Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3676: The power of the demon

Chapter 3676: The power of the demon

Zhu Chens figure slowly disappeared into the depths of the bridge.

In the blink of an eye, it is two million years passed.

Huang Xiaolong, who has cultivated in the second layer of the universe, has completely refining the more than one thousand universes.

In fact, as early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, he has completely refining the origins of the universe, and the power of the big world in his three worlds has broken through two hundred and sixty-nine hundred years ago. It is 99.99 million.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong stopped practicing and frowned.

After the power of his great world reached 2,699,999,900,000, he could not break through the Great Circle, even if he had learned hundreds of thousands of years in the boat of the universe.

Huang Xiaolong sighed and knew that it was the reason for his thin foundation.

In these years, although he used the cosmic atmosphere of the boat of the universe to cultivate amazing, but the realm is still too low, the understanding of the universe and the universe is not enough.

If he does not engulf the gas of the universe, he is also enlightened in the cosmic ambition of the cosmic atmosphere, the avenue of the universe, constantly consolidating his realm, I am afraid that his heart has long been broken.

It is like a tall building. If the foundation is not stable, it has already collapsed.

Fortunately, the hidden dangers accumulated by him before he swallowed Huang Sheng and other people to create the blood of Huanglong have been cleared. Otherwise, the higher the power of Huang Xiaolong's big world, the more dangerous these hidden dangers will be.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong had to come out of the boat of the universe.

Next, what he has to do is to continue to understand the universe and the avenues of the universe, and continue to consolidate his own realm and foundation. After breaking through the Great Circle, it will be a matter of course.

At that time, Fang hoped to break through the power of the world of 2.7 billion.

However, these years, as his understanding of the mystery of the universe continues to improve, he is increasingly feeling that he is a dragon, and the dragon is not able to keep up with his current realm, whether it is a dragon or a dragon. Dafa, or Pangu Kaitian, is behind the swordsman's unparalleled law.

Shenglong , , Pangu Kaitian can not even compare with Yu Xiaohong, Zhou Chi, the practice of breaking the tens of billions of masters.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong decided to combine the sword's unparalleled, Zhu family, ghost service, Bai Xuantian and other people's exercises, and then separately learned three sets of exercises suitable for themselves.

No matter, the sword is unparalleled, Zhu family, ghost shop, Bai Xuantian and other people's exercises, this is not an easy task, even if Huang Xiaolong's talent is amazing, it will take a short time, as for another three sets of suitable Your own exercises take longer.

However, Huang Xiaolong is not in a hurry now. With his current combat power, he can completely straddle the unknown space!

Whether it is a green ghost, a dragon or a death, it is no longer an enemy of him.

The Green Ghost is just about two billions of dollars.

And Huang Xiaolong, together with the boat of the universe, the star dragon **** tree, the four major sources of Shenhuo, the three gods, the combat power has far exceeded 26.9 billion fights.

Now, the only thing that makes Huang Xiaolong a little jealous is the evil spirit.

Huang Xiaolong learned from the unparalleled swords and Zhu Ji and other people that the unknown space in the past was able to survive the annihilation, mainly because there were demons!

With the power of one person, the fierce demon has almost blocked the power of destroying and robbing 90%!

Therefore, the fierce devil's combat power is definitely more than two hundred and seven billion fighting, and it should be far superior.

We must know that the power of the annihilation of the year was equivalent to the power of the **** of the universe. If the fierce devil did not have more than two hundred and seven billion fighting power, it would not be able to withstand the power of the annihilation of the universe.

However, with Huang Xiaolong now nearly two hundred and seven billion fighting the power of the world, coupled with the boat of the universe, the star dragon **** tree, the three gods, the four major sources of fire, not afraid of the devil.

The demons are strong, but the boat of the universe is known as the defense invincible.

Huang Xiaolong called the sword unparalleled, Zhu Ji two, and then asked the two about Zhu Chen's news.

Both of them shook their heads.

"Your father still has no news?" Huang Xiaolong accident.

Both are two million years old, Zhu Chen still does not see back, and even the news is not?

No. Zhu Ji respectfully replied: Since my father entered the capital city, he disappeared.

Huang Xiaolong said: "Is Zhu Chen already leaving the capital city?"

"It's hard to say." Sword Wu Mu said, paused: "Adult, or else, I personally go to the capital city?"

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "No."

Thinking about it, Huang Xiaolong said: "I will go there in person."

"Adults go alone?" The sword is unparalleled, and Zhu Ji is wrong.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Is nothing wrong with me alone? You are not an unbounded Senlu hell, even if it is an unbounded Senlu hell, I will go."

The sword is unparalleled, and Zhu Ji is busy nodding.

Han? Huang Xiaolong asked Tao Haner to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled and laughs: "The adults have been retreating these years. Han has always been a closed-door cultivation and enlightenment kendo. She does not leave the house. She is close to an adult, so she will retreat somewhere in the Zhu Xi Palace. Do adults want to see her? If I want her to come over, she will be very happy if she knows that the adults are going out."

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Alright, you and Han said that I have already cleared the border."

This time I went to the capital city, if I find Zhu Chen, it is good. If I can't find Zhu Chen, Huang Xiaolong intends to go to the dragon to find Longba, so I will come back in a short time. If Tao Haner knows that she is going out, she is not seen. She said, I guess I have to break my mind.

"Okay, then I will tell Han." The sword did not hear the words, smiled and turned.

Not long after, Huang Xiaolong saw Tao Haner, Tao Haner wore a light white Luo skirt, and the beauty was more innocent, pleasant, and elegant.

"Adult!" Tao Haner's face is full of joy: "You are out."

"Well, its out of the customs." Huang Xiaolong said with a smile: "Listen to your grandfather, you have been retreating for years, I havent bothered you?"

Tao Haner smiled sweetly: "I like to be disturbed by adults." Then I looked at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong coughed and found that the sword was unparalleled. Zhu Ji was looking up at the sky.

"Well, you two will go on first, I will call you again." Huang Xiaolong is unparalleled in the sword, Zhu Ji two humanity.

The two respected should be, and they retired. I dont know if it was Huang Xiaolongs illusion. When the sword was unparalleled, he squinted at Tao Hans eyes.

"Adult, listen to my grandfather, you want to go to the capital city?" After the sword is unparalleled, Zhu Ji two people retreat, Tao Haner said: "I also go with the adults?" Then look forward, begging to look Huang Xiaolong: "I am not weak now, even if I stay in the capital for a few days, it will be fine."

Huang Xiaolong is sweating. I dare to love this little girl for two million years of hard work. This is the idea of playing.

Two million years later, the strength of Tao Haner has indeed changed dramatically. He is already the ultimate master of power, and Huang Xiaolong can see that Tao Haner has realized the time and the power of space!

Among the thirteen extreme powers, the most difficult thing to gain is the power of time and space, but it was enlightened by Tao Haner.

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