Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 194 Augmented Soldier Program

194  Augmented Soldier Program

"Do as I say, Lieutenant," Sullivan commanded with the tone of a soldier issuing an order, leaving no space for dissent.

"Yes, sir!" The Lieutenant promptly began to contact Daniel's secretary and initiated negotiations regarding the upcoming augmented soldier program experimentation.

— 1 Day later —

After a day of intensive interrogation, the Supreme General became privy to the information that the assassin had accepted an open job from the Syndicate Union. This revelation brought forth both unsettling and exhilarating sentiments within him.

The sense of unsettling stemmed from his awareness of what the Syndicate Union truly represented. It stood as the embodiment of the global underworld's power, akin to an underworld United Nations. A force to be reckoned with, it couldn't be entirely eradicated as long as the world order persisted. The Syndicate Union would always endure.

Simultaneously, a rush of excitement coursed through him. He recognized that the underworld harbored a multitude of highly skilled individuals, their abilities ranging from thievery and hacking to decryption and combat prowess. Combat, especially, piqued his interest. Sullivan was well aware that some possessed extraordinary attributes, whether physical prowess that surpassed normal human limits or marksmanship that would put even an Olympic champion to shame. He relished the prospect of facing off against these exceptional individuals.

This version of Sullivan, unlike his corrupt real one counterpart, was a true man of war through and through. In an era of relative peace, he found himself yearning for the scent of blood and gunpowder. He was a veteran who had participated in the "Anti-Unification War," a conflict initiated by the Qing Empire in their bid to assimilate the Southeast Asian islands into their dominion.

To him, that era of bloodshed and carnage had appeared as a splendid spectacle of glory. While he maintained a profound empathy for human lives, he wasn't inclined to incite wars or disrupt the existing peace. Yet, a part of him continued to yearn for genuine action, the adrenaline-fueled battle to the death that stirred the depths of his being. Much like a wild wolf endeavoring to acclimate to city life, the unbridled essence of his nature persisted as an enigma to tame.

(Author's Note: The Anti-Unification War is comparable to the Vietnam War in our Earth's history. It signifies a scenario in which less affluent and peripheral nations triumphed against a considerably larger and mightier nation.)

Today was the day he had eagerly awaited, the culmination of his desire to transform into the super soldier he had dreamt of since his youth, filled with fiery determination. He had received a preliminary overview of the upcoming procedure from Daniel, and the details sounded like something out of a science fiction movie or a video game.

Although he had witnessed the remarkable capabilities of the stealth suit firsthand, it was still a challenge to fully comprehend the advancements. However, this firsthand experience had instilled a sense of optimism within him, bolstering his belief that the procedure would yield positive results.

Seated within the car that was ferrying him to Astral Tech Corporation, he found the traffic relatively light, benefiting from the early morning hour. The clock hovered around 10:00 AM, a time when most individuals were either engaged in their work, studies, or remaining within the comfort of their homes. It was a time marked by bustling activity and routine engagements.

Soon, the vehicle arrived at the premises of Astral Tech Corporation. After a cordial exchange with the receptionist and a brief introduction, the general was escorted to the research facility within the building.

Inside the futuristic, pristine-white research facility, Daniel, Aryan, and Sloth awaited the General's arrival to extend their greetings. While some exchanged firm handshakes with the General, Sloth offered a casual wave, only to soon succumb to slumber. This drew a mix of amused sighs and understanding nods from the nearby researchers who were well aware of Sloth's unique condition.

Among the female researchers, whispers floated about, noting the Research Director's endearing resemblance to a cherubic baby—nurturing a temptation within them to give her cheeks a playful poke.

The General, well-informed about Sloth's situation through Daniel, bore no ill will towards her. He understood that her need for constant sleep was a coping mechanism to prevent her brain from overtaxing itself due to her hyperactive cognitive functions.

"Your excitement is palpable, General," Daniel remarked, guiding the General towards the briefing room as preparations continued for the impending surgery in the adjacent surgical suite.

"Yes, I am excited. Despite this being an experimental stage, your products and safety protocols instill a sense of confidence in me," the General responded, his optimism evident.

