Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3677: Green ghost land

Chapter 3677: Green ghost land

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong can see that Tao Han's time and space power is close to Xiaocheng.

In just two million years, the strength of Tao Haner can be improved. It is not only the reason for his efforts. It shows that his talent is very high. Of course, Tao Haner can understand the power of time and space so quickly, and is close to Xiaocheng. It may also be related to the enlightenment of the unparalleled kendo. There is time and space in the unparalleled kendo.

"I went here mainly to find Zhu Chenzu on Zhu Chen, and I will go to the land of the dragon, so you are not inconvenient." Huang Xiaolong shook his head.

Tao Haner listened and his eyes were blank.

"Next time." Huang Xiaolong said with a smile: "When I come back next time, if you want to go to the capital city, I will go with you."

"Really!" Tao Han's eyes brightened.

"Of course it is true." Huang Xiaolong laughed.

"Then we pull the hook." Tao Haner extended a finger like a green onion, Tao Han's fingers look very good, such as jade, white, long.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and had to stretch out his fingers and hooked up with Tao Han.

This kind of pull hook, Huang Xiaolong has really not done it for a long time.

"Adult, if you are fine, let's go out and walk." After the hook, Tao Haner laughed.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Tao Han's smile like a flower and nodded: "Well, I have been to Zhu Xitian for so long, I really didn't have a good time to go shopping."

Tao Haner smiled and said: "I am like a grown-up, and I have never visited. If someone talks about Zhu Xitian City, I don't know."

"Then I let Zhu Ji take us out for a walk, he must be familiar." Huang Xiaolong laughed.

"Don't!" Tao Haner hurryed: "I can go shopping with adults, but I can't get lost anyway. It's so big."

Huang Xiaolong saw Tao Haner suddenly look like, smiled and said: "Let's go."

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong and Tao Haner left the Zhu Xi Palace and then strolled around Zhu Xi Tiancheng.

Huang Xiaolong stayed in Zhujing Tiancheng for a few days.

In the past few days, Huang Xiaolong walked away with Tao Haner during the day, and at night he was unparalleled with the sword. Zhu Ji and his masters and hundreds of billions of fighting masters discussed the exercises. Although it was only a few days, Huang Xiaolongs swordsman and Zhu family made great contributions. The law has a certain understanding.

A few days later.

Huang Xiaolong was left in the sword, and Zhu Ji and others sent away, leaving Zhu Xitian City, Tao Haner hiding in a corner of the palace, quietly watching Huang Xiaolong's figure drifting away.

In the end, Huang Xiaolongs figure disappeared into the setting sun.

After Huang Xiaolong left Zhu Xitian City, he summoned the boat of the universe and took the boat directly in the universe. The green ghost land is far away from the land of Zhu Xi. From Zhu Xis land, it will take at least several years. This is the boat of the universe. speed.

Huang Xiaolong sat in the big circle of the universe, and he took the unparalleled swordsmanship, took the Zhujiagong method, and continued to learn the unparalleled swordsmanship, Zhujiagong and so on.

Through the discussion with the sword unparalleled, Zhu Ji and others, so once again to understand the unparalleled swordsmanship, Zhu Jiagong and so on, Huang Xiaolong is one of the best, and the enlightenment is very fast.

Unconsciously, years have passed.

After the boat of the universe crossed several places, it finally came to the land of the Green Ghost.

Huang Xiaolong stood on the boat of the universe and looked down on the green ghost land below.

After entering the green ghost land, I saw it from afar, and I saw it in the eye, gray, and could not see the sun. A sense of gloom shrouded the whole earth.

Occasionally, there is a strange voice or scream.

The green ghost land and the dead land are the two most unfamiliar places in the unknown space. Therefore, the green ghosts can be seen everywhere, and you can meet ghosts at any time!

A sin!

This kind of sinister, people are not human, ghosts are not ghosts, some people's form, but, born with ghost power, and very afraid of the sun.

However, the green ghost land is not a ghost, except for the ghosts, there are people, in the green ghost land, the ghosts account for 70%, the Terran accounted for 20%, and 10% are various monsters and ghosts.

The beast of the Green Ghost Earth is also born with ghost power and is weird, so it is called a ghost beast.

Not long after, Huang Xiaolong saw the first city of the Green Ghost.

Huang Xiaolong thought for a moment and put the boat of the universe away and settled down.

"Nanfeng City." Huang Xiaolong came to the gate of the city, and then walked in with the crowd.

Nanfeng City is a Terran City Pool, but within the city pool, there are many Yin ghosts.

In the city, there is no such thing as the coldness of Huang Xiaolongs imagination. On the contrary, it is the same as the endless land. The city of Zhu Xis land is very lively and crowded. The buildings in the city are not as horrible as they are. There are restaurants, shops and shops. Entertainment venue.

However, as in the city and outside, the wind is blowing, there is no sunshine, and it is overcast, making people feel depressed.

"I heard that the Yinshen River has to start to rise again!"

"What! The hundreds of millions of years of the Ghost River have to start the tide?!"

"Yeah, even the owners of our city, Nanfeng City, and the city owners around the city have rushed over. I even heard that there are many ghost kings in the land of the green ghosts, and even the adults of the Mingyang King have been alarmed!"

"What, even the strong people like Master Yang Yang are alarmed!"

The green ghost land, the supreme ruler is of course the green ghost, followed by the ghost service, while the ghost service is the king of the ten temples, and the king of the sun is one of the kings of the ten temples.

"The ghost river is rising, this is a rare opportunity, we are also gone!"

"The ghost river is so easy to cross, a little carelessness is the soul of the soul, I am only two extreme perfect, or forget, lest you become the ghost of the ghost river!"

The arguments of the family masters who passed around in the past passed into the ears of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolongs heart is moving, the ghost river?

He is known as the ghost river of the Green Ghost Earth. It is the most mysterious river in the unknown space. In normal times, the Ghost River is dry, but every few hundred million years, the dry and gloomy river will slowly emerge. The water of the ghost, then overflowing the entire ghost river!

When the Ghost River is filled with the water of the Ghost, you can reach the other shore of the Ghost River through the Ghost River. There are various treasures and adventures on the other side of the Ghost River. There used to be another in the Ghost River. Across the shore, you can see that there is no merit, or you can get a rare baby, or other big chances.

Huang Xiaolong stopped several family masters who had discussed before, and then threw a few avenues to a few people and asked about the rising tide of the Yinshen River.

The masters of several families got the dan of the avenue. Of course, they knew nothing about Huang Xiaolong, and they were very polite.

"Is this adult going to the Ghost River?" When Huang Xiaolong was leaving, one of them laughed: "If the adults don't give up, I will take the adults."

Huang Xiaolong looked at the other side: "Alright."

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong left Nanfeng City and began to travel to the Yinshen River.

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