Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 189 Aryan’s Second Love - Episode 01

Chapter 189  Aryan’s Second Love - Episode 01

The incident had been resolved, and it seemed that matters were now settled, attributed to a combination of unfortunate circumstances and misunderstandings. In response, Daniel adroitly took action to address any lingering issues that might have arisen.

He deftly employed his resources to mitigate potential news leaks, using persuasion to keep the situation under wraps. He artfully presented the technology integrated into Sloth's wheelchair as being in an experimental phase, not yet ready for public release, and managed to convince those involved to maintain confidentiality.

With these measures in place, the situation was effectively contained, with the assistance of Don Veneziale and his experienced team, skilled in navigating legal matters and police cases. As the case was now considered closed, Daniel assembled Aryan, still asleep, and Sloth, still slumbering, along with a select group of research department team leaders, in his private office.

Located across the top three floors of the building, including the rooftop, Daniel's office space was expansive. His executive office, designed to host guests, radiated opulence and luxury. Meanwhile, the two upper floors were designated for his personal laboratory pursuits. It was within this environment of innovation and technology that he intended to address the unfolding situation.

In the well-appointed expanse of his office, the team leaders settled into comfortable chairs, while Aryan and Sloth continued to rest, bearing witness to the recent unusual events. Taking a moment to observe them, Daniel began the discussion.

"Thank you all for convening here," Daniel commenced, his tone a blend of seriousness and composure. "Today, we've navigated through quite a series of events, and I'm relieved that we've managed to handle them effectively. What transpired was truly an unfortunate chain of misunderstandings," Daniel added with a mixture of formality and a touch of humor.

Beside Daniel stood Envy, who held her head in response to Sloth's unabashed display of magic. She felt a sense of relief knowing that Daniel had promptly taken measures to mitigate any potential repercussions. The prospect of news about this incident spreading, and even the slightest hint of magic becoming known to the mundane world, was fraught with dire consequences. Envy understood the gravity of the situation, particularly given her faction's vulnerability if the source of the leak were linked to Sloth.

"Isabella, wake her up and make Mr. Sharma take this as well," Daniel directed, handing a capsule pill to Envy. This interaction served to reinforce the cover story that Isabella, the Duchess of Somerset, was interested in both Daniel's company and Daniel himself. Additionally, Sloth was portrayed as Isabella's adopted daughter.

Envy administered the capsule pill, containing a delayed dispelling spell, to Aryan, causing him to gradually regain consciousness. She then proceeded to wake Sloth with two taps on her forehead, a familiar signal Envy used to rouse Sloth from her periods of dozing off.

With both Sloth and Aryan now awake, Aryan's initial reaction upon realizing that the other heads of the research department were regarding him with skepticism was a mix of surprise and unease.

"Er… Whatever you may be thinking, I want to clarify that I didn't do it intentionally. I was suddenly overcome by an overwhelming sense of sleepiness, and the next thing I knew… I woke up here!" Aryan attempted to explain with a gestured trying to explain his point

"Relax, Mr. Sharma. We all understand," Daniel said with a reassuring smile, finding amusement in Aryan's reaction. Meanwhile, Sloth was still groggily absorbing the situation around her. Upon spotting Envy, she swiftly composed herself, focusing her attention on Daniel.

[Interesting. Does Sloth fear Envy? Perhaps it's because Envy raised her.] Daniel mused to himself, noting Sloth's quick shift in demeanor upon seeing Envy.

"Now, let's get down to business. We have about thirty minutes left before we wrap up for the day. So, I'll be concise," Daniel began, gesturing toward Sloth, who was valiantly battling her drowsiness under Envy's watchful gaze.

"Meet Ms. Lucy Kingsley, or as some of you might know her, Sloth. She's the adopted daughter of Ms. Isabella Kingsley, the Duchess of Somerset, who has expressed a keen interest in investing in our company." Daniel's gesture shifted to Envy, who stood beside him, as he introduced her to the employees, then continued.

"Now, the reason I'm sure some of you are puzzled is that Ms. Lucy is our new director of the research department." The head researchers exchanged perplexed glances, struggling to come to terms with this unexpected announcement.

This was largely due to the fact that many of the researchers Daniel had hired originated from the Tessia Kingdom Research & Technology Center. In that environment, certain individuals in positions of authority tended to exploit the hard work of their subordinates. They might claim credit for their subordinate's inventions or hand them over to their own family members. Unfortunately, such actions often went unpunished, as these individuals would simply declare themselves as staunch royalists.

This affiliation essentially granted them immunity to pursue their desires, provided they had enough money to 'donate' to the royal family, effectively erasing any consequences.

