Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 183 Envy’s Hidden Wish & The Culling

Envy's culinary prowess shone brightly as she presented a steaming pot of Beef Curry to the waiting family. The fragrant aroma of the dish wafted through the air, immediately arousing everyone's appetite. The flavors promised a culinary adventure that would leave their taste buds dancing.

Greed wasted no time in diving into her plate, her initial bite met with an expression of sheer delight. The rich flavors of the beef curry painted a grin on her face. With each mouthful, she savored the intricate harmony of spices, her enjoyment evident in the way she hummed contentedly between bites.

As the rest of the family took their first bites, their eyes widened in pleasant surprise. The Beef Curry was a revelation, its taste deeply satisfying. The tender beef had absorbed the essence of Envy's expertise, creating a balance that delighted the palate.

Daniel exclaimed in surprise and delight, "This is great! It's even better than the Indian restaurant I used to eat at."

Greed chimed in with agreement, "See? I told you! She's great!"

Sylvana, with the enthusiasm of a hungry child, quickly devoured her meal without a care, demanding more as she waved her spoon and wailed, "Aunt Envy, more!"

"Sure, sweetie. Hold on a sec," Envy said with a warm smile, focusing on Sylvana. She added more rice and curry to Sylvana's bowl, making sure she had enough. Then, she used a handkerchief to gently wipe off the curry sauce that had smeared on Sylvana's cheeks and mouth.

Sylvana was thoroughly enjoying her meal, and Greed looked pleased and nostalgic as he ate. Daniel quietly savored the flavors of the dish, his appreciation evident on his face. Envy noticed how this seemed to calm her inner turmoil, her Aspect of Sin.

Envy remembered the times when her Aspect of Sin had acted up, requiring her to use symbolic nails of Jesus Christ to restore her balance. Back then, she struggled to keep her composure and avoid causing a mess. Now she understood the root cause: a deep longing for a peaceful life far from her cosmic duties.

The idea of a tranquil life, like that of a homemaker caring for her family and preparing daily meals, had taken hold in her heart. Despite her millennia of amassing power and maintaining order against the Hightower's genocidal plans, she found herself yearning for something simpler.

The contrast between her life as a powerful ruler and the peace she envisioned as a homemaker became clear. The emotional struggle she felt came from wanting a life away from power.

But her commitment to Daniel and her duty to protect the Hightower kept her on track. Her oath to prevent retaliation from Wrath's actions forced her to stay focused. This connection prevented her from fully embracing the simple life she desired, even if it meant relaxing on a Mediterranean island.

Recent challenges posed by fellow Grand Councilors Cyrus and Golden Scale, from the Path of Knowledge and The Golden Scale faction, added more complexity. They seemed to be making risky decisions without understanding Daniel's strength. Envy believed that if they knew his power, they might rethink their choices.

Envy comprehended that their conduct wasn't solely a result of their lack of knowledge. Daniel's ability to conceal his power and resources from the Hightower, with the exception of her, was an impressive feat. Their comprehensive measures kept the Hightower in the dark, preventing them from discerning any suspicious activities thus far. While they acknowledged Daniel's personal strength, they remained oblivious to the potential might of the entire underground base, which could rival the formidable power of the Hightower.

Moreover, the intrigue extended to Envy's own faction members who had ventured here to study Daniel's artifact-making techniques. These individuals, choosing not to return to the Hightower, willingly maintained their absence. This complex situation contributed to the Hightower's continued ignorance. Envy herself was bound by a solemn oath of secrecy, preventing her from unveiling the concealed truth.

"Sigh…" Envy released a sigh, burdened by the weight of her internal conflicts. The multitude of challenges she confronted and her diverse responsibilities converged, leaving her overwhelmed and yearning for respite.

Curious about Envy's demeanor, Daniel inquired, "What's on your mind, Ms. Envy?" He noticed her expression, reminiscent of someone who had just bitten into an unexpected surprise.

"Oh, Mr. Emberweave, it's merely about those fools back in the Hightower—nothing in particular," Envy lightly replied, downplaying her concerns.

While Daniel couldn't precisely gauge her thoughts, he sensed that Envy's worries likely pertained to the Hightower's existence. Hence, he opted for transparency.

