Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 770 Prime Disciple Competition: Sun Temple

The silence of the chamber was so profound that Mira could hear her own heart's rhythmic beat. Her nine tails swayed gently, casting multiple shadows on the ground.

She studied the two paths before her. The Sun, glowing fiercely with an amber hue, seemed to radiate a dense amount of unruly Primal Energy. Its temple, bathed in golden light, looked magnificent against the backdrop of a blazing sky. 

On the opposite side was the Moon, ethereal and enigmatic, casting a silvery luminescence across its path. The temple underneath it was enshrouded in a serene luminescence, an epitome of calmness.

Yet, even with such stark differences, the two entities held a perfect balance. It was as if the room itself pulsed with a symphony of day and night.

As Mira looked at the two options before her, she shook her head.

'Only children make choices.' She smirked and took out her scythe. With a deep breath to calm the bubbling anticipation in her chest, she engaged.

Rushing at the nearest beast, she cut off its head before it could react and threw its body into her Storage Space.

'I'll take it all!'

The beasts lurking near the entrance of the chamber were powerful. However, their raw power was nothing compared in front of Mira, who was continuously enhanced with Primal Energy. 

Each movement she made was fluid and precise, every swipe of her scythe bringing an end to another opponent. The glint of her blade was mirrored only by the glint in her eyes — a reflection of her murderous intent.

The onlookers, mostly cultivators from other sects, began to doubt their decision to pursue her. They whispered among themselves, wondering if confronting her directly was a grave mistake. Mira's reputation within the spire had begun to solidify, and many now viewed her as a force to be reckoned with.

With each beast and cultivator she faced, she became more attuned to her new Primal Energy and Runes, further refining her combat style. 

After felling the last of her pursuers and throwing most of the humans off of the Spire, Mira turned her attention to the entrance of the chamber. 

Not wanting any more distractions, she summoned a massive amount of ice, intertwining it with Primal Energy, Runes, and Qi. With a swift motion of her hands, the entrance was sealed shut with thick walls of frost, so cold that even approaching it would risk severe frostbite or possibly death for those who were much weaker than her.

With the threat neutralized and her path unobstructed, she gazed upon the Sun Temple. The golden path leading to it seemed to beckon her.

Mira hesitated for just a heartbeat before stepping onto the bridge that led to the Sun Temple. As her foot made contact, a powerful surge of Primal Energy coursed through her. A mix of exhilaration and anxiety welled up inside her. It felt as if she was teetering on the edge of a vast precipice, unsure whether she'd fly or fall. 

She gasped, feeling the unfamiliar sensation originating from her two hearts, spreading through every vein, muscle, and fiber of her being.

Her vision blurred for an instant, and when she refocused, she noticed the first transformation — her feet, now paws. Soft, icy-silver fur began to sprout from her skin, enveloping her in a warm, thick coat reminiscent of a fox's. 

An array of emotions surged within her: amazement at the sensation, panic at the unfamiliarity, and a deep, instinctual pleasure at the immense physical strength.

Stumbling forward due to the sudden shift in her posture, she tried to keep her balance. 

But as she did, another transformation took place. 

Her human hands clenched into fists, then unclenched to reveal soft pads and curved claws. 

The nine tails that had gently swayed behind her now bristled and expanded, each one becoming more luxuriant and bushy.

Mira felt her senses intensify. The ambient sounds of the chamber were clearer, the scents more pronounced. She could hear the soft whispers of the wind and the faint murmurs of the distant cultivators. Her vision sharpened, painting the world in vibrant hues she had never seen before.

But as swiftly as the transformation began, it reverted. Mira's human form began to resurface, only to be taken over by her fox form moments later. 

This constant flux was disorienting, and every step she took on the bridge intensified the duel of her dual existence.

She could feel the struggle within her as if the Primal Energy sought to reconcile the duality of her being. The Sun's raw energy seemed to amplify her animalistic instincts, while the ethereal aura of the Moon called forth her human consciousness.

Determined, Mira continued to move forward, her will unwavering despite the internal turmoil. With each step, memories of her past began to surface — of a time when she was purely a fox in the FLDIL trial.

As she neared the end of the bridge, the fluctuations began to lessen in intensity. 

With a final, resolute step onto the grounds of the Sun Temple, the transformations ceased, leaving Mira in her original human-like form.

The serenity of the Sun Temple was disrupted only by the echo of Mira's footsteps, each resonating with the pulse of ancient stones beneath. As she took in the high walls, they spoke of history through intricate carvings of ancient battles and beasts.

