Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 176 Sylvana Problem

Envy bowed her head, overcome by guilt. She believed that whatever she had achieved through the negotiation with Cyrus held no value in comparison to the cost. She had not only shattered the trust of Greed, her closest confidante among the witches, but also that of Wrath, whom she cherished as if he were her own child. The assault on Wrath had left her in a state of limbo, suspended between life and death.

"Yes... I understand. I apologize deeply for what has transpired," Envy expressed with a sense of remorse. Her head elegantly inclined in an apology to both of them. This gesture, however, seemed to unsettle Greed to a slight degree as she was taken in by Envy and was raised by her, and she never saw Envy this remorseful before. 

Daniel, on the other hand, remained impassive. He believed that with Envy as a bodyguard for his daughter, he could ensure her safety. Since Michela, who normally fulfilled this role, was currently in the medical center due to a substantial depletion of her angelic power. This loss had rendered her vulnerable, necessitating a period of rest to facilitate her recovery and restore her angelic power to a level where she could once again effectively serve as a bodyguard.

"Grand Councilor Envy, how long can you stay?" Daniel inquired.

"For a maximum of one month. However, if any issues were to arise in the Hightower, I would need to return promptly. Nonetheless, I assure you that I can remain here for at least one week, irrespective of the circumstances," Envy replied with assurance.

"Understood. Shall we proceed?" Daniel nodded, gesturing for Envy to follow him.

Envy acknowledged with a nod and trailed Daniel as he led the way out of the room.

The scene transitioned to the bustling city, a vibrant hub teeming with life and activity. Although not the capital, this city was a crucial business center, notable for its numerous docks that facilitated trade and commerce. Its topography mirrored that of an expansive island, resembling the urban landscape of Manhattan.

Within this dynamic cityscape, Daniel sat behind the wheel of his opulent car, the sleek luxury vehicle effortlessly navigating through the city's labyrinthine streets. The sun hung in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the bustling metropolis. Tall skyscrapers punctuated the skyline, their glass exteriors glinting in the sunlight as they scraped the heavens.

Envy, a witch of striking beauty, accompanied Daniel on this urban journey. Despite her youthful appearance, her true age spanned centuries. Her presence exuded a mature charm, seamlessly blending elegance and allure.

Every time the car halted at a traffic light, bystanders couldn't help but be captivated by Envy's beauty and grace. Her noble demeanor prompted thoughts of a possible connection to an ancient British noble house, while her stunning looks led to speculations about her being a celebrity on vacation, drawn to the coastal air of this place.

The car navigated the city's streets with grace, the urban landscape gradually giving way to a serene suburban atmosphere as they neared their destination – the kindergarten. The school's surroundings boasted tree-lined streets and charming houses, offering a soothing contrast to the city's hustle.

Daniel's luxury car smoothly pulled up to the kindergarten, where a hive of activity was in progress. The scene was lively and cheerful, with parents gathering to collect their children after a day of learning and play. The kindergarten's exterior emanated an inviting charm, vibrant colors and child-friendly decorations creating a welcoming ambiance.

Parents engaged in conversations, their laughter mingling with the excited voices of children playing nearby. The air resonated with playful giggles as kids frolicked in the outdoor play area, their energy boundless.

Daniel and Envy's arrival drew subtle attention, the sleek car catching the eyes of a few fellow parents. They parked with finesse, the gentle hum of the engine briefly punctuating the surrounding soundscape.

Stepping out of the car, Daniel and Envy walked purposefully toward the kindergarten entrance. Envy's graceful demeanor and undeniable beauty attracted glances from those around her. Her appearance was a visual delight, leaving many husbands unwilling to tear their gaze away, often leading to an admonishing tug from their respective wives.

The joyful bustle of parents and children infused the entrance with a sense of community and belonging, epitomizing the city's vibrant pulse where business and family seamlessly coexisted.

At that moment, Daniel's daughter, Sylvana, came running to him. She appeared a bit subdued, likely still affected by the incident involving her mother's stay in the medical center. However, he couldn't help but notice that the other children seemed to be keeping their distance from Sylvana, causing her to appear deliberately isolated.

"Papa…" Sylvana's voice called out, carrying a hint of longing. Walking alongside her was her teacher, whose expression bore a mix of emotions.

