In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 278: Evil Deeds (2 in1)

Chapter 278: Evil Deeds (2 in1)

The expression on Grindelwald's face in response to Jon's gaze remained calm.

"What's wrong with this?"

His casual words sounded as if he was asking about a sparse and trivial matter.

Jon took a deep breath, his face brimming with seriousness and gravity.

"I don't think these people don't deserve death, but even if you are going to kill them, you don't have to use such cruel methods. The least one can do is give them the dignity of being human."

Grindelwald looked like he had no intention of giving Jon an answer to this question, and he stepped forward into the snow that had been stained with blood, as Hans followed him with small, quick steps.

"These are my prisoners, what I want to do with them is up to my personal will, you don't have the right to tell me what to do with my own property."

As they continued to walk in, a shabby hut surrounded by dead trees appeared, a house made entirely of wood, the boards nailed together in tatters, with no way to withstand the cold wind, the rain and the snow.

"There are still 14 living individuals in that hut, your task today is to ask them all the information they know in their heads. They are fated to die as well, these people as Voldemort's cronies must have to provide us with a few values before they die."

As he said that Grindelwald threw a cloth bag to Jon, which is filled with the truth serum.

Jon caught the bag in silence, but he did not want to approach that wooden hut at the moment.

The scene here has already caused him both mental and physical discomfort, even his original impression of Grindelwald which was still good also started to crumble, all this abuse against prisoners has reached the point of anti-human behaviour.

Grindelwald seemed to see what Jon was thinking, he did not have any intention to explain or become offended, he just said flatly.

"Do not forget your words last night, you promised me in front of Albus, now not even a day has passed, and you want to renege?"

Jon took a deep breath, lifted his head and gave Grindelwald a deep look, then walked towards the wooden hut without looking back.

He certainly did not forget his promise last night, and since he promised to do it, and he is capable of doing it, he will do it.

Watching Jon walk into the wooden hut with the cloth bag, Hans skimmed his mouth and expressed his disdain for Jon's reaction just now.

"Why did you bring him here, my lord, a child who doesn't know anything? Isn't only a maximum of three people supposed to be aware of the research here?"

Grindelwald looked over at him, his gaze laced with a terrifying indifference.

"If you are smart enough to know that I brought someone who should not have been brought to such an important place, it means that this person can bring me much more value than this place itself; can you understand? Ramo Hans. He is too naive, and needs some exposure to some things."

Hans's body unconsciously trembled under the attention of that gaze.

This old dwarf, whose hands were already stained with the blood of more than three figures of wizards, could only avoid his lord's gaze in fear at this time, then he said with incomparable reverence.

"I can, can understand, my lord!"

Grindelwald withdrew his gaze as he walked around to the corpses that had been hung on the branches of the trees that had been gutted open out in the ice and snow.

"So after sacrificing so many samples, can you tell me some of your findings now?"

When talking about serious business, Hans also became solemn.

"The samples you sent are excellent material, since yesterday after receiving these individuals, I have been examining all night by our previous suspicions, and indeed there are some gains that have never been found before"

Jon did not know what Grindelwald and Hans are talking about outside.

He pushed open the door of the hut and a smell of blood that simply could not be suppressed rushed to his face.

The floors were littered with scarlet blood, and several pieces of what looked like minced meat and guts were littered in various places, looking dirty and messy.

But what caught his eyes the most was the group of people cowering in the corner.

These people are all Death Eaters who participated in the siege against Jon yesterday, they are both men and women, but there is no swagger they had at sea, everyone is dishevelled, their robes are torn and tattered, their faces are all covered with black and red dried blood like scars.

Their eyes looked faded as if they had been kissed by dementors and sucked out of their souls in the body, but when Jon came in, these people seemed to have some semblance of a living being once again, trembling all over, with eyes filled with fear and despair as they looked at Jon.

Jon took out his wand, he did not cast a spell on these Death Eaters, but aimed it at the middle of the hut, and used a cleaning spell on the long table full of the debris of flesh and blood.

The filth stained on it is too thick, even if he used the cleaning spell there is no way to clean it all up, but Jon also did not insist on more details, sweeping away all the flesh, leaving only slightly blood clamps in the cracks which can not be cleared away, he placed the cloth bag Grindelwald gave him on the table.

From the cloth bag, he pulled out five vials of truth serum, two thick books with blank pages of notes, and a shorthand quill.

"Spare me. Could you spare me?"

A blood-soaked witch pleaded in a hoarse voice.

"Let me die, please, give me a quick and easy death!"

It was like she didn't even have the strength to speak, but that desperate and humble plea didn't stop Jon from moving his hands.

When entering the wooden hut, Jon had a lot on his mind.

He did not feel that Grindelwald is a violent lunatic like Voldemort, and he certainly would not have any perverted fetishes, or else he would never have had any cooperation with Dumbledore even if he had walked out of the prison.

Then why is he treating these Death Eaters so cruelly?

Human magic experiments.

There is only this one explanation, this kind of experiment is not unfamiliar to Jon, not that he has seen or learned it somewhere, but in those forbidden books from the Hogwarts library, there are no fewer experiments than this.

Even some of the material substance of the book itself is made from the flesh of such experiments.

In the medieval era of ignorance and barbarism, you can't expect the wizards who were also in that same environment to be all very human.

No matter what kind of group, as long as it is human, it is possible for him to constantly refresh the lower limit of being human.

Grindelwald must also be using them to carry out some kind of magic experiments, such experiments may not necessarily be evil, but the practice itself is extremely anti-human.

But Jon had no words to comment on this, these "experiments" were his enemies, yesterday if possible, these people will not hesitate to kill and torture him, and Grindelwald was not wrong, they are his captives, how he wants to dispose of them, Jon did not have the right to blame and order.

