Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 195 Shocking the Doctors

Chapter 195 Shocking the Doctors

Jamal Patel, a remarkable neurosurgeon and a preeminent cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon in Tessia Kingdom, stood as a testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence. His life journey had been marked by unique challenges, stemming from his mixed heritage of Southeast Asian and African American origins. These factors had cast a shadow over his early years, subjecting him to the weight of discrimination that permeated the country.

While not relegated to the status of a second-class citizen, Jamal faced a pervasive lack of optimism from those around him. Every endeavor he embarked upon required double, even triple the effort to achieve success, as he sought to dispel the arrogance and prejudice that clung to his surroundings.

The outcome of this relentless determination was his ascent to become the finest surgeon across Asia, with invitations pouring in from Hong Kong and the Ming Federation for him to deliver lectures to their aspiring medical students.

Yet, as the story unfolds, Jamal's 30 years of medical experience would face an unparalleled challenge in the confines of a compact, futuristic operating room. For the second time, he found himself summoned by Daniel, not as a surgeon this time, but as an overseer of a pivotal experiment involving a cutting-edge medical bot. His role was twofold: to observe the live test and to be prepared to intervene should anything veer off course.

Within his heart waged a battle of conflicting sentiments. One side yearned for the test to succeed, mindful of the potential to save lives, while the other hesitated, wary of entrusting a human life to an unfeeling machine. This internal struggle echoed his complex emotions about the future—a future that hung precariously in the balance.

In the sterile, hushed atmosphere of the operating theater, General Sullivan lay unconscious on the table, having been anesthetized. Unbeknownst to him, the pivotal moment had arrived—the surgery to implant the 'Ether Heart' was about to begin.

Yet, it was not the General who held his breath in anticipation, but rather the group of doctors Daniel had invited to witness this groundbreaking procedure. They stood on the sidelines, their gazes unwaveringly fixed on the medical bot that would orchestrate this delicate operation.

"The operation will begin shortly, please focus," Jamal Patel said sternly to his colleagues who were invited to standby and watch over this operation in case something went wrong.

The medical bot, a testament to Daniel's technological brilliance, took center stage. Its sleek metallic form exuded an air of quiet confidence as it prepared to perform the intricate surgery. This was uncharted territory, a test of the bot's capabilities in the realm of high-precision medical procedures.

With a series of barely audible mechanical whispers, the bot's many arms began to unfold. Each arm revealed its true nature as a versatile instrument that could retract, transform, and reshape itself into various medical tools as the situation demanded. Like a symphony conductor orchestrating an intricate piece, the bot's arms moved in harmony, each one morphing seamlessly to suit the task at hand.

Jamal and his colleagues observed with both curiosity and concern, their eyes tracing the bot's every transformation. With a grace that bordered on artistry, the bot initiated the surgery.

Its arms moved deftly and efficiently, guided by algorithms and calculations. Incisions were made with an almost otherworldly precision, revealing the hidden landscape of General Sullivan's chest. The doctors exchanged cautious glances, recognizing the gravity of this moment. They had placed their faith in Daniel's innovation, but the true test was now unfolding before their eyes.

With the delicate touch of a master surgeon, the bot navigated through the complex network of tissues. Instruments were wielded with a finesse that bespoke of a harmonious fusion between man and machine. Veins and arteries were meticulously addressed, demonstrating a level of skill that left the observing doctors in a mixture of awe and unease.

As the surgery progressed, the bot's expertise shone through. It operated with an efficiency that minimized blood loss, a factor that would be crucial in the General's recovery. The doctors' anxiety began to wane, replaced by a grudging admiration for the precision and accuracy the bot displayed.

Especially Jamal, he, of all people, knew well how hard it is to perform as the bot did. If it were human doctors, they would require a team of experienced individuals, and it might not be comparable to the bot's performance. Human doctors are susceptible to fatigue and stress, factors that can lead to errors. But the machine didn't have these problems.

Minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, the room enveloped in focused tension. And then, in a moment that marked a monumental achievement, the 'Ether Heart' found its place within General Sullivan's chest.

The medical bot's multi-faceted arms, capable of transformation and precise manipulation, transitioned seamlessly from their role as surgeon to that of a master craftsman. They closed up the chest, delicately and flawlessly melding bone and tissue, leaving no trace of the invasive procedure that had just taken place. In this deft display of surgical prowess, the bot demonstrated its proficiency not only in opening up the human body but also in the intricate art of restoration.

