Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 184 Envy’s Plea

"The Culling?" Daniel echoed, his curiosity piqued. "What's that?"

Envy let out a sigh, sensing the genuine confusion in Daniel's voice. "Of course, you wouldn't know. You're a former rogue mage," she said, a tinge of disappointment in her tone.

Observing Envy's demeanor, Daniel perceived that her disappointment wasn't directed at him or his lack of knowledge. He sensed a deeper layer of emotions beneath her words and expression.

"Ms. Envy, it seems your disappointment isn't solely about me or my ignorance," Daniel ventured, his curiosity prompting him to dig a little deeper. He noticed that Envy appeared to be willing to share something, and he wanted to offer her the space to do so. In his perception, she appeared lost, burdened by guilt, and harboring some more profound emotions – perhaps even a glimmer of hope.

"Yes, you're right," Envy admitted, her voice carrying a weight of complexity. She fell silent for a moment, gazing out of the window in Daniel's private office, looking at the view beyond.

The artificial night sky stretched above, illuminated by moonlight as if it were the genuine expanse above ground. The cityscape's lights below were subdued, quieter than their counterparts above. While this underground base bore similarities to the city above, its nature as a military facility led to a different rhythm of life, with fewer entertainment districts and a stronger adherence to Daniel's policies of work-life balance, even causing some high-rise buildings to shut down early in the night.

The artificial nighttime view seemed to exert a calming influence on Envy, soothing the turbulence of emotions roiling within her mind.

"What I'm about to share might be considered treasonous in the eyes of my colleagues," Envy finally revealed, her words carrying the weight of careful consideration.

"What is it?" Daniel inquired, his demeanor patient as he sat at his desk, awaiting her disclosure.

Envy turned her gaze toward the window, her expression complex and contemplative. It was as if a struggle was occurring within her, two conflicting aspects of her psyche debating whether to divulge her secret to Daniel.

Sensing her internal conflict, Daniel refrained from pressuring her, allowing her the space to decide on her own. Several minutes passed before Envy turned her attention back to him.

"I will speak of The Culling," she began, her voice carrying a mixture of resignation and earnestness. "The Culling, as its name implies, is the deliberate reduction of unwanted animals or species. However, when it pertains to the Hightower, it involves reducing the number of common people who lack the ability to wield magic. Though the unawakened Magic Vein doesn't require extensive mana, it still consumes a finite amount. Thus, The Culling has become a deemed necessary to sustain the world's mana resources."

Envy anticipated an eruption of anger from Daniel in response to this revelation. Contrary to her expectations, he displayed a calm demeanor, prompting her to question his response.

"Throughout human history, how many instances of The Culling have occurred?" Daniel inquired, pivoting to his computer to access the internet and verify historical facts.

"Numerous times, more than I can count. It recurs every few years. However, I can point out three notable occurrences you might recognize: The Black Death, The Spanish Flu, and World War II," Envy elaborated.

"So, you're suggesting that figures like Hitler were merely puppets manipulated by the Hightower to carry out its agenda?" Daniel's tone held a tinge of indignation as he probed Envy's revelation.

"Yes..." Envy nodded, a sense of guilt washing over her for her inability to halt the machinations of the Hightower Council. "The events of World War II, including the Holocaust, were in essence the results of... The Path of Knowledge, or rather, the decisions made by the Hightower Council. The genocide inflicted upon the Jews was a consequence of the council's collective interests, requiring a large number of human subjects for their experiments. Thus, Hitler carried out their bidding." Envy fell into silence, the weight of her words settling heavily in the air.

"What did you personally gain from this?" Daniel's inquiry was devoid of judgment, seeking to understand the situation.

"Personally? Nothing. I gained nothing from it, and I ensured that 30% of the Magic Harmony faction refrained from participating in live experiments, particularly those involving human subjects," Envy explained.

"And the rest of your faction?" Daniel probed further.

"The rest... a portion of them shifted allegiance from my faction to either The Path of Knowledge or The Golden Scale Faction," Envy answered with candid honesty.

With a heavy heart and a mixture of guilt, Envy began to share a deeply troubling chapter of history with Daniel. 

