Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 175 175: <Spoiler>

"That… that is… Impossible! Philosopher's Stone!?" Envy exclaimed in awe. The word 'shocked' was an understatement as she beheld Daniel's revelation. Unlike Greed, who knew that creating a Philosopher's Stone out of thin air was impossible, Envy understood the reasons behind its impossibility—a knowledge often forbidden to most mages.

The reason it was deemed impossible was rooted in the fact that the ritual to create a Philosopher's Stone required the soul of a victim as a sacrificial component. Half of the success of the ritual hinged on a contract with Mephistopheles, a deal to bless their ritual for absolute success, in exchange for half of the souls used to create the Philosopher's Stone.

Observing the utterly shocked expression on Envy's face, Daniel thought it was worth revealing this information. It seemed that even the highest echelons of the Hightower, including the Grand Councilor, were unaware of this method's existence. This could potentially become his unique technology, proving useful in negotiations and politics.

On the other hand, the Grand Paladin displayed only appreciation on his face, akin to someone who had stumbled upon a precious gem. And that was it—no shock or revelatory response. This led Daniel to surmise that the Vatican might not know much about the Philosopher's Stone, or perhaps this particular Grand Paladin could be described as a "muscle for brains."

Daniel had a growing suspicion that the latter was the accurate description. If he were to present this Philosopher's Stone to Matthew or any reputable Vatican Sacred Smith, their expressions would likely mirror Envy's. While they might not fully comprehend the profound implications of his actions, they would understand that the Vatican could wield such power because this Philosopher's Stone is without any demonic influence.

"Is this… Is this the energy source of your power plant generator!? If this… if it's this, it might be possible! No! It is definitely possible!" Envy exclaimed, her voice filled with renewed conviction.

With Envy's affirmation in mind, Daniel turned to Greed, who had just finished her work. She regarded Daniel with an understanding gaze that mirrored the expressions she shared with Koyuki, both being his wife and her friend.

"You wanted her to see the plant?" Greed inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity. Her fingers danced over the notebook's keyboard and mouse, diligently preparing whatever Daniel had requested.

"Yes, show it to her," Daniel confirmed.

"Are you sure? Don't you have trust issues? The Grand Paladin from the Vatican is still here, you know," Greed playfully teased Daniel, a smile dancing on her lips as her hands skillfully managed her tasks.

"Since Koyuki trusted her, I'll extend the same trust to her as I do to you. Besides," Daniel paused, his gaze shifting toward Christopher Ward, who appeared absorbed in his phone.

"What?" Christopher's voice rang out as he sensed Daniel's gaze.

"Judging by his lack of reaction when he saw my Philosopher's Stone, I don't think he knows much about it," Daniel continued, a teasing grin forming on his lips.

"Oi!" Christopher protested in clear annoyance. This Magitek certainly knew how to push his buttons, and he thought that he would nicely get along with this mage given he can harness faith power.

Afterward, Greed led them to the plant—a unique flower with the astonishing ability to transform its petals into various pure elemental mana. The revelation left both Envy and Christopher astounded, and the jaw-dropping moment came when they realized that this flower could even transmute into the holy element, a crucial source of faith power for the Vatican. 

The implications were immense. Magitek's vast supply of concentrated holy element bullets suddenly made sense—it was a direct result of this incredible botanical wonder. The notion that the Vatican could acquire and utilize this flower to harness its five elemental petals for quadrupled productivity was awe-inspiring.

Christopher couldn't help but smile in anticipation as he envisioned the Vatican's strengthened position. While he understood that Daniel might not readily offer them the seeds, the opportunity to purchase holy element petals at a premium price was incredibly enticing. The Vatican's existing reserves of sacred holy elements were limited, and their reluctance to deplete those resources was widely acknowledged.

Subsequently, Daniel and Greed engaged in discussions with Envy about the flower's potential applications and the broader strategic vision for their collaborative efforts. Meanwhile, Daniel provided Christopher with a general overview of how the plant's unique capabilities could be channeled into crafting sacred weaponry, sharing a basic understanding without delving into intricate specifics.

