Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 455: Early labor

Chapter 455: Early labor

Aria had already crossed the weeks when she could have hidden her baby bump from all. So it was getting more obvious making the couple be more cautious about their public appearance and avoided it 99 percent.

Aria's work shifted to the first floor of Skyline Industries so that it could be easy for her to take the elevator for just two floors and get in the parking lot. Despite being on the first floor with her secretaries and Levi, it wasn't difficult for the higher management employees to identify Aria as pregnant watching her in the video conference daily but none dare to spread the news about it.

As weeks passed, Aria was getting tired of sitting long and it would easily show on her face with sleepiness overtaking. Alan had arranged a lounge for her to rest from time to time and he frequently visited her if needed or had lunch at noon.

On strict orders, she wasn't allowed to stay alone so Rose's desk was shifted to her office and Levi would make sure about her liquid intake reminding her repeatedly to avoid her dehydration and to replenish her energy.

Amelia could only watch the duo getting tired at the end of the day and sleep. She had to stop herself from saying give break to work because she knew they wouldn't push away their responsibility. Hence Rowan became a tentative CEO in Morgan Industries to lower Alan's burden and to let Alan be with Aria.

There were still fifteen days left for her due date, Aria was thinking to rest at home, unable to handle things for getting tired easily. She coaxed Alan when he was feeding her lunch, "Why didn't you check at the factory? You know we can't take the risk if laborers go on strike listening to some scumbags, why don't you drop a visit?"

"It's far, I can't go so far from you." Alan responded after a few seconds and heard her chuckle, "You don't want to or you can't?"

Alan didn't respond while Aria pleaded with him to go without having the mood to see Morgan Industries' name on the headline with negative views. A worker had injured himself while working and he was still working. It somehow spread out and other employees had started talking negatively saying President Morgan doesn't care about their employees.

Halfheartedly, he agreed to her and went to drop a quick visit to warn them to behave which Aria didn't know. 

After another long meeting, Aria massaged her lower back laying in her cushioned lounge chair. Rose suggested looking at the furrowed brows of Aria, "President Cooper, why don't you rest at home? The work is tiring you out... You look very pale after the meeting."

Aria mumbled with a thought of nap, "I am thinking the same." Then she thanked Rose when she pulled the comforter on her, "Thank you..."

Rose was thinking to call Alan or tell Levi looking at Aria pale but the latter shot her eyes open in alertness, "President Cooper, what's wrong?"

Aria was about to tell but paused before changing her words and instructed more like an order to avoid her delay, "Call Levi, Quick..." 

Rose immediately ran out while Aria tried to sit to get up. Levi rushed inside hearing Rose say Aria looks pale, "President Cooper..."

Aria uttered a word, "Hospital..." She was ready to walk when Levi decisively carried her as he instructed Rose, "Open the door and elevator."

"I can walk..." Aria said but Levi steadily walked saying, "Save your energy."

Rose didn't panic, instead, she grabbed Aria's mobile and ran to the door to open wide. She dialed the driver to get the car at the elevator door of the parking lot as she clicked the elevator button.

Aria asked Levi in curiosity to divert her attention, "Did you read about pregnancy?"

To her surprise, "That woman forced me to read in your name." Aria chuckled hearing Chelsa Baker as 'that woman'.

Rose called Alan and informed him about Aria without a hint of fear or hesitancy. Aria whispered to Levi, "See, my little security is always best." 

Levi responded in a normal voice taking her to the car, "Look at her trembling legs." Aria peeked down and silently chuckled.

Levi took the driver seat to drive safe, Rose sat behind and dialed Amelia's number to inform about Aria. Rose was trying to calm down herself however Aria let out a low groan scaring her to wits.

Levi tried to talk to Aria to divert attention from contractions pain while Rose didn't know what to do other than dialing Aria's doctor to be prepared while the tears rolled down.

Aria who heard the sob couldn't stop herself from saying, "Rose, why are you crying? Nothing will happen to me." With regular checkups and healthy diets, Aria was at least sure she could deliver babies unless if changed their position in her womb and became stubborn to come outside.

The response they heard was, "I don't know." And her sobs became louder as though she was in labor pain instead of Aria who completely controlled herself from letting out any sound of pain.

Eva wasn't in pain when they were on the road for more than fifteen minutes to the hospital but Aria was soaked in sweat due to the pain in just five minutes. Aria repeated to herself that's because of twins while the pain started to become unbearable.

At the hospital,

Levi quickly laid her on the stretcher hearing her ask, "Alan... Where is Alan?"

Rose ran behind the stretcher answering her, "President Cooper, President Morgan didn't say about how long he was going to take."

Just then Rian and Roxy who were nearby reached first and followed next to Aria as they calmed her, "Arrie, don't be scared, you will be fine. Nothing will happen to you."

"Little Devil, you are strong, aren't you? I will be waiting to see you and your babies."

Despite hearing them, Aria's hand still yearned to hold the one she needed and her eyes looked for the one she urged to see when she was the one who sent him so far from the main city.

She chided herself when the stretcher was entering the labor ward, 'I am dummy... A big dummy...' while her tears finally rolled down in pain but more of missing Alan, to be alone inside and for missing his chance to behold their babies together.

If she knew that she would be going on early labor, she wouldn't have dared to send him away.

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