Legend of Legends

Chapter 302 Changes 2

With her face full of excitement, Sarang said quickly, "So, I’ve met with the contract manager from the Dimensional Battlefield. The contract was so long! In any event, I read it and signed it." "Did you read it carefully?" "Time had stopped, so I did. It was easy to understand." "You did well reading through it all." "I’ve acquired speed-reading skills." Sarang was very intelligent, so speed-reading hadn’t been difficult for her to learn. Junhyuk laughed and said, "Then, shall we train now?" "Wait, let’s eat first." "Eat?" "Yeah, this." She brought out some food from a Korean fast food place. There were seasoned rice cakes, Korean sausages and two rolls of sushi. She had even brought some fish cake soup, and Junhyuk laughed at the sight. "You got so much." "I’m a growing girl, so I have to eat a lot." "Riiiiight." Both of them set the food on the table and took their seats. Sarang had locked her feet together and was swinging them underneath the table while she looked at him. "This is nice." "What is?" "Just having a chance to eat with you." Junhyuk stabbed a rice cake with a fork and gave her the bite, then he took a bite of his own off the rice cake. "This is seasoned nicely!" "It’s from a brand new fast food place, and the food there tastes good. The students from my school go there often." "Yeah?" He ate dinner with her. After dinner, he had a cup of coffee, and they both went to his training facility. The monsters hadn’t shown up yet, but he unsheathed his swords and said, "Your health has increased." "Only my basic stats have increased." "Nevertheless, what you said before is right, you have grown stronger." He knew that sparring with her was not possible yet. Sarang still didn’t have a lot of equipment. "Let’s start by checking out your new power," Junhyuk said smiling. "It has a forty-second cooldown." "That’s very long." For an attack power, it was too long. However, considering the damage it inflicted, its range, and the fact that it hit over a wide area, it made sense that its cooldown would be long. There had been times that her equipment had been better than his, but now, Junhyuk was better equipped. He had sold an item for 1,400,000G and upgraded most of what he owned. On top of that, he was wearing the earrings. Through it all, he had also developed his skills and powers. Junhyuk chuckled. "By the way, B-ranked monsters aren’t going to pose any problems now." "We still have to train, and if I get hit by one of them, it’ll still hurt," she said. "Right..." Junhyuk didn’t intend for her to get hit. He would act as a shield for her and kill the monsters. But, her health wasn’t the only thing that had increased as she turned into a champion. Her attack and defense had also increased. However, she still couldn’t take a lot of hits from B-ranked monsters. It was time, and a twin-headed ogre appeared. As he saw it, Junhyuk said, "Try your Thunderstorm out." "Sure." After she said that, she put her orb forward, and thunder and lightning cracked from the sky. Crrraaaacck, boom! The twin-headed ogre didn’t even have a chance to scream before it had become ash. Her power was overwhelming. A bed of lightning webbed through the surroundings on the floor, and Junhyuk dry coughed. "Woah! This is huge!" Junhyuk had also moved to slash the twin-headed ogre, but before he could even get there, Sarang had roasted the ogre in a flash. She was also shocked by what she could do. "It is..." When considering the overall damage, her power was superior to the Spatial Slash, and he asked, "What is the range?" "Approximately forty meters." Her power’s range was longer than an ordinary hero’s attack, but shorter than the Spatial Slash’s range. He also measured how far the bed of lightning extended. It expanded to a radius of ten meters from the center of the lightning strike, covering an area greater than the range of his shockwave. "That’s some nice power you got." "Big brother." He turned to look at her, and with her head cocked to the side, she asked, "I’ll be going to the Champions’ Battlefield with you. What is that place like?" He answered her question calmly, "When you go, you’ll meet Gongon. With Gongon and you, we’ll win easily." "Gongon... Do you mean that dragon?" "Yes." "I’ve been wanting to meet him." "And you will." After they talked, they waited for the next wave. Two twin-headed ogres appeared, and Junhyuk looked at her. "Let’s check it out one more time. We need to know the damage of the bed of lightning." "Sure." Sarang pushed her orb forward, and the thunderbolt crashed down once more. When just looking at it, all you could see was lightning falling from a dry sky. However, the power’s damage was enormous. One of the twin-headed ogres got roasted again, and the bed of lightning extended from it to hit the other one beside it. Crack, crack, crack! "Roooaar!" the twin-headed ogre screamed as both of his legs were charred. Seeing the twin-headed ogre kneeling from the pain, Junhyuk realized that the damage of the bed of lightning could not be ignored. Then, he ran forward and beheaded the kneeling twin-headed ogre. "The area-of-effect part of the attack can’t kill a twin-headed ogre by itself." Junhyuk’s shockwave hit for 50 percent of his attack, and that always killed the twin-headed ogre when he used the Spatial Slash, but her power’s bonus damage wasn’t enough to kill by itself. That mean that the bed of lightning hit for less that 50 percent of the original attack. "When you upgrade your equipment, it’ll get stronger." "That’s what I’m expecting as well. When you kill an