What's more, Grindelwald saved him from these people.

Listening to the witch's plea, Jon pursed his lips, he didn't have the slightest intention of speaking, and just silently opened a vial of truth serum and proceeded to draw some from it with a dropper.

He went to the nearest male wizard, who had his mouth open and was gasping heavily for breath and dropped three drops of the potion.

The male wizard had no intention of resisting, and he had no room to resist.

It is unknown what spell the old man named Hans used on them, these people obviously still seem to be able to move their arms and legs slightly, but they have been sitting limply on the ground, without any sign of struggle.

After being fed with the truth serum, the male wizard's eyes became even more vacant and dazed.

Jon hovered the quill on the table to the notebook, it will take the initiative to record all the conversations in this room next, without the need for people to manipulate by hand.

Looking at the male wizard who had entered the state of answering questions, Jon once again let out a long breath as he asked.

"What information do you know that would be of value to us?"

The male wizard was silent for about a second or two as if giving his brain time to recall and react, and then his mouth opened and closed as if he were spilling beans, and then he told all the things he had known.

The shorthand quill rapidly moved in the notebook, except for the cold wind blowing through the hollow of the wooden panels, emitting a "whirring" sound in the hut, only the sound of these Death Eaters breathing heavily, the sound of the quill scratching the paper and the male wizard's emotionless words were heard.

He gave a lot of information, including his name, "Billis Carrow", and that he had cousins who work as professors in Hogwarts Castle.

He said of all the secret missions he had done for Voldemort, as well as the nasty and shady collusion between the upper-level pureblood officials.

Stated some of what he knew about the British Ministry of Magic's round-up plan against the Order of the Phoenix.

And as he kept recounting, Jon's face, which was still a bit uncomfortable and sympathetic, became increasingly cold and eventually turned completely expressionless.

"-A week ago, the higher-ups decided to carry out a special investigation on Britain. A week ago, when the task of eliminating the remaining forces of the Order of the Phoenix in the British territory was sent to us, I was at half-breed Kruger's house, his wife was fantastic, and he was so incompetent that he could only watch me play with his wife. But that day his son, who had just started his first year at Hogwarts, came back on leave for some reason, and when he saw me defiling his mother, he raised his wand at me like a madman. Krueger was scared, he tried to stop his son, and the stupid woman at my crotch screamed, they bothered my good time, plus the task handed down to me from higher up made me very restless as there was a chance of me dying, so I didn't hold back and killed Krueger and his son."

His voice was as calm as it could be, not just due to the effects of the truth serum, but the fact that he himself felt such a thing as ordinary.

"The stupid woman kept struggling, she had never resisted like that before, and she cried and howled that I had ruined everything for her, which made me even more furious. They only cared about their own grievances, but never considered my mood or feelings, so I killed her too."

"They are all half-breeds, not like the mudbloods who can be manipulated at will, so I paid off the people from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement who came over to investigate and set the Krueger house on fire to produce a play about an accidental experiment to cover it up."

"But that woman is too addictive to me, I don't want to forget her, so I cut off her head, and preserved it, and now it is still hidden in the secret study of my house."

Jon's hands have long been clenched into tight fists, listening as the male wizard finished speaking of one of his countless crimes as if he had done an insignificant thing.

He suppressed the desire to take out his wand and use the killing curse on this scum of the earth, but instead gritted his teeth and asked in a shaky voice.

"So, what about the results of your battle last week regarding the Order of the Phoenix encirclement?"

"Those people were so cunning that even after we deployed many people, we only ended up catching one of them."

"Who was it!"

"Emmeline Vance."

Jon remembered this name, she is an amiable old witch, this witch was among the group of members of the Order of the Phoenix who said goodbye to him the night the Hogwarts wagon separated from Dumbledore and the others before Halloween last year.

"You caught her?" Jon stared intently at the male wizard.

"We did catch her at first, but she resisted fiercely and made several suicidal moves. At the first moment we tried to capture her alive she bit off her own tongue, cutting off the possibility of us feeding her truth serum. These people's memories are also very difficult to extract, and there is no way to break through their mind's defences with normal Legilimency. So. We chopped her up and threw her off to feed the Lethifold."


Jon slammed his fist down on the wooden table! The already creaking wooden table shook violently, almost being broken apart by him, and the shorthand quill that was being recorded on it went up, before falling back down on the table and continuing with the recording.

Jon could no longer hold back his desire to kill, he took out his wand, and the knuckles of the hand that held the wand became white from too much force!

He waved his wand at the male wizard, but at the last moment, he changed his original spell casting, and the incantation in his mouth changed.


One of the Unforgivable Curses burst out from the tip of his wand and landed on the male wizard.

The torture that originated from the depths of the soul is simply something that nobody could bear, the intense pain instantly made the male wizard sober up from the state of being hypnotized, and his whole body spasmed and curled up like a boiled prawn!

But Jon did not stop the movement of his hands, his expression was as cold as never before, his eyes were horrific, and the same incantation sounded again.



The male wizard let out a miserable shrill howl, his skin clung to his bones as if it had shrunk, veins wriggling like earthworms, twitching under the ghastly white skin!

Jon gasped violently as he stared at the male wizard who had been tortured into an inhuman state, but the fury in his heart did not seem to have been vented at all but instead piled up more and more.

The other Death Eaters were shivering as they watched the scene, and Jon had the desire to leave everything in the wooden hut right now and turn his head and leave.

He wanted to flee from this most bloody darkness and truth, wanted to erase all memories from the time he was brought here by Grindelwald.

But in the end, he did not take any action to move his feet.

Instead, he remained silent for a long while; and finally took an extremely long deep breath, and returned to his emotionless gaze to look at the next Death Eater.

"I'm sorry, I lost my composure a bit, let's continue."


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