Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 456: Alia and Arlan

Chapter 456: Alia and Arlan

Aria almost lost hope of having Alan by her side but she heard steady yet quick dress shoe footsteps behind her so she mumbled trying to look behind the almost closing door, "Alan"

The door again widened and heard a deep sigh as a warm palm enveloped her palm, "Sorry, traffic" Alan caressed her head.

Aria started whining, "Alan, I am scared, will they cut my stomach open? How long will they take? How will the babies be?..." Her questions went on while Alan tried to calm her knowing she wouldn't think anything if he is next to her and asks him questions.

Alan quickly wore the surgical gown as the ward boy helped him. Aria was in pain and she was wearing a flowy mid-length dress hence she was immediately shifted inside the labor ward without changing to a hospital gown. Alan didn't leave her hand as he continued to cool her wiping her tears seeing her in pain, 

The doctor instructed after seeing the baby's head, "Mr. and Mrs. Morgan give a gently push as the nurse shows."

After hearing the doctor, Alan noticed he was actually trembling. Quickly cooling down, He did as the nurse showed once with narration and Aria let out a shriek due to intense pain through her bones digging her finger into Alan's arms.

Alan didn't even hiss alternating his gaze at movements at her womb and crying Aria.

Followed by her wail, a baby cry started instantly deafening Aria's voice who was red in pain soaked in sweat. Aria and Alan didn't dare to move other than looking at each other and then at the doctor who stood up holding a crying baby soaked in blood.

The other assisting doctor helped her with the baby as she said, "It's a baby boy." and moved aside to take care of the baby. A nurse who noted down the time recorded the baby's gender quickly.

Aria said between her sobs, "I want a baby girl too."

Her attending doctor cued Alan and checked but another baby's head wasn't near the cervix which was still dilated. While all the possibilities ran in her head, she just hoped the baby didn't change it's laying positing in the womb when the first baby came out.

Alan who had pushed only twice for the first baby started to worry but he didn't want to tense up the doctor he patiently waited doing as instructed. The minutes passed but there was no reaction but Aria was in still pain.

The doctor decided to make an incision to widen the vaginal opening which was slowly contracting, Aria's groans increased again and the quietened baby boy started crying again. "Push... Push" The doctor and the nurse said together and Alan and Aria both tried to push when her contraction started. 

Alan chided under his breath, "This second one is a brat."

Aria's chuckle, cry, and tears mixed up when the little brat came out crying its lungs out leaving its mother pale as a sheet on the bed. While the nurses checked Aria's condition, the doctor broke the news, "It's a baby girl."

Aria smiled before a sigh went out trying to feel her hip. Alan glanced at the baby girl and said, "We got little Alan and a little bunny. No more babies." Little Alan was smaller than the fluffy little bunny just like how Alan and Aria were when they born. 

After the placenta pushed out of her womb, babies were also cleaned and brought near the parents. Aria saw them but didn't have the strength to hold so she smiled thinking they were exactly like Alan said.

Aria and Alan nodded at the doctor to prepare for the babies' check-up to confirm the babies were healthy without any problem of genetic diseases or any other. The doctor just smiled and prepared to shift Aria to the ward that was prepared for her from Zeke Wen. 


Levi was just standing, when Rose played with sleeping babies and Alan was out completing some formalities when one by one all rushed inside the ward.

All were excited and happy looking at babies that they eventually carried babies and left without talking to Aria who didn't know how to react.

'Ahh, now it's the new prince and goddess time.' Aria thought was ready to take a nap before the babies cry again.

Alan who returned inside saw her frowning on the bed, "Honey"

Aria mumbled extending her hand at him to hold, "I thought you will go with babies."

"They went for a check-up and vaccination." Alan who responded laid on the bed instead of holding her hand.

Aria shot her eyes open and yammered trying to make sit, "Get off, get off I stink The doctor said no to the bath saying I might catch a cold. Get off..."

Alan ignored her, wrapped a hand around her stomach, buried his face in her neck, "You aren't sticking" He sniffled again, "It's a lactose smell" He had already wiped her with a warm towel knowing her uncomfortableness.

Placing her hand on his arm over her stomach she mumbled again, "I need time to accept my stomach is lowered and in a weird shape."

Alan knew she wouldn't care about others' shapes but she preferred to be in shape to be more confident and bold. Strength in the name of the shape, it was about the physical strength that gives her confidence to protect others in every form.

"Don't" He didn't finish sensing her doze off. He would love her however she is but he wouldn't ignore her preference. He whispered in her ear, "I will help you." and he heard her hum bringing a smile on his lips. He again helped her wipe her body to avoid her feeling smelly, 

It wasn't fifteen minutes, Aria heard the cries of babies and woke up to see Curtis and Rowan bringing babies.

"Did you rest or not?" Eva skipped her and pulled her cheeks while Alan raised the upper bed. Eva continued without waiting for the response, "If one baby cries, another one starts. So you will have many sleepless nights." Then she whispered, "I will steal your Little Cutie for my son."

Aria too teased, "Do you want me to steal your son?"

Eva hmphed and stood away because she has no idea why Ivan loves Aria that he cries whenever Eva tries to take him away from Aria.

Isaac added, "Arrie, Let Levi take care at the company, you need to replenish back to health and take care of two little devils."

Rian, who was playing with the little fingers of little Alan, grinned, "Two more little devils." He was thinking if he could call them little devils too, 'Family of little devils.'

Before drinking milk, two babies again slept leaving Aria clueless, "Aren't they hungry?"

Amelia gently laid babies in the crib without giving them to Aria, "My young lady, babies were crying due to the syringe. Feed then when they wake up again, now you need lots of rest. Nap whenever babies go to sleep, babies frequently wake up so you won't get proper rest even at night."

Aria pouted as she smiled at others who smiled or wished them before leaving the room, "Mum, you are scaring me."

Amelia chuckled going back to Aria, "We are all here, don't worry."

Just then Rian, Noah, and Eva rushed back inside and asked, "Babies names, babies name" Then all returned to the room with much anticipation.

Aria shrugged promptly when gazes were on her and pointed to Alan who had chosen names and completed the procedures.

Rian raised his hand to stop Alan from speaking, "Bro, don't tell me it's Alia and Arlan. We might start calling babies as Aria and Alan itself."

All chuckled clearly knowing the couple was capable of choosing those names due to their love for each other. Seeing Aria giggling all were shocked having no words to define their emotions.

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