In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 275: Percy's Day (2 in 1)

Chapter 275: Percy's Day (2 in 1)

The next day, the Hogwarts students began to be sorted out in an orderly manner according to their academic year.

They weren't assigned to attend classes with Durmstrang students as a group, not because they are following a different curriculum, but because of the difference in language and the need for professors who understand English to teach them specifically in English.

Jon followed Neville and the other third years to attend the class and listened carefully to the lesson, in the charms class, he found what Grindelwald said yesterday is indeed true, the normal third-year course in fact does not provide much benefit to him, he read the forbidden books hidden in the ring to learn by himself, which provided much greater improvement than in the class.

After discovering this, he did not continue to waste the rest of the time, all alone, asking around together with fumbling, he arrived at Durmstrang's library.

The library is basically the most important and valuable place for any school, and Durmstrang also has an independent librarian.

He is an elderly wizard who looks old beyond his years, with an arched back and a face full of wrinkles carved by the years, and when Jon entered the library, it looked like he had just finished cleaning the shelves and walked back to the registration desk with a hobbled gait.

"Hello, sir, can I inquire what kind of books I have access to in this library now?"

When the old wizard heard Jon's words, he trembled and put on vintage spectacles, frowned and looked at Jon's face carefully.

"Students' permissions are all standardized, only books on this floor can be borrowed, those forbidden books on the second floor that are related to dark magic need the professor's permit."

His voice was hoarse and dull like a broken bellow getting pulled.

Jon hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively.

"So if I am a Professor. Do I have access to the second floor? My name is Jon Green."

The old wizard's frown deepened as if he thought Jon might be some kind of student who had come over to cause trouble, and his eyes had moved away from him, as he picked up a piece of parchment on the table and said in annoyance.

"So there are really students in the school who believe in that rumour of me getting that whatever Alzheimer's thing? Tell those jerks that I do have some memory loss, but not to the point of being dumb that I can't tell the difference between a student and a professor! Well, I'm getting old now, when I was younger, if I found dishonest brats like you, I'd usually use a Cruciatus Curse to make you obedient. Huh? There's another person in the school playing around on the job, are the wizards nowadays so bad? It takes two people to teach transfiguration magic."

Suddenly, he seemed to spot the name of the new professor on the notice that Rosier had sent over.

Cloudy eyes widened for a moment, and he reached up to hold the old-fashioned spectacles on his face.

"Jon Green?"

Then he looked up from the piece of parchment again and looked at Jon.

"What did you just say your name is?"

Jon smiled wryly.

"The one you just mentioned, it's Jon Green."

Wizards generally live quite a bit longer than muggles, and this old man looked this old, so he must have been close to two hundred years old at least. He should not have attended the dinner yesterday due to his age and went back to rest early, therefore did not know what the new professor actually looked like, on account of his age, Jon still maintained his respect in general for such an old person and didn't take his words and behaviour to heart.

The atmosphere remained frozen for a few seconds, the old wizard's gaze still full of suspicion, Jon's age is really not right with the identity of the professor, but he felt that no student in this school would dare to impersonate a new professor.

The atmosphere was frozen until two students who had come to the library in pairs bowed respectfully to Jon as they passed by him and shouted, "Good morning, Professor Green." Only when they had done so did the mood gradually improve.

The old wizard called out to those two Durmstrang students.

"He is the new professor of Transfiguration who assumed office today?"

The two students, too, addressed the old wizard's inquiry respectfully.

"Yes, Mr Alpha, Sir Headmaster had announced Professor Green and Professor Johnson would jointly assume the Professor of Transfiguration position at Durmstrang yesterday."

After hearing the words of the two of them, the old wizard completely had no more half-hearted doubts about Jon's identity.

In this school, no one dared to make any joke about Grindelwald.

"Professor Green, the identity of the professor certainly allows you to walk through this library unhindered, you can read at your leisure if it is in the library, but if you want to borrow and take the books out, you need to first bring the books you want to borrow to me, so I can register them for you."

After learning that Jon is a Professor of Transfiguration that Grindelwald personally appointed, the old wizard did not show the slightest doubt.

As long as Grindelwald made a decision, not to mention letting a boy as old as Jon be a professor, even if a monkey were to be placed on the podium to give a lecture, he would have no problem with it.

This extremely high level of belief and obedience, coupled with his age, made Jon suspect that he was probably a die-hard supporter of Grindelwald fifty years ago, and to this day, such loyalty has not changed.

Many people had absolute loyalty to Grindelwald because although his ideals were not acceptable to the vast majority of wizards, the demands he made were all true for the future of the entire magical world.

Therefore, besides those who gathered around him due to the drive of interest, those who were truly convinced by his ideals and willing to share the same goal with him and follow him were not few, and those people had absolute trust and loyalty to him.

After getting permission from the old wizard, Jon did not stay long on the first floor of the library.

It's not that he didn't want to read the books on the first floor and there was nothing that could help him there, instead, he was simply curious about the difference between Durmstrang's Forbidden Books section and Hogwarts'.

Walking to the end of the bookshelves on the first floor, where there is a wooden staircase surrounded by ropes, Jon went through the gap that only one person could pass through and climbed the stairs to the second floor of the library.

Compared with the first floor, this area is obviously much smaller, with only five rows of bookshelves, and some tables and chairs being placed against the wall.

Jon approached the bookshelves and did not touch the books above. This is not simply because he was worried that these books carried some curse-like magic, but also because he could clearly feel the ring he is wearing on his body is fidgeting.

The ring's anomaly came from the second gem Jon had found in the Hogwarts library.