Amidst the vibrant atmosphere, Ms. Scott, Sylvana's teacher, approached Daniel. Her expression carried a mix of concern and complexity. Sylvana stood beside her, her gaze a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. Envy discreetly stood in the background, observing the conversation.

"Hello, Mr. Emberweave," Ms. Scott greeted with a soft smile.

"Hello, Ms. Scott," Daniel replied, his tone friendly yet expectant.

Ms. Scott took a moment before continuing, her voice gentle. "I wanted to talk to you about Sylvana. It's becoming apparent that she's having a difficult time getting along with the other children in the class."

Daniel's brows furrowed slightly, concerned flickering in his eyes. "Is something wrong?"

Ms. Scott sighed softly, choosing her words carefully. "It's not that something is 'wrong,' per se. In fact, it's because she's quite remarkable. Sylvana's brilliance shines in everything she does. She excels far beyond her peers, and while her genius is undeniable, it's also creating a challenge."

Daniel's expression shifted to a mix of curiosity and pride. "I knew she was bright, but I didn't realize..."

Ms. Scott nodded, her gaze sympathetic. "It's not just her intelligence, Mr. Emberweave. Sylvana's knowledge surpasses what we teach in the classroom. In a recent assessment, she demonstrated a depth of understanding beyond her age, sometimes even beyond our own capabilities."

Daniel's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you saying she's... too advanced for her class?"

"Yes, exactly," Ms. Scott confirmed. "It's inadvertently creating a divide among the other children. They seem to instinctively isolate her, perhaps due to a sense of inadequacy or even resentment. They don't want to associate with someone who excels effortlessly in everything."

Daniel sighed, processing this information. "So, what do you suggest?"

Ms. Scott's expression turned thoughtful. "Mr. Emberweave, Sylvana's potential is immense. It might be worth considering a different learning environment for her, one that can cater to her level of knowledge and curiosity. Sending her to a specialized school or even allowing her to learn alongside university students might be beneficial. She's at a point where she could truly flourish with the right guidance."

Daniel looked torn, a mix of parental concern and pride evident in his eyes. "I want what's best for Sylvana. But I also want her to have a normal childhood."

Ms. Scott nodded empathetically. "Of course, finding the right balance is crucial. But remember, nurturing her potential doesn't mean taking away her childhood. It might just be about finding a place where she can thrive without feeling isolated."

Envy, who had been listening quietly, exchanged a glance with Daniel. Her gaze conveyed understanding, offering a different perspective on the matter.

Following their conversation, Ms. Scott engaged with Daniel for a little while longer before excusing herself to attend to other children.

With the teacher's departure, Daniel turned his attention to Sylvana. He crouched down, bringing himself to her eye level, and opened his arms wide. "Come here, sweetie."

Sylvana walked into his embrace, her small frame fitting perfectly against him. She hugged him tightly, seeking comfort. "Do you still want to study here?" Daniel inquired gently.

Sylvana, her usual spark temporarily subdued, shook her head slightly and smiled with a hint of sadness. "As long as Papa loves me, I don't care about friends, and I don't care where I study."

Daniel's heart swelled with affection as he held her close. He planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Sylvana, I will always love you, no matter what. Let's make a decision together, okay? We'll find the best place for you to learn and grow, where you can be yourself and still make friends if you want to."

Sylvana looked up at him, her eyes brightening with a mix of hope and trust. "Really, Papa?"

Daniel nodded with a warm smile. "Absolutely, sweetheart. Your happiness and growth are what matter most."

In the midst of their heartfelt exchange, Envy stepped forward, her presence gentle yet resolute. She looked at Daniel and softly spoke, "Mr. Emberweave, if I may offer a suggestion?"

Daniel turned his attention to Envy, his gaze curious. "Of course, Envy. What do you have in mind?"

Envy's eyes held a thoughtful glint. "There's a school for gifted youth in France, a place where children like Sylvana flourish. It's a nurturing environment filled with young minds much like hers. I've seen such places, and I am certain Sylvana will not only thrive academically but also find companions who truly understand her."

Daniel's brows lifted in surprise. "France? That's quite a distance."

Envy nodded. "Indeed, but it might be the perfect opportunity for Sylvana to be in an environment where her brilliance is celebrated, and where she can form meaningful connections with peers."

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