Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 769 Prime Disciple Competition: Hidden Blade Sect; Ascent

After spending hours studying and understanding the cosmic language of runes, Mira knew she had gained something invaluable. With a deep breath, she exited the Chamber of Runes, ready to ascend to the next level.

However, Mira's exit from the Chamber of Runes was met with a palpable tension in the air. Her aura had intensified, and her tails looked as if they were shining with power. That glow was the beacon that lured the predators of the Spire.

The first to move was a tall, sinewy man with a snakelike tattoo coiling up his arm. "You've taken something from the chamber, haven't you?" Kessar hissed, eyes narrowed. He was a cultivator from the Hidden Blade Sect known for his lethal strikes, mimicking the unpredictable and swift attacks of serpents. Flanking him were his disciples, each mirroring his stance.

Mira glazed over them with indifferent eyes as if they were merely bugs.

That look in her eyes pissed Kessar off, but he didn't move to attack, wanting to take a more cautious approach.

"Haaa…" Mira sighed, "Didn't you see what happened outside? Why waste my time by bothering me like this?"

"Hmph!" Kessar snorted coldly, "I'm nothing like that weakling, Xian Feng! Now, hand over everything you have while I'm being nice!"

Mira just shook her head, but before she could make a move, the hair on her neck tingled, sensing a threat from behind.

Tilting her head to the side, a projectile whistled by her ear. Using her Soul Sense, she found numerous people hiding in the shadows around her, waiting for a chance to strike. 

She turned around to face Kessar but immediately noticed that he had disappeared, along with the rest of his crew, leaving behind numerous beasts who wanted a part of the action.

'Oh? I actually can't sense him?' Mira cocked an eyebrow. She spread out her Soul Sense more but soon realized that she couldn't find anyone from the Hidden Blade Sect.

'I guess they're not part of the top seven major Orthodox Sects for nothing.' She shrugged, not worried about their interference. 

Whether they wanted to face her head-on or from the shadows, it made no difference to her. Not like it would change the outcome. 

The spire hall was awash with the howls and snarls of various beasts. From wolves with gleaming red eyes to massive, scaled reptiles, all were ready to tear into Mira. But even facing such threats, her demeanor remained unperturbed.

One of the wolves lunged first. With a swift movement, Mira grabbed it by its jaws, using its own momentum to rip open its face and hurl it into a cluster of other approaching beasts. The impact sent several of them tumbling back.

Another, a massive lizard with iron scales, lunged at her. It spat out a corrosive acid, intending to melt Mira on the spot. But with a deft flip, she evaded it, coming down hard on its back with a powerful stomp, cracking its scales and brain, killing it.

As Mira fended off these creatures with her bare hands, displaying her immense physical prowess, she couldn't help but occasionally smile, showing off her sharp canines. The thrill of battle was something she missed from staying in the Sect for so long.

However, she remained vigilant, knowing the lurking presence of the Hidden Blade Sect. Their members were experts in ambush and subterfuge. The more she couldn't see them, the more cautious she should become, no matter how indifferent she looked on the surface.

As she ascended the steps leading to the next level of the Spire, a sudden gust of wind accompanied by a flash of silver indicated an impending attack. Reacting instinctively, Mira dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding a barrage of throwing knives.

"Persistent, aren't you?" she murmured, scanning the surroundings.

From a shadowy corner, a silhouette sprang out, trying to catch Mira off guard. However, she was ready, parrying the attacker's strike with her forearm and landing a swift kick to his abdomen, sending him sprawling.

But it wasn't just one. From different directions, members of the Hidden Blade Sect continued their guerilla-style assaults. They would strike and then fade back into the shadows, making it hard for Mira to pinpoint their locations.

Yet, with each encounter, Mira adapted. She began to anticipate their tactics, and her reactions grew sharper. A hidden assailant aiming for her back was met with a spinning elbow. Another trying to snipe from a distance found his weapon deflected by a casual flick of Mira's tail.

She knew they were testing her, gauging her abilities. It was their way of gathering intel. But Mira wasn't worried.