What kind of magic did the original owner engrave and enchanted on this gem? It seemed to be particularly interested in the magic on the books, obviously, there is still a large part of the magic absorbed from the stone slab stored within it, and Jon felt it wriggling to extract the magic from these grimoires like a child who wanted to be fed milk as soon as he approached the bookshelf.

Grindelwald treated him quite well, not only rescuing him at sea but also agreeing to such a harsh request last night, not to mention the need to repay his favour back, Jon certainly would not do such a bad thing as "eating up" a whole forbidden area the very next day.

After observing the titles of all the books on the shelves with his eyes, Jon was sure that the forbidden books here and the ones he brought out from Hogwarts Castle are basically the same, only the category of dark magic is a bit richer.

After all, it is an inheritance passed on in the school generation by generation, so they do have a lot of lead over the outside world in the study of what Durmstrang calls "martial magic and duelling".

Moreover, before Grindelwald assumed the Headmaster post, the traditional attitude of Durmstrang was that only students from wizard families would be enrolled, and some of those students would have inherited some corresponding unique secrets from their original families, and it is not difficult for some people to donate the legacy of their original families to the school.

Thinking about this, Jon couldn't help but think of the Weasley family.

The Weasley family has a long enough history, even if their financial strength is not worthy of the name pureblood family, but it is impossible that such a family will not accumulate some kind of ancient legacy.

However, it is unknown whether these things were brought along by Ron's parents, the Weasleys, when they fled into exile, or have been snatched away by Voldemort's Ministry of Magic.

If it was snatched, then since Percy has now defected over, these will be returned to him, right?

Jon couldn't help but narrow his eyes when he thought of this.

It is estimated that Percy is now living a pretty good life.


"I'm certainly having a good time."

Underneath Whitehall, London, British Ministry of Magic, in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Improper Use of Magic Office, Percy looked at a male wizard in front of him with an expressionless face.

"I appreciate your concern, Mr York, but right now we're discussing work-related matters. Can you pass on the information regarding that Woodland Road case to me now?"

The male wizard called Mr York glanced at him disdainfully, and with a wave of his wand, he sent the parchments that had been floating around him over to Percy's side.

Then he deliberately cancelled the magic applied on these materials, wanting to let the materials scatter on the ground and see Percy picking them up wretchedly.

But Percy seemed to have guessed his intention in advance when the materials flew over, he directly held them up with his hands, said thanks, and then turned around and prepared to leave.

Mr York, who did not achieve his goal, grunted coldly, even if there is a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart and contempt for the only one who can legally take the Weasley family name, he could not just bluntly show it.

As the poster boy established by Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic, no one dares to find trouble with Percy explicitly, because now hitting Percy is like punching Voldemort in the face.

Percy didn't have the slightest indication for all this unpleasant inconvenience at all, he carried the materials, but after turning around, there was an imperceptible sneer on his face.

He likes to watch these so-called "new school purebloods" act like this, the more they try to disgust him, but still put on a false mask to show favour to himself, the more comfortable Percy's mood will be.

After betraying Hogwarts, he lost his family and family love but gained something far better.

On the way back to his office, almost all the employees had to bow their heads and address him with awe as "Mr Weasley."

This is the privilege of pureblood wizards in the Ministry of Magic, they are born to be superior to half-bloods, this is an eternal class gap, and it allows Percy to enjoy the vanity and respect that can never be enjoyed on the Hogwarts wagon.

With Voldemort's endorsement, he completely succeeded the Weasley family's pureblood status under Voldemort's rule, which means that as long as he doesn't make a big mistake, then in this Ministry of Magic, even Minister Fudge can't embarrass him explicitly.

As he barely walked to his office, from a distance, he suddenly saw a group of people dividing in chunks from the middle ahead of him, and then three wizards wearing black robes with the Dark Mark on their chests walked up to him with a cold and indifferent expression.

"Percy Weasley?"

The witch in the lead called out Percy's name.

Percy's face showed obvious bewilderment, labelled with the Dark Lord's Hallmark, even Aurors are not qualified to wear robes embroidered with this crest in the entire Ministry of Magic, except for that gentleman's personal guards, that is - Death Eaters!

"Yes, it's me."

He still maintained the most basic composure, although the Death Eaters are terrifying, he knew very well that he had not made any mistakes and had not caused any problems in his duties.

"Do you have any questions about who we are?" The witch asked as she stared into Percy's eyes, the two male wizards behind her both tucked their right hands in their sleeves, obviously gripping their wands.

Percy swallowed.

"No doubt, ma'am, I recognize the Dark Mark."

"Give me your wand and come with us."

Percy did not have any intention of resisting, he knew that even if he wanted to escape now, there is no hope of escaping, so he directly pulled out his wand and handed it over.

The three Death Eaters then took him into the elevator in front of everyone in the Ministry of Magic to a courtroom on the same floor as the Wizengamot High Court.

A young man was already sitting in the courtroom, and Percy was no stranger to his face.

Barty Crouch Jr.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Charms class professor, that gentleman's hardcore fanatic who even murdered his own parents to prove his loyalty.

This madman is responsible for Hogwarts' mudblood admissions work, so he has been used to wearing a mask of a hypocritical smile to the public, and it is because of this that he appears to make people shudder.

But now on his face, even that mask of hypocrisy no longer exists, his expression is full of iciness and gloom, and when Percy met with his gaze, there was a feeling that his eyes had been stabbed.

After being pushed into this trial room, the three Death Eaters respectfully retreated, closing the door in the process, leaving only Barty and Percy behind.

Percy's hands and feet went cold, and the moment he saw Barty, he already felt something is not right.

The appearance of the Death Eaters may still be possible that the gentleman needs his voice, to accomplish a certain purpose by belittling Dumbledore, but now the person he is meeting is Barty Crouch Jr., so it is basically certain that this time what he will encounter, definitely not something good!


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