"Your confidence is appreciated, General. However, I must caution you. No matter how meticulously we prepare and how many safeguards we implement, there are limits. You're venturing into uncharted territory as the first human subject for this experimental technology. Our data on live human trials remains limited, and this lack of information could potentially lead to unsuccessful outcomes, even at the cost of your life," Daniel warned solemnly.

"I understand, Mr. Emberweave. I wouldn't have come if I weren't prepared. Moreover, I'm well aware that you still require me as a safeguard against those rapacious corporations that might attempt to collude against you or manipulate legalities to push you out of the market. If you were truly uncertain about the success, your astuteness wouldn't have allowed my participation in the first place," the General responded, a smile playing on his lips as he artfully blended a compliment into his words. Daniel could only muster a wry smile in response.

[It's evident this individual has spent quite some time in the legal sphere or among those avaricious officials. His ease with flattery is telling.] Daniel thought, silently acknowledging the General's skills in such matters before gesturing for him to proceed to the briefing room.

The briefing room bore the semblance of a modest conference space, equipped with a large screen displaying the words 'Augmented Soldier Program.' This presentation had been meticulously prepared by Daniel for the General's benefit.

Maria, having readied the room and the presentation, had now prepared coffee for both Daniel and the General. She presented the cups to them before moving to offer Sloth hers, while Aryan was left to manage his own refreshment.

The reason why Maria let Aryan to fend for himself was because. As luck would have it, Aryan found himself nursing a broken heart after his attempts to win over Sloth fell flat. In a classic case of misread signals, Maria's kind gestures aimed at cheering up Aryan were, unfortunately, mistaken for romantic advances.

Poor Aryan, not one to miss a chance, believed he was the target of Maria's affections. Alas, his hopes were dashed when Maria firmly put an end to his romantic daydreams. Left to lick his wounds, Aryan bore the weight of his misunderstanding with a melodramatic sigh, albeit without shedding any the details of the augmentation process that General Sullivan was about to undergo.


The presentation commenced with an image of an intricate silver heart-shaped device. This, in fact, tears. The ironic twist? Gossip soon revealed that Maria's true interest lay in none other than Daniel—

Aryan's boss yet again!

Observing Aryan's forlorn sigh as he absentmindedly stirred his coffee, Daniel simply shrugged and moved on, leaving Aryan to his own devices. With that, Daniel approached the podium and delved into the details of the augmentation process that General Sullivan was about to undergo.

The presentation commenced with an image of an intricate silver heart-shaped device. This, in fact, was the remarkable creation that Daniel had meticulously crafted, utilizing his expertise in magic, alchemy, and artifice. He had poured all his skills into making this magical artifact without taking shortcuts or improvising with his abilities from the card. His intent was to test his theory of Pseudo Magic—whether ordinary individuals, armed with the right tools and means, could wield powers akin to magic.

"General, this is the 'Ether Heart.' It serves as a pivotal component for your augmentation. Think of it as a supplementary heart, working in conjunction with your natural one. Consider it your fail-safe—

should your natural heart ever falter or be destroyed, this 'Ether Heart' will activate to sustain your life for about 5 or 6 days, giving you ample time to seek our assistance.

This unique organ functions as both a reactor and a control center, enhancing your muscular and physiological capacities. Our tests indicate that it can strengthen and fortify your skin, generating an energy shield that can protect you from a variety of harms—be it heat, kinetic force, or explosive impact. In fact, its upper limit allows it to withstand an anti-tank AP shell fired from a 108 mm gun without causing internal harm.

Furthermore, it will amplify your body's performance across various aspects: healing, speed, strength, and reflexes. Should the implantation process prove successful, you'll become an unstoppable force on the battlefield." Daniel explained.

The General's face lit up with excitement, his eyes shimmering like stars as if he had just walked into a toy store. He could hardly contain his anticipation for the upcoming augmentation. Safety concerns seemed to take a backseat to his enthusiasm.

"General, one final caution. If you have any doubts or reconsiderations, now is the moment to voice them. Once you enter the operating room, it will be too late to turn back, as you will be anesthetized," Daniel issued a final warning.

The General's confidence remained unwavering as he responded, "You already know my answer, Mr. Emberweave. Let's proceed." With determination, the General signified his readiness, prompting Daniel to summon the doctors to the briefing room, where they would be joined by the resolute General.


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