opponent in the Champions’ Battlefield, you get 3,000G, right?" "Correct. But you have to be careful." "Why?" He added calmly, "Our enemies are extremely powerful." There was an assassin among the enemy champions, and if Sarang were to fight alone, she would be killed. Now that Junhyuk’s defense had increased, he would take them on. "I’m worried. My defense is not high enough yet." "It’ll increase." He placed a hand on her head and added, "You should try to reach for Tuelus’ level." "What?! The now legend Tuelus?!" "That’s right. You should increase your attack stat, but that will have its limitations. So, increase your defense and magic as well. Your defense should be comparable to Artlan’s, and your attack should be similar to Tuelus’." "I feel burdened by it all already." "If possible, I’ll help you grow. Also, your power is better than my Spatial Slash. It’s so fast, there is no way to dodge it or escape from it. However, combined, we have six powers, so one of us will be reassigned to a different team. In any event, we are champions, so we can at least die four times." "Are you saying I should aim for the last strike?" "If you just do that, even your hero partners may turn on you." "I’ll be discrete." He smiled at her. "You are like me. Your have utility powers, so you can be of great help, so try to be deliberate and careful with your last strikes." "Sure." She smiled and added, "Then, shall we?" Another wave of monsters was appearing, and she had already prepared her magic. Junhyuk had enhanced his equipment, so twin-headed ogres posed no problems for him. He, himself, managed to kill twenty-five twin-headed ogres while they experimented with Sarang’s new power. After killing the twenty-fifth monster, Junhyuk collapsed from exhaustion with Sarang next to him. "Whew! Our power levels have increased too much!" Sarang looked at him from head to toe and said, "Honestly, you have become many times stronger. The power of money is scary." He laughed at her. "Is that right?" He had spent 1,400,000G on top of having set items, but he knew he had been lucky that he had been able to collect all of those set items. "Considering what I got, I’ll have to earn more money." Junhyuk already had Pure Golden Knight items, but he also wanted to collect items from the Vampire Lord set. Set items of higher ranks had useful boosts and effects. Gongon was proof of that.He wanted to buy 2,000,000G items, and finish his Pure Golden Knight collection. There were also the runestones. Junhyuk wanted to rain money, and he wanted to upgrade his weapons some more times. There was a lot more money he needed to spend. They were in the middle of a conversation when they heard a soft voice.[The champion Junhyuk’s training facility has another champion, so we will increase the rank of incoming monsters.]"What?!"He got up, and suddenly, a dimensional tear appeared, and a large werewolf walked through it."A Wolf Warlord?"An A-ranked monster had suddenly appeared, so Sarang got up fast, and he shouted, "Get behind me!"Junhyuk stood in front of her and stared at the Wolf Warlord, the A-ranked monster. Junhyuk’s defense was comparable to a regular hero’s defense, and although his weapons were of lower quality, he could offset that difference.That meant that although he didn’t have an ultimate yet, his overall power was similar to a hero’s.Trusting Sarang, Junhyuk ran forward. The Wolf Warlord swung its claws at him, and the claws clashed against the Blood Rune Sword.Clang!There was a loud clashing sound, and Junhyuk saw that he wasn’t able to cut the claws off. The real problem was the Wolf Warlord’s size. It was ten meters tall, and its claws were two meters long.Junhyuk felt like he was standing in front of a giant."Sarang!"Sarang cast her Thunderstorm.Boom!The lightning struck the Wolf Warlord’s head, but it was not dead yet. Then, the Wolf Warlord mounted its own attacks. Its eyes were filled with revenge, and it jumped over Junhyuk.Junhyuk teleported. He had read the trajectory of the Wolf Warlord’s jump and appeared in front of it, using his Spatial Slash as he did so.Junhyuk thought the Spatial Slash would kill the Wolf Warlord, but the monster merely turned his head away. Usually, the Spatial Slash would have penetrated the enemy’s neck, but the attack had only grazed its neck area.The Wolf Warlord was still in the air when it swung its claws down at him. Junhyuk blocked them with his dual swords.Clang!He parried them, but he still got bounced away. While Junhyuk landed, the monster moved toward Sarang.Junhyuk raised the force field around her. The Wolf Warlord was falling on her head when the force field appeared, and the monster pounded against it with its fists.Boom, boom, boom!The blows were severe, and the force field got pushed down into the ground. At the same time, Junhyuk gritted his teeth and started running.The Wolf Warlord had evaded the Spatial Slash, which meant that he would have to fight it with regular attacks, and that wouldn’t be easy to do.The Thunderstorm had worked and damaged the monster, but the Wolf Warlord wasn’t an easy enemy. Junhyuk’s attack stat was high, but he couldn’t do anything against the werewolf’s claws.As he ran, Sarang shouted, "I’ll stop it!""OK!"When he approached the Wolf Warlord, Sarang shot her electric blast. It travelled like a light arrow and hit the Wolf Warlord, paralyzing it. Then, Junhyuk jumped on it. He hadn’t used his jump in a while, but he jumped high enough to reach the Wolf Warlord’s head, swinging the Blood Rune Sword in the process.

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