Legend of Legends

Chapter 301 Changes 1

Usually, when the castle’s force field was destroyed, the Dimensional Battlefield would disappear, and they would all return to their own dimensions. However, this time was different. The castle crumbled, and the world changed. This time, they all heard a soft voice. [Legend candidates Aak, Keros, Lujet, Klamp and Tuelus have won ten straight victories and have become legends.] All of them appeared in front of the allies. A bright white light shone on Aak, Keros, Lujet, Klamp and Tuelus, and they floated up to the sky. As their bodies also shone, Junhyuk watched it all in shock. "That’s a nice performance!" [Legends Aak, Keros, Lujet, Klamp and Tuelus, your names will remain forever in the Hall of Legends, and item sets bearing your names will be added to the Dimensional Battlefield.] Junhyuk watched the items float in the empty air. Because they had become legends, the items they had equipped floated around them. Suddenly, all of them disappeared. Junhyuk murmured, "Where did they all go?" Artlan, who had revived, walked over and said, "They’ll be added to Bebe’s store." "Then, I can buy them with gold?" "You can, but it’ll be difficult to buy those items." "Why?" Artlan laughed and answered, "They had, for the most part, unique items. Each unique item already costs about 2,000,000G. On top of that, now they are set items, so how much do you think they’ll cost?" "At least 2,000,000G." "Correct, so not everyone will be able to buy them." Most heroes wanted to get stronger, so they usually spent their money on items rather than trying to save a lot of it. Heroes’ wallets got thinner as time passed, and with thin wallets, they wouldn’t be able to buy items that cost 2,000,000G. And now, because they had become set items, which when collected gained incredible boosts from each added one in the set, an astronomical sum of money would be required to purchase all of those legends’ items. "Whew! Definitely, not everyone can buy those." "That’s right." While they were talking, they heard another soft voice. [With the promotion of the new legends, the fifteenth season is now over. Your battle records will be considered for the next season, and if you win your next battle, you will be assigned a new level.] Junhyuk looked at Artlan. "What does that all mean?" "That a new season has begun." "A season?" Artlan nodded heavily. "That’s what they call it here. A team of heroes becoming legends marks the end of the season. Meanwhile, they will bring up new heroes. We may have to fight heroes we’ve never met before or heroes we already know. Sometimes, allies and teammates will switch teams to fight more efficiently." "What about us?" "We’ll stay together," Artlan said, patting his shoulder lightly. "Then, see you next time." Junhyuk didn’t have a chance to speak. Instead, he heard another announcement. [The sixteenth season will begin in four weeks.] Light covered everything, and he watched the world change around him. He was now at his training facility and, as he got up slowly, he looked around. Junhyuk took a moment to think, going over everything he had just learned. When new legends were announced, the season ended. After a season ended, a new one would start for the competition for legend status to begin anew. What would happen to him? What about the Champions’ Battlefield? Junhyuk sat down comfortably and said, "Agenchra, if you can hear me, can you come over so that I can ask you some questions?" After he had finished speaking, a dimensional tear appeared in the training facility. A person wearing a fedora, a trench coat, and wrapped in bandages walked through. Agenchra took a seat in front of him and said, "I knew you would be looking for me." "That’s good." Junhyuk went straight to the point, "Will the start of a new season affect the Champions’ Battlefield?" Agenchra shook his head. "No. The new season only affects heroes." He bitterly smiled. "Until we become heroes ourselves, all we have to do is fight?" "Yes." Junhyuk took a moment to think and asked, "If there are other human champions, I can take them with me to the Champions’ Battlefield. That’s what you said, correct?" "Correct. Are you talking about Sarang Kim?" "You knew about her?" "A new champion must sign a new contract to be able to join the Champions’ Battlefield. A member of the management team went to see her already." Junhyuk chuckled. "That’s basic stuff. I wasn’t thinking properly. Aktur left our team, and a new champion has evolved, so I can take her with me, right?" "Of course." Agenchra smiled and added, "You have already been training here together." "Are you monitoring this place?" Agenchra shook his head. "Not necessarily. You are the first human champion, so we are watching you closely." "Really?" Junhyuk didn’t say anything else. Agenchra had made the facility for him, so he had expected to be watched. He did not care about it and did not ask anything further on the subject. "Do you have any more question?" "One more." He looked straight into Agenchra’s eyes and asked, "Why the weeding of novices?" Agenchra frowned and answered, "I can’t tell you anything on that subject. I’m not responsible for that line of work." "Whose line of work is it?" "The Dimensional Monsters Administration." Junhyuk had just learned that management was divided into departments like any major corporation. "When will the monster attack