As the meeting concluded, Envy conveyed her faction's eagerness to cooperate with Daniel and explored the potential of his involvement in the Hightower Council—an idea that hinged on the premise that his technology could foster long-term prosperity for both the Hightower and the mage society.

"I believe it's time. I need to bring all of this to the Vatican and see how the Pope reacts. I hope we can establish a good cooperative relationship. I'd rather avoid conflicts with you," Christopher stated as he rose from his seat.

"Oh, wait a moment. I have something to give you, as promised," Daniel interjected, stopping the Grand Paladin before he could leave.

Hearing this, Daniel dialed his phone to summon Maria.

"Maria, please bring the suitcases in."

A few minutes later, Maria entered the room carrying two large suitcases. She carefully placed both of them on the table in front of Christopher. Suspecting their contents, he slowly opened one of the suitcases.

The first suitcase revealed an extensive set of sacred blades personally crafted and enchanted by Daniel for Christopher's use.

"These are a set of Sacred Blades, totaling ten. Each blade is capable of sealing the power of undead and demonic beings, increasing damage dealt to these entities. Crafted with Atlantean steel, they're nearly indestructible unless subjected to constant hacking against high-ranking demonic skin, like Satan's. With a bit of maintenance, they will remain dependable and may even become a cherished family heirloom if you so desire," Daniel explained, endorsing his handiwork to the Grand Paladin with a confident smile.

The other suitcase contained two models of prosthetic arms designed for Christopher. Neatly arranged, they lay within the case.

"Didn't you mention that it would take at least two weeks for me to adapt to a new model before I can switch?" Christopher inquired, a hint of confusion on his face.

"That's correct. However, considering your potential inability to return here soon, I've prepared these two models for you. I can remotely adjust the data in these new models. Just switch to them after the initial two weeks, allowing some buffer time in case I'm occupied and unable to make immediate adjustments," Daniel elaborated.

Christopher expressed gratitude with a nod, his appreciation evident, as he picked up the suitcases and left the room.

For Daniel, it was time to pick up his daughter.

"Excuse me, it's already 3 PM. I need to pick up my daughter from kindergarten," Daniel explained. He glanced at Greed, who was still focused on typing into her notebook.

"Sorry, Danny. I need another hour or two to finish this. Some idiot in the management back at my company is trying to mess with me by inflating the prices of materials in my new satellite project. They think I'm not there to check on them," Greed replied, her anger and frustration palpable.

As the Witch of Greed, anyone attempting to manipulate her finances with underhanded tactics was committing a grave offense. She was determined to make sure those responsible returned every penny to her bank account and more.

Daniel had resigned himself to picking up his daughter from kindergarten alone when Envy's melodious voice chimed in.

"May I accompany you, Mr. Emberweave? I also wanted to discuss our corporation further," Envy inquired.

Daniel was slightly puzzled by the request, but he nodded. He sensed that Envy might want to discuss something related to their partnership that she didn't want Christopher to overhear.

Greed, still engrossed in her notebook, added her input.

"Indeed! Aunt Envy, since Michaela is still in the hospital, why not stay here for a while and help Daniel look after little Sylvana?" Greed suggested, catching the attention of both Daniel and Envy.

"Greed, my dear, I am a Grand Councilor. Despite appearances, I am quite busy myself," Envy responded with a note of admonishment in her voice.

"I understand," Greed replied, her fingers still flying across the keyboard without diverting her gaze.

"However, you should be aware that a lot of corruption is occurring in my company right now due to my absence. I need to return to America today and can't take care of little Sylvana. Besides…" Greed paused her typing and locked eyes with Envy, as if peering into her soul.

"You owe him. Your intervention caused Wrath to become… a sleeping beauty. I don't blame you, since it was your duty and you had no choice. But that doesn't mean I'm not angry with you," Greed stated bluntly, leaving Envy stunned. Her heart felt as though it had been pierced by a nail. She loved both Wrath and Greed like her own children, but what Greed had spoken was an undeniable fact.

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