'If given enough time, maybe they'll be able to find a weakness.' Mira inwardly smirked. Just as they were wanting to take her down, she was going to use them as well. 

Reaching a vast balcony of the Spire, she paused, taking a moment to appreciate the view. The island spread out below her, with its temples, bridges, and peaks glinting in the sunlight.

But this brief respite was interrupted. Suddenly, a rain of arrows was unleashed from the treeline below, each one coated with a deadly venom. Mira swiftly evoked her Primal Heart, generating a protective barrier that deflected the projectiles.

Drawing a deep breath, she pressed onwards, ascending the Spire.

Mira continued her ascent, each step echoing through the immense hallways of the Spire. Even as the shadows crept around her, she exuded a calm confidence. Yet beneath that confidence lay a razor-sharp awareness.

The structure of the Spire was intricate, with intertwining pathways and chambers that concealed more than they revealed. Flickering torches cast long shadows, playing tricks on the eyes. This was the perfect terrain for the Hidden Blade Sect, whose members had honed their skills in stealth and surprise attacks.

Suddenly, the ambient sounds of the Spire seemed to mute, and a cold chill ran down Mira's spine. This was an ominous sign she had come to recognize. Without hesitation, she rolled forward, narrowly avoiding a slew of darts, each gleaming with a purple sheen — a telltale sign of potent poison.

She emerged from her roll to find herself in a wide, circular chamber with massive statues guarding each corner. The room had a single exit, and standing there was Kessar, his smirk evident even from a distance.

"Running through the Spire won't be as easy as you thought, Mira," he taunted, the snake tattoo on his arm seeming to come alive as it glimmered eerily.

Mira let out a low chuckle, her eyes never leaving Kessar. "Your parlor tricks won't stop me. As for you and your sect, you're just minor nuisances on my path."

Kessar's face twisted in rage. With a swift gesture, he signaled for his hidden disciples. From the towering statues, a dozen or more figures emerged, each brandishing a unique weapon, all glinting menacingly in the torchlight.

Mira didn't wait for them to make the first move. Launching herself into the air, she summoned the power of the runes she had studied. Her aura brightened, forming intricate patterns in the air. With a fierce shout, she sent waves of energy cascading towards her attackers.

The Hidden Blade Sect disciples were taken aback, not expecting such raw power. But they were elite, and they quickly formed a defensive formation, channeling their energy to counter Mira's assault.

Amidst the chaos, Mira skillfully weaved her way through, striking down foes with a combination of martial prowess and runes. Now was as good a time to practice as any. 

Each blow was delivered with surgical precision, and each rune summoned held a specific purpose, from binding an enemy to creating illusions to distract them.

As the last of his disciples fell, Kessar's face paled. But he wasn't one to give up easily. Taking a deep breath, he charged towards Mira, the air around him turning cold and dense. His snake tattoo released a venomous mist, seeking to envelop Mira.

However, Mira was prepared. Channeling her Primal Heart's energy, she formed a vortex around her, repelling the toxic mist. The two adversaries clashed, the sound of their battle echoing throughout the Spire.

Blow after blow, strike after strike, they tested each other's limits. But as the battle raged on, it became clear that Mira had the edge.

With a final, resounding thud, Kessar was flung against one of the statues, defeated and panting heavily.

Mira approached him, her steps deliberate. "Is this all the Hidden Blade Sect has to offer?"

Kessar coughed, blood staining his lips. "This isn't the end, Mira. We have many more surprises for you."

Mira smirked, "I look forward to them." Leaving the defeated cultivator behind, she took their tokens and continued her ascent, eager to face the challenges the Spire had in store. 

Eventually, after climbing the stairs for several minutes and taking down other beasts and humans alike, she seemed to reach a threshold in the spire. 

This particular floor was nothing but an empty room. However, on either side of the room were two openings. One led straight to the sun, while the other went to the moon. Below each entity was a temple, which could only be reached via a bridge.

Feeling her Primal Heart pulse, Mira clenched her fist, a subtle smirk playing on her lips. She instinctively knew this was the next step in her journey.

However, first, she had to take care of the people who dared to covet her loot!

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