The architecture, although still pristine, looked older than she could imagine. The craftsmanship was unparalleled, each carving so detailed it seemed to come alive beneath her touch.

One image, in particular, drew her in - a fox evolving from humble origins into a majestic divine entity. She ran her fingers lightly over the carving, feeling a sense of kinship. 

It was like she was looking at herself but in reverse. Instead of transforming into a fox, the fox attempted to take on a human form. A true human form, unlike the ones seen today.

'It should be easier to become a fox than a human, right?' Mira mused.

As she pondered, her feet carried her instinctively to the temple's heart. Here, a vast altar dominated, and at its center stood a mirror framed with ornate gold and lined with Runes.

"The Mirror of Transition…" Mira read aloud, intrigued by what that meant.

Looking down at the altar, she saw a brief description, which, when translated, essentially said that it was a mirror that reflected the soul and could aid one's inner evolution.

'Whatever that means.'

Drawing closer, her reflection in the mirror shifted. Her current self stared back, but behind her was the massive silhouette of a fox. The visual tug between who she was and what she might become left her in contemplation.

'Is that beastly form really inside me?' She wondered.

Taking a deep breath, Mira channeled her Qi into the mirror. She felt a connection so deep that it seemed the temple itself was revealing its secrets to her. Whispers of ancient knowledge filled her mind. 

'So, these are the pathways hidden within me... channels of power waiting to be awakened.'

Her mind was instantly filled with a vast array of possibilities. Hundreds of images flashed through her brain every second as the Mirror did what it was supposed to do and helped her find the most optimal paths to send her Primal Energy through.

It was almost like a supercomputer, with how fast it was able to test out possible scenarios. Unfortunately, even though it could provide her with what was essentially a list of options, Mira still had to make the decision on what would fit her best. 

She sat cross-legged, immersing herself in meditation, diving deep into her own psyche. The silence of the temple cradled her as she visualized each pathway, directing the Primal Energy with newfound clarity. 

The pathway she created through the Nexus Points previously was merely the beginning. It was the trunk that allowed her to branch off. 

However, that still wasn't enough. 

While Primal Energy was great, most of her power came from her Qi, her cultivation. 

'I either need to find a way to merge the two energies, or I need to use Qi to help produce Primal Energy.' She concluded, though neither was easy.

The former would require a massive amount of Primal Energy, much more than she already had. While the latter required peak Qi manipulation.

'For now, I think I'll just try to find a way to produce Primal Energy. I can think about merging them later.' 

Making up her mind, she immediately got to work. 

In her meditative trance, Mira visualized the pathways the mirror had revealed. She felt the familiar rush of Primal Energy but now with a clarity that allowed her to guide it meticulously. 

She sensed her bones reshaping, her heartbeats synchronizing with one another, and her body morphing to accept these new changes. The once chaotic energy was tamed, bending to her will and intention. 

While that was going on, she attempted to use Qi as a fuel source to create Primal Energy, which seemed to work… somewhat. While it worked, doing so used an absolutely astronomical amount of Qi

Days turned into nights and nights into days, and when Mira finally stirred from her meditation, she felt a rebirth of sorts. No longer did her duality weigh her down or leave her feeling like she hit a plateau. 

Instead, it felt like wings, granting her freedom and strength she had never known.

Gazing into the Mirror of Transition once more, she decided to test her newfound mastery. With a deep inhalation, she felt the familiar shift. 

The world around her changed as she grew in stature. Luxurious icy-silver fur enveloped her, and she beheld her reflection as a grand fox, every inch the majestic beast of legends. Her nine tails now shook vibrantly, each an embodiment of a particular aspect of her power.

Her entire body radiated an intense aura that didn't lose out to any Rank 8 beast she'd seen before. 

She could feel immense physical power coursing through every cell in her as if she could crush the world beneath her feet. Just the weight of her tails created mini whirlwinds with every movement.

However, she was able to keep her human cultivation, unlike other beasts. 

Normally, that would give her more versatility, as she would be able to use her human techniques, but that wasn't the case.

Almost all of her Qi was spent on helping produce Primal Energy. If she used it on anything else, she wouldn't be able to keep her beast form up for very long.

With a focused exhale, she reverted to her human form. 

Giving the altar a silent nod, Mira plucked the Mirror of Transition from it and tossed it into her Storage Space before turning around.

Now, it was time to go to the Moon Temple and discover its secrets. 

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