These troubling practices of unabashedly pledging loyalty to the royal family hadn't diminished even after Daniel's confrontation with Victor Justius. On the contrary, they had intensified following the Ministry of Royal Affairs' announcement that Lucian would inherit the throne due to his status as the former king's cousin.

Observing the expressions of the head researchers, Daniel offered a composed smile and began to explain.

"Let me assure you that this decision isn't influenced by nepotism or favoritism. I've chosen her for this role because of her exceptional skills. Allow me to demonstrate." Daniel then turned toward a corner of his office and called out, "You can come out now."

As his voice echoed, the empty space seemed to distort, shimmering with sparks and flashes before three individuals clad in futuristic black suits and helmets materialized seemingly out of thin air.

"These are the experimental stealth suits that we've been developing. And I must emphasize that these inventions originate directly from Ms. Lucy's mind. Her relative anonymity within your circles stems from her work primarily in the military sector, contributing to several classified inventions. Prior to joining our company, she was employed by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), until a disagreement over extended vacation time led her to part ways with them." Daniel introduced Sloth to Aryan and the head researchers.

However, the account he provided was a well-crafted cover story, carefully briefed to Envy, Greed, and anyone else who needed to be informed prior to her arrival.

Daniel checked his wristwatch and noted that he had around 10 minutes left to conclude their meeting. At the moment, the head researchers and Aryan appeared to be captivated, their faces and body language betraying a mix of astonishment and excitement. Their chatter filled the room, as they eagerly conversed about the myriad possibilities that working with Sloth could offer.

Observing this enthusiastic response, Daniel extended his hand, prompting the excited researchers to gradually subdue their fervor. The room grew quieter, their excitement now contained.

"It's truly exhilarating to have the opportunity to collaborate with her, and I understand your enthusiasm. However," Daniel emphasized the word 'However' before continuing, "I must address an important aspect. Ms. Lucy exhibits a very rare condition that presents a unique challenge in our collaboration. While her exceptional intelligence and advanced brain function surpass those of any other human on Earth, she grapples with certain bodily deficiencies due to her brain's heightened activity. This results in a lack of nutrients for other bodily functions.

Additionally, to safeguard her brain from lasting damage, her body has developed a defense mechanism to sustain her life. This mechanism manifests in her tendency to intermittently doze off and, to put it plainly, display a proclivity for laziness. It's worth noting that these factors were contributing reasons for her departure from DARPA and her subsequent decision to join our team instead." Daniel elucidated, ensuring that the head researchers were aware of the challenges associated with collaborating with Sloth.

"That's why I want you all to comprehend her situation and extend your assistance whenever you find her dozing off in inappropriate places, such as hallways or the cafeteria. If you encounter such a scenario, kindly escort her, along with her wheelchair, to the research facility or the reception area. I suggest involving a female employee, as it's less likely to trigger her wheelchair's defense mechanism, as poor Mr. Sharma here experienced," Daniel added with a hint of humor.

Upon hearing Daniel's instructions, the head researchers nodded in agreement. Some even struggled to stifle their laughter as they glanced in Aryan's direction. In stark contrast, Aryan seemed lost in his own thoughts.

— In Aryan's Imagination —

In a scene drenched in the ambiance of a romantic snowfall, a truly poetic image. (That seemed totally out of place in the Southeast Asian setting of Tessia Kingdom).

Aryan stood poised before the grandeur of the company building. He wore a tasteful suit that exuded elegance, and a flowing scarf adorned his frame, lending an air of sophistication. His scholarly glasses added an intellectual charm to his refined appearance. By his side, Sloth reclined in her faithful wheelchair, the epitome of serenity amidst the ethereal snowflakes.

"Finding solace here once more?" Aryan's voice carried a gentle warmth, his lips curving into an affectionate smile as he strode gracefully toward Sloth, the very embodiment of a ginger-haired enchantress.

"Hello, my princess. It's time to awaken from your slumber. Remaining here isn't the wisest choice," Aryan murmured tenderly, his fingertip gracing Sloth's forehead with a delicate touch, coaxing her from her dreams.

"Huh?" A soft sound of recognition escaped Sloth's lips as her eyes fluttered open, and in that moment, her countenance blossomed into a radiant smile that illuminated the surroundings. To Aryan, her smile was more than a mere expression; it was a reflection of pure beauty and unadulterated innocence that tugged at the strings of his heart.

"Shall we step inside? The cold may not be too kind out here," Aryan proposed, his voice carrying a hint of protectiveness as he gently guided Sloth's wheelchair, embracing her world within the warmth of the company's walls.

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