Jamal and the doctors exchanged glances once more, their expressions a blend of relief and amazement mixed with complexity and reluctance. The surgery had been a success, a testament to the fusion of technology and medicine. The medical bot, with its versatile arms and transformative capabilities, had proven its mettle, exceeding even the most optimistic expectations.

But amidst all of this good news, most of the doctors here knew that the new era of medical care had arrived. They felt a mix of relief and reluctance, aware that if the use of medical bots became popular, people would finally have access to truly equal healthcare. However, they also recognized that the role of doctors might be diminished in the process.

As the bot's tasks concluded, the room filled with a collective sigh, and some doctors even applauded with admiration. General Sullivan, still in his anesthetic slumber, remained unaware of the momentous event that had transpired. He was now on a path of transformation, guided by the hands of innovation and expertise.

With the surgery completed, the General was moved to the next phase of his journey—the healing pod. Within its translucent confines, his body would undergo the process of regeneration, monitored by both medical science and technological prowess.

In the aftermath of the surgery, Jamal and the doctors conferred with Daniel, discussing the bot's performance, its precision, and the wealth of data garnered from this unprecedented trial.

"Mr. Emberweave… Could you please disclose to me the price of this medical bot? And what is the extent of its capabilities?" Doctor Jamal Patel immediately asked Daniel during an afternoon tea session after the doctors had finished evaluating the bot's capabilities.

Hearing that, Daniel let out a smile and said, "Right now, the General Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Neurosurgery, Vascular Surgery, and the Cardiothoracic Surgery programs can be considered to replicate anything a human doctor can do.

These programs are complete and ready to be introduced to the market. However, other programs such as Ophthalmology and Orthopedic Surgery, among others, are still undergoing testing." Daniel spoke as he counted on his fingers.

"That's remarkably advanced, making it more than halfway toward the completion of this medical bot. Also…" Jamal Patel commented, his attention shifting to the screen displaying General Sullivan floating within the healing tank.

"I believe the technology behind the healing tank and the healing liquid formula is ready for the world. This is a game-changer when it comes to post-surgery recovery. I have no doubt it will be in high demand." Jamal remarked, his gaze fixed on the healing tank.

Indeed, as Jamal mentioned, the healing tank alone could sell like hotcakes to any hospital, and wealthy individuals might even purchase it for personal use if it were to hit the market.

"Thank you for your vote of confidence, Doctor, but I think making it widely available might be impossible with this technology. At most, I might consider opening a private hospital and offer the tank as part of a premium treatment program with a significant price tag," Daniel explained.

"Why is that? Is it due to the high production cost of the healing liquid?" The doctor inquired, understanding the potential obstacle.

"Exactly, Doctor. The liquid is incredibly costly to produce. Let's just say that it's derived from a rare, genetically altered medicinal plant found deep within the Amazon rainforest. The extensive genetic modifications are required to harness its healing properties, but this also renders the plant incapable of reproducing naturally. Therefore, the genetic alteration process needs to be repeated, and the expenses associated with it are staggering," Daniel explained with a smile.

In reality, the liquid was simply an alchemical concoction of his own creation. However, Daniel was cautious about distributing it widely, as it lacked the anti-tampering mechanisms he had implemented in many of his other products. These mechanisms would cause the product's electronics and components to disintegrate if an unauthorized attempt to open it was detected. This was a precaution he had taken to safeguard his magical secrets from exposure.

"I see… that's quite unfortunate," Jamal remarked with a hint of disappointment.

"Anyway, if you ever need anything from me, please don't hesitate to reach out," Doctor Jamal said with a smile as he stood up, preparing to bid farewell.

"Thank you very much for your time, Doctor. Also, please take this." Daniel handed his black business card to Doctor Jamal. It was the same card he reserved for those he considered worthy of investment or friendship, much like he had given to Christopher Ward.

"If you encounter any issues where you think I could be of assistance, visit the reception at the company and present this card. Just ask to see me, and I'll be glad to help," Daniel added.

Doctor Jamal accepted the card with a smile and neatly tucked it into his wallet before bidding goodbye to Daniel.

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