"Allow me to be unequivocal, Grand Councilor Envy," Daniel stressed her title, acknowledging her role and responsibilities, and continued, "If you're concerned that I'm plotting the destruction of the Hightower or any similar endeavor, please put those thoughts to rest. I have no intentions of pursuing such a course. I'm not a genocidal maniac who would recklessly annihilate an entire city or race. I'm not Hitler. Frankly, if your esteemed Hightower councilors hadn't targeted my family first, I wouldn't have taken any action against them. Please understand that, as long as the Hightower doesn't overstep certain boundaries, I have no desire to interfere with them either." Daniel clarified his stance to Envy candidly.

Intrigued, Envy inquired, "And what would be considered crossing those boundaries?"

"Harming or attempting to harm my family," Daniel responded.

Curious about his stance regarding the common people, Envy pressed on, "And what about the ordinary citizens?"

Daniel set down his spoon after finishing the last bite of his rice and curry, fixing his gaze on Envy. "Ms. Envy, I'm not a saint. I won't go to great lengths to seek vengeance for people I don't even know. Naturally, if I chance upon an accident or happen to come across a thief, I might intervene or assist. But I won't go out of my way to uncover the culprit's identity or track down a stolen victim's money—that's the role of law enforcement. I won't extend my help beyond common sense to anyone beyond my family…" Daniel trailed off, looking directly into Envy's eyes.

"I hope this clarifies my stance on the Hightower," Daniel concluded.

"Yes, that clears up a lot. Thank you, Mr. Emberweave," Envy expressed with a grateful smile.

"Papa… Aunt Envy… are you arguing? Having a fight?" Sylvana's innocent inquiry arose upon witnessing the exchange between two adults she held affection for.

"No, sweetie… we're just talking, having a discussion. That's all," Daniel reassured with a warm smile, his hand gently brushing his daughter's silky red hair.

Sylvana comprehended with a nod, her curiosity satisfied. Greed then seized the opportunity to divert her attention, promising her the ice cream she had purchased and stored in the refrigerator. Sylvana's focus shifted instantly, leaving behind any concern about Daniel and Envy's conversation.

With dinner concluded, Sylvana relished her ice cream and engaged in an evening gaming session with Greed. Eventually, the activities of the day caught up with her, and she fell into a peaceful slumber in her bedroom, under Greed's watchful care.

Despite not feeling sleepy, Daniel retreated to his private office within his home. There, he delved into drawing a blueprint for a new invention that had sprung to his mind. Following his recent journey to Russia and the incident involving his wife, he realized the inconvenience of lacking immediate satellite connection and access to mana while outside. The sense of powerlessness he experienced spurred him to address this issue.

Additionally, he contemplated the potential of a weapon satellite—one that could surveil from above and deliver precision strikes anywhere on Earth. Such a creation aligned with his intentions to establish a deterrent against other nations and organizations, without resorting to nuclear weaponry.

Daniel immersed himself in sketching the blueprint for a satellite capable of emitting intense energy streams from low orbit. However, he soon recognized the impracticality and inconvenience of such a design. Each firing would require a vast amount of energy, leading to prolonged charging times and rendering it less feasible.

Undeterred, he shifted his focus to an alternative concept. This new design centered on a satellite capable of redirecting the formidable energy harnessed at the base on Earth. While more practical, it posed the challenge of transferring this energy to the satellite for redirection and precise targeting on the planet's surface. As he worked on this new blueprint, Daniel's mind was consumed with the intricacies of solving this energy transfer puzzle.

As Daniel remained immersed in his design work, a series of knocks resonated at his door.

"Come in," Daniel instinctively welcomed his guest into his private office – more of an inventor's workshop with its numerous prototypes, magical equations on whiteboards, and evidence of inventions in progress.

The guest was Envy, who looked around the space with awe, recognizing the genesis of many creations that likely began as simple theories on the whiteboards.

"Why are you here, Grand Councilor Envy?" Daniel emphasized her position, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the Grand Councilor present amidst his prototypes and theories, even though they might not hold much meaning for her.

"Mr. Emberweave, I've come after careful consideration. There's something I need to discuss with you," Envy said, regaining her composure after being initially taken in by the marvels around her.

"What is it, Grand Councilor?" Daniel inquired.

"Do you have any knowledge of The Culling?" Envy asked, her tone serious.

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