In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 276: Interrogation

Chapter 276: Interrogation

"Mr Weasley?"

Barty Jr. asked faintly.

Percy nodded and took a deep breath.

"Yes, I'm Percy Weasley."

Barty Jr. gestured to him at the chair opposite, the one that usually only prisoners of the magical world would get to sit in.

"You should be able to recognize who I am, no need to be too nervous, we just have some questions that we would like to seek your assistance with, after all, in some ways, you are the real professional."

His fairly polite words settled Percy's mind a bit, but his tense body never relaxed away.

Percy followed Barty Jr.'s instructions and obediently sat down in the iron chair that was opposite Barty, the shackle chains on the armrests were cold, and even if Percy's hands weren't shackled, the coldness had nearly penetrated into his flesh.

Barty Jr. picked up a piece of parchment from the desk in front of him that looked like some kind of profile, and he glanced at a certain line in the parchment and stared up into Percy's eyes.

"Jon Green. This is the name you reported up to the Auror when you first came to the Ministry of Magic last September, saying that he was directly connected to that case at Hogwarts Castle earlier last year, no?"

Hearing the first question of Barty Jr., Percy's heart once again breathed a long sigh of relief, and he said calmly.

"Yes, sir, at that time I reported to Aurors that it was Jon Green who brought those muggl- mudblood students back to that wagon along with two other professors after the case at Hogwarts Castle, and Dumbledore announced to everyone that it was all Jon's credit that they were able to get those students free."

Barty Jr. listened to him recapitulate his statement at this moment, with his head down to look at the one in his hand, then went on saying after his words.

"At that time, Aurors gave the judgment that a third-year student, regardless of the circumstances, could not perform to that extent, so the presumption is that this student named Jon Green was just a smokescreen put out by Dumbledore, the real infiltration of Hogwarts Castle was done by someone else?"

Hearing him talk about it, Percy became a little agitated and raised his voice in volume.

"I stressed to the Aurors who asked me about this, that Dumbledore generally does not lie to his students, especially this kind of lie that may also bring unnecessary danger to Jon Green, so there is a high probability that this is not a smokescreen, or at the very least, Jon Green made a major contribution in that case, but none of them paid any serious attention to my words! Have you managed to find some new evidence?"

Barty Jr. put down the material in his hands, his face was obviously a little more unpleasant than it was just a while ago.

"You will not be held accountable for this matter, and they will be duly punished for the dereliction of duty of the Aurors, but we have more important things to understand in the next few hours."

He stared at Percy, and his eyes narrowed dangerously to slits.

"Tell me everything you know about this individual named Jon Green, his habits, his preferences, his personality, his socialization at school, all of it."

Under the glare of this stare, Percy's breath caught in his throat.

He sensed that things were not that simple, if it was just that the Death Eaters had found clues that Jon had infiltrated the Hogwarts castle, then the person interrogating him here today should not be Barty Junior, he should have been sitting in the Auror office, chatting with Lucius Malfoy over tea.

Then there's only one possibility now, that there's even more serious problem is at stake! And that problem had a lot to do with Jon Green!

Percy did not hold back, he said everything he knew about Jon.

But in fact, at the time of his defection from the Hogwarts wagon, Jon had only been on the wagon for a year in total, and in his first year, Jon had not shown any outstanding performance.

At that time he was privately learning Occlumency and ring-related magic with Slughorn which most were unaware of, and if it were not for Jon and Ron being in the same class, Percy at that time would not necessarily even remember Jon's name.

And in Jon's second year, he was away from school until he took Hermione and the group back to the Hogwarts wagon, and Percy had no way of knowing more information related to him.

So the information Percy can provide is very limited, at most, it just can let Barty Jr. understand that it seems that in the first year, Dumbledore has not paid much attention to Jon individually, but in the second year he disappeared for a while, and only the after that period of time when he infiltrated Hogwarts Castle, there was a major change.

Barty Jr. looked disappointed, and Percy noticed the disappointment on his face, and the composure he had been able to maintain turned into anxiety.

"Mr Crouch, is it possible for me to know what Jon Green has done?"

He spoke carefully as if in fear of arousing the displeasure of Barty Jr. But despite that, Barty Jr. stood up from his seat in boredom.

"What you shouldn't know, don't ask!"

He no longer maintained the minimum politeness he had previously, and grumpily reprimanded Percy, then raised his wand and swung it violently at the iron door.

The door was jerked open, and Barty Jr. walked out quickly, and Percy stood up after him, but before he could leave the iron chair, the pair of shackles on the armrests suddenly rose up on its own, and with a "click" sound, they took hold of his hands!

"Pull out his memories of Jon Green and keep them in separate archives for me! Then get that idiot Lockhart over here and alter the memories of this interrogation as well."

After hearing this order in the interrogation room, Percy fell back into the metal chair with a pale face, and soon two of the three Death Eaters who had brought him here also walked in.

They looked at Percy, who was already sitting limply in the chair and did not show any sympathy, and the witch in the lead just pulled out her wand.

"Is there anything else you want to say? Soon all your memories of us and this interrogation will be gone."

Percy breathed raggedly, his eyes filling with a bloodshot as he looked over at the witch.

"Jon Green! What the hell did he do!"

The witch and her companion looked at each other, and she said indifferently while aiming the tip of her wand at the spot of Percy's temple.

"This is something that you shouldn't know, but soon Lockhart will come over, so it's okay to tell you. That former fellow schoolmate of yours, he killed Lord Rabastan Lestrange!"

The next moment Percy heard these words, his entire body jerked stiff and his gaze became routed.

A silvery filament of light was slowly and forcibly, pulled out of his brain!


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