stop?" "When five humans all become heroes and form a team." "Five?" Junhyuk knew how hard it was to evolve into a hero. He had been to the Dimensional Battlefield numerous time, but even he was not a hero yet. "By the way, where did those new legends get all that money?" Agenchra smiled. "They had won thirty-two times straight before they had even become legend candidates." "If that’s the case, then the lowest ranking team can become a legend candidate?" "Correct. These new legends became candidates in the shortest time, and they carried really nice items." "Right?!" Junhyuk realized that for him to become a legend, he couldn’t get killed as often. As a hero, each time he died he would drop an item, and that would make it difficult for him to upgrade his items. "I must stay alive and win." "It’s not easy to become a legend. You must have a good team and, if possible, not die while winning continuously in the Dimensional Battlefield." "Right, I agree." "But you get handicapped when you win continuously. For one thing, you’ll encounter stronger opposing teams. Becoming a legend is not easy." Junhyuk listened to it all quietly, nodded and answered, "I plan to become a legend myself." "We are all looking forward to that." He turned to Agenchra as he heard that. "You have activated powers concerning space, and all of your powers are high-ranking. So we are expecting good things from you," the manager added. Junhyuk waved his hands profusely and said, "Just like you said, I need a good team." "Considering your luck, that is also possible," Agenchra said and took off his fedora, bowing to Junhyuk slightly. "Then, I will be going." Agenchra disappeared, and Junhyuk gathered his thoughts. When he became a hero, who would be on his team? Junhyuk thought of a few candidates, people who wanted to be heroes, but he wasn’t sure yet about who would be on his team. Suddenly, he thought of something and looked inside his Spatial Bag, pulling out a pair of earrings. --- Vampire Lord Lujet’s Earrings (set item) Attack +30Attack Speed +10%Defense +30 The Vampire Lord Lujet has become a legend. These earrings are made from the ghost beast Eldra’s eyes. It has been infused with magic and it increases the power of whoever wears it. It increases attack and defense by thirty and attack speed by 10 percent. If other items in the set are collected, additional power will be bestowed to the wearer. --- Shocked, Junhyuk stared at the earrings. "Why is this a set item?" Lujet, the legend candidate, had dropped it, and Junhyuk thought that it would’ve cost 2,000,000G, so the others wouldn’t be able to buy it. But it wasn’t a unique item. It was a set item instead. "Because they became legends, their items became set items?" Of the allies, Vera would be the strongest to come out of this. She had been gathering Tuelus’ items. "Hm." Junhyuk put the earrings on. The Vampire Lord Lujet had become a legend, and his item was now a set item with three attributes associated with it. He wanted to see what kind of powers he could get from a completed set. If he could gather them all, he would be much stronger. Since it was a set item, he could not die while carrying it. Junhyuk pledged that when he became a hero, he would not die anymore. That was the only way to become stronger. After that, he lay down on the floor and absorbed mana. Before the morning wave of monsters, he wanted to absorb as much mana as possible and let the living spirit travel through his veins. --- Only Junhyuk took advantage of the morning wave. He had upgraded his equipment and gotten the new earrings. He had also absorbed an incredible amount of mana at the Dimensional Battlefield, so he was much stronger. So, he didn’t only practice the acceleration. He trained and thought about how to explode the living spirit at a single point on his finger. While he had taken care of the morning wave, he was still unsure about how to focus the living spirit explosion at a single point. "Do I have time?" Because a new season was beginning, he had four weeks. That meant that he would go to the Champions’ Battlefield twice before that. He would be partnered with Sarang, so he wanted to check out her powers. The Thunderstorm’s damage was incredible. Junhyuk wasn’t sure if the attack on Keros was a critical hit, but her new power equalled that of his Spatial Slash. On top of that, it also dealt splash damage. He didn’t know what percentage of the total damage was applied to the splash damage, so he wanted to go over those things with her. "Sarang is so much stronger." She could paralyze two people at once, heal up to five people. Her healing ability and her health had increased. On top of that, there was the Thunderstorm. With those powers, she would be a high-ranking champion just like him. Junhyuk gathered his thoughts and swung his sword, training the single-point explosion until it was time to meet Sarang. It was five in the afternoon, and she had already left school by that time. She was the top-ranked high school student in the entire nation, so she had benefits. "Exit." Junhyuk appeared in the bathroom and washed the blood off himself while he prepared. He changed clothes and walked toward the front door. Sarang had just come in from the main gate, and he extended both arms toward her and said, "Come over here, Champion Sarang." She smiled at him.

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