"Mr. Emberweave, I must reveal to you a dark and unsettling truth about our faction's actions during World War II. In an attempt to bring a swift end to the conflict, we made a grave decision. We allowed one of our operatives, Ragnar Stenmark, to participate in the section of the war controlled by mages who were aligned with the Nazi regime or the Path of Knowledge faction."

Envy's voice quivered slightly as she continued, revealing the extent of their actions. "Lord Stenmark was sent on numerous covert operations, tasked with decimating various black research sites and secretive facilities. Our hope was that by targeting these locations, we could destabilize the mages aligned with the Axis powers and hasten the war's conclusion."

Envy's expression turned somber and conflicted as she unveiled a disturbing truth. "The war did indeed come to a sudden end, but not in the way we anticipated. A nuclear bomb was deployed in the heart of Baltimore, causing immense devastation. The Confederacy, aligned with the Axis powers, lost the war. However, the aftermath was far from just. The Path of Knowledge faction still required a steady supply of slaves from the Confederacy for their experiments and projects. This grim reality forced the United States into a position of compromise. Unable to dismantle the Confederacy's deeply entrenched slavery practices entirely, the nation instead levied fines for war reparations and conducted trials for scapegoats and low-level war criminals."

"Why are you divulging all of this to me, Grand Councilor Envy? Unless... the Hightower is planning to enact another culling, perhaps even within this country?" Daniel inquired, his tone tinged with suspicion.

"I don't have a definitive answer," Envy replied with uncertainty, locking eyes with Daniel before continuing. "What I do know is that the global population has exceeded six billion, and the equilibrium of the world's mana—measured annually by the Hightower—is off balance. I'm unsure when they intend to initiate the culling, as it's not simply about reducing the population. They'll need to strike deals with various gods of death and orchestrate elaborate rituals worldwide to maximize their desired outcome."

"What kind of deal are we talking about?" Daniel probed further.

"When someone dies, their lingering soul-bound mana is no longer needed, as it only sustains their life. Since they're deceased, this mana can be redirected to the Hightower's mana reservoirs scattered across the globe. If these reservoirs are insufficient, new ones must be established. The arrangement involves the gods of death claiming the departed souls, preventing their reincarnation, and in return, the residual mana within those souls is redirected to the Hightower's reservoir," Envy explained, withholding no information.

"Let me guess... Despite your position, you lack the influence or power to dissuade the other two Grand Councilors who support The Culling. Is that accurate? And this is why you're sharing this with me—because you've seen my base, my people, and my deterrent capabilities," Daniel deduced.

"Exactly," she admitted, devoid of deceit.

"Listen, Grand Councilor Envy. As I've mentioned before, I don't consider myself a saint. I'm not here to play the role of some comic book superhero, swooping in to save people I don't even know. My experiences in this country have taught me that people often don't appreciate help if they didn't ask for it or if it somehow makes them feel more threatened. They might even turn the blame on you if things don't go as planned. For instance, why did you step in against those bullies? Now they might target me even harder. It's that sort of situation." Daniel explained his perspective.

"So, are you suggesting that you'll do nothing and let people suffer?" Envy questioned again.

"Don't try to guilt-trip me into doing what you want, Ms. Envy. I'm familiar with that tactic; Koyuki uses it on me all the time," Daniel retorted, attempting to thwart any further attempts to manipulate his emotions.

"Yes, and I've heard that it's quite effective," Envy said with a slight smile.

Daniel snorted, his attention momentarily diverted as he consulted historical facts to cross-reference on the computer of what Envy had revealed.

"It works because it's her asking. Are you trying to be Koyuki now?" Daniel shot back playfully, catching Envy off-guard before he continued.

"Also, you're aware that I have no fond memories associated with the Hightower, right? Every time the Hightower has entered my life, it's managed to wreak havoc in the worst ways possible. I'm well aware that your colleagues are aware of this as well. Let's say I do decide to help you. I'm concerned that this won't be resolved with a simple sit-down conversation like something out of a mafia movie. There will likely be bloodshed on both sides. If it comes to that, rest assured that I'll do everything I can to ensure the greater portion of that blood comes from your colleagues. And when it's all over, the weight of their blood will be on your conscience, not mine." Daniel's words carried a hint of warning, acknowledging Envy's concern for others and the potential impact on her own guilt.

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