In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 279: Intolerable nausea

Chapter 279: Intolerable nausea

Outside the hut, Grindelwald and Hans both heard the screams coming from inside.

Hans asked with some concern.

"Should we go in and take a look, my lord, those experimental subjects are very precious, if he can't stop himself from killing one-"

"Then kill one."

Grindelwald's voice was cold, he looked at the bodies hanging in the trees and fell into a long, deep thought.

"Any news from Erik?"

Hans nodded cautiously.

"Eric has made some discoveries in the glaciers of the Arctic, but he said that recently there were suddenly a lot more Death Eaters there, which forced him to move the lab."

"Death Eaters?"

Grindelwald's gaze deepened.

"Keep in touch with him, tell him to keep an eye on those people's movements in addition to his normal research, and if they've been at the North Pole with no intention of leaving, let Erik report back to me with his findings."



Once a person becomes evil, the extent of the evil they commit will exceed everyone's imagination.

Jon always felt he understood this truth, he never treated everyone as a kind or normal person, and he can only adhere himself to being a person who still has a little conscience.

That's why after seeing those disembowelled Death Eaters, he felt discomfort at first, any normal person would feel sick after seeing their own kind being treated in this way, which has nothing to do with thought or morality, just a human instinct.

But after recording what each of these still-living Death Eaters did to others in the hut, Jon felt that creatures like human beings sometimes don't even have instincts.

The first witch who opened her mouth and begged him for mercy learned a wicked spell from an ancient grimoire that could keep her young.

This magic requires a lot of human blood for one of the early rituals, and it must also be the blood of a virgin to complete.

So she secretly killed seven muggle girls under the covers, originally only five of them had to be killed, but there were two victims she chose wrongly, who did not meet the conditions of being a virgin.

She used their blood to complete the last step of the spell, making her skin smooth and radiant, even at the age of 40 there are no wrinkles and blemishes on her face, she is still as young and beautiful as a young woman in their twenties.

The oldest of these wizards is a man in his sixties, he likes to make some alchemical props related to the human body, but some such items have very demanding requirements for the human body itself, such as the need for a pair of eyes that were born blind, the right hands of two identical twins, the skull of a baby that has just turned 100 days old few seconds ago.

He will specifically follow these requirements to find objects that can be obtained and obtain what he wants. And then use the memory charm to modify the memories of the victims and their relatives, so they will believe that their body parts are missing only due to an accident.

Counting the male wizard that Jon interrogated at the beginning, these three are the three most vicious of the 14, the others are not as perverted as the three of them, but they are all also villains with the blood of innocents on their hands.

Grindelwald gave him two notebooks, which have been completely filled with all the information these people said out, all the information have been collected without using up all the five vials of truth serum, there are still three vials left.

When Jon walked out of the wooden hut with these things, the sky outside was already completely dark, and the starry sky was much brighter compared to the lower latitudes.

He stepped on the snow, the cold wind with the smell of grass and trees blowing past him, the hem of his robe blown with a "clatter", coming out of the room full of fishy smell, let Jon suddenly have an illusion of being out of a different world.

Grindelwald did not leave, he stayed here throughout the whole evening.

After a trance-like glance at the snow-covered ground, Jon walked back to him carrying the bag that contained the notes and the remaining truth serum and handed out these harvests.

Seeing him walk over, Hans asked with a look of anxiety and uneasiness.

"How many did you end up killing?"

Jon's face was in a state without any semblance of expression even now, and his voice was calm and numbing.

"None of them died, all alive."

Hans's face then showed an expression of gratitude and relaxation, then he hurriedly and quickly strode towards the hut to inspect his precious guinea pigs.

Grindelwald took the cloth bag from Jon's hand, his expression was normal as if he had taken Jon to complete some meaningful social practice activities.

"Full of harvest?"

Jon did not say anything, he looked like he did not know what to say, and there is no way he could recount those sickest sins.

Grindelwald did not care about Jon's silence, he led Jon in the direction of the monastery where they came from.

"Perhaps it may be because it was always he who had educated you guys, in fact, you are very much like Albus when he was young. You both think you have seen people through, even if people are bad, how bad can they be? But in fact, the answer to this question is that there is no lower limit at all, because you are not bad enough, so you simply can not imagine how bad a truly evil person can really be."

"It is also the lack of this aspect of the concept, you also have a wrong perception of dark magic, and sometimes even if you can use it, it is extremely unstable."

Jon asked only at this time with a slightly gruff voice.

"Not being bad enough is also a mistake?"

"It is certainly a mistake." Grindelwald did not hesitate to answer, "If you are just an ordinary person, it is no problem to be a good person without any ulterior motives, but if you are a leader, you have to be evil enough."

"Except you have to be different from those in that wooden hut, you have to be vicious with a bottom line. It is important to distinguish those to whom you should return the greatest malice and those to whom you should return the most basic goodness."

"After what you've seen today, you should understand that you can't guarantee that you'll always win. If one day, you lose, then the people around you will end up like the people who were bullied and tortured by these demons, even worse than them."

Jon did not speak again, he followed Grindelwald's side, all the way to the abbey, and remained silent as if he was thinking about what Grindelwald had said to him, but also as if he was thinking about the appalling things he heard in the hut in the afternoon.

They went inside the abbey and approached the fireplace, which was dusty and had not been lit for many years.

Grindelwald did not bother to take the Floo powder over the fireplace, but looked at Jon and said calmly.

"Don't hold it in, if you want to vomit, vomit clean here and now, or if you vomit in my office later, I won't guarantee that I won't do something to you."

Hearing his words, Jon finally stopped holding back, he held the side of the fireplace, and after a dry heave, proceeded to vomit the darkness of the earth.

That intolerable nausea at the most bottomless evil in people.


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