energy that had once been inert inside the statue now became a raging tempest, creating gusts that upturned the surrounding soil and sent the challengers scrambling for cover.

The pressure emitted from the statue was nothing short of crushing. 

One by one, the beasts and humans felt their knees buckle under the weight. The sound of cracking bones filled the air, combined with agonized cries as their bodies began to give in to the pressure. 

Yet, the statue showed no signs of relenting. In fact, the energy it was releasing only intensified with each passing moment.

The black-haired woman, who had previously taunted Mira, was now gasping for breath, her face pale and drenched in sweat. Her legs shook uncontrollably, and her body began to bend under the oppressive force. 

Nearby, a fierce-looking lion whose mane had once sparkled with an ethereal light now lay prostrate, its massive frame trembling under the relentless pressure.

It seemed as though the statue was intentionally pushing everyone to their breaking point, seeking to separate the weak from the worthy.

Yet, amidst the overwhelming force, a single figure stood defiant and untouched. 

Mira, her face showing a hint of strain and drops of sweat dotting her brow, remained upright and unfazed. Her stance was firm, and her gaze unwavering as she stared directly into the eyes of the elephant statue.

With every individual that succumbed to the pressure and fell, the energy in the area intensified, focusing more on those who were still standing. Resounding cracks reverberated through the area as the pressure crushed everyone who couldn't stand the pressure into meat paste.

Until finally, it was only Mira left, bearing the brunt of the entire force. But she held on, her strength undiminished.

As if acknowledging her resilience and spirit, the statue emitted a final, resounding boom that reverberated across the entire island. 

A blinding light enveloped the clearing, and the relentless pressure that had been bearing down suddenly stopped. The storm of energy then converged into a single stream and rushed toward Mira.

Without a moment of hesitation, she opened herself up to it, allowing the Primal Energy to flood into her. 

For a moment, it flooded her section at the base of her tails, but due to how much she had absorbed prior, that filled up quickly.

Now, there was all this excess energy left without a goal, rampaging inside her body. 

'Ugh! Fuck! Not again!' Mira cursed, throwing up blood as she hurriedly thought of a solution. 

Send it to her mind? Hell no! She didn't want to die!

Heart? Maybe, but that still seemed too risky. 

Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

'My core!' 

Not only was her core incredibly strong, but her Chaotic Silk meridians could hold any type of energy! With the help of them, she'd be able to gain control over the energy faster.

With this realization, Mira began channeling the unbridled force of the Primal Energy toward her core. 

Initially, it resisted, trying to meander through other paths, wreaking havoc on its way. But with her fierce determination, she forcibly directed it through the Chaotic Silk meridians, using their unique structure to mitigate the turbulence and gradually pacify the stormy energy.

As the energy flowed into her core, Mira felt an intense heat spreading across her body. It wasn't a burning sensation but rather a warm embrace, like the morning sun kissing her skin. Her core, which had always been the center of her strength, now pulsed with even greater vitality. She could even sense the Primal Energy partially merging with her Qi, harmonizing and amplifying its potency.

Slowly, the chaotic rush of the Primal Energy eased, settling into a rhythmic pulsation that synchronized with her heartbeat. 

The overwhelming power that had once threatened to tear her apart was now becoming a part of her, strengthening her from within.

She fell to her knees, panting heavily. 

Even for someone of her capabilities, this had been an ordeal. Sweat drenched her skin, and her clothes were tattered by the sheer force she had faced. 

However, she could feel the vast difference within her. Her senses were sharper, and she felt as if her connection with the world around her had deepened. Every breath she took resonated with the very essence of the island. 

And, the Primal Energy in her core seemed to have formed a connection with the one she collected at the base of her tails.

Gathering her strength, Mira slowly rose to her feet, surveying the aftermath. The once thriving clearing was now a wasteland, with shattered remains and imprints of those who couldn't withstand the statue's test.

Without another word, Mira collected the tokens and any valuables before she went on her way again, not wanting to waste any time now, knowing that others could be stealing HER opportunities.

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