Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 190 Aryan’s Second Love - Episode - Final

190  Aryan’s Second Love - Episode - Final

"Well, and that concludes our session for today. It's already 5:30 PM, which means it's time to wrap things up, everyone. Have a good evening and I'll see you all tomorrow!" Daniel's smile accompanied his words as he glanced at his wristwatch, confirming the end of the workday.

As Daniel's announcement hung in the air, the group of head researchers gradually rose from their seats, engrossed in conversations that flowed like a river. Ideas about project strategies and new endeavors filled the room, spurred on by the prospect of working under the guidance of their new research department director.

Some of them directed their attention towards Sloth, engaging her in discussions. She nodded along, albeit slightly delayed, her valiant efforts to fight off drowsiness evident in her interactions. Aware of Sloth's unique situation, the head researchers responded with understanding nods and gentle smiles, allowing her a more leisurely pace in their exchanges.

Amidst this bustling scene, Aryan remained lost in his reverie, his daydreaming holding him captive.

"Mr. Sharma," Daniel's call cut through the air, yet there was no response from Aryan. His distant expression remained unchanged, still entranced by his inner thoughts.

"Mr. Sharma?" Daniel repeated, his voice carrying a touch of amusement as Aryan continued to drift.

"Mr. Sharma!!" Daniel's tone shifted to one of stern authority, snapping Aryan out of his reverie and eliciting light chuckles from the head researchers, who found amusement in Aryan's absentminded state.

"Oh, my apologies, Mr. Emberweave. Could you please repeat that?" Aryan's quick apology held a touch of embarrassment, his spaced-out demeanor fading as he tried to reorient himself to the present. It became clear that whatever Daniel might have conveyed during his moment of daydreaming had bypassed Aryan's consciousness entirely.

"I said... It's time to clock off. It's already 5:30 PM!" Daniel reiterated, his finger pointing towards the wall clock, drawing Aryan's attention to the time.

Aryan, upon glancing at the clock, was momentarily taken aback, a faint blush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks before vanishing almost instantly.

"Oh..." Aryan found himself at a loss for words. He simply nodded and rose from his seat, ready to head home. However, before leaving, his gaze settled on Sloth.

With each passing moment, she seemed to grow more enchanting in his eyes. She embodied the type of woman he found most appealing – intelligent yet delicate, igniting a desire within him to shield her from the world's uncertainties.

[Ah... she's truly stunning. I have this urge to protect her. But how should I approach her?] Aryan mused, his thoughts wandering momentarily before he reined them in, realizing he needed some professional advice.

Nestled at the heart of Sector Alpha City's bustling business district, the upscale Italian restaurant radiated an aura of exclusivity that magnetically attracted the cream of society. Stepping through the ornate entrance, Aryan found himself immediately enveloped in an atmosphere of refined elegance, a stark contrast to the ceaseless energy of the busy streets beyond. The soft, warm lighting cast a delicate glow that expertly highlighted the intricate decor, from ornate chandeliers to lavish tapestries gracing the walls.

The artistry of mahogany woodwork and sumptuous velvet furnishings combined to create an inviting milieu. Plush chairs clustered around tables meticulously adorned with place settings, and the subtle hum of discreet conversations filled the air. It was a testament to the patrons who chose this locale for post-work rendezvous, celebrations, and intimate soirées. In this backdrop of sophistication, Aryan's arrival was acknowledged by the attentive staff, who glided with grace to ensure the comfort of their discerning clientele.

Luciano, a charismatic figure who served as the manager of this venue and Consigliere of the Veneziale gang, stood near the entrance, projecting an aura of composed authority. Adorned in a charcoal suit tailored to perfection, the ensemble accentuated his confident bearing.

As Aryan's gaze intersected with Luciano's, a tacit understanding bridged the gap between them. Luciano's understated smile held a touch of camaraderie, forged through their past interaction, which had seen Aryan narrowly escape an encounter with the depths of the sea.

"Aryan, my friend," Luciano greeted with a nod, his voice resonating with a blend of familiarity and respect. "Seeing you again, particularly in these circumstances, is a pleasure."

Returning the nod, Aryan's countenance mirrored a blend of gratitude and intrigue. Their reunion carried the weight of prior challenges while heralding an uncertain future. Amidst the vibrancy of Tessia Kingdom's elite interactions, their connection held a unique significance.

With a gesture that simultaneously extended welcome and signaled the desire for confidentiality, Luciano gestured Aryan toward a discreet alcove. Plush chairs encircled a polished table, crafting an intimate enclave within the opulence of the restaurant. Settling into their seats, the ambiance underwent a subtle shift.

Luciano's demeanor oscillated between an air of casual camaraderie and the hint of formal respect as they prepared to discuss matters of shared interest in the midst of the restaurant's refined grandeur.

"So, my friend, what brings you here? Are you seeking any particular service, or has the Don mentioned that you're still... inexperienced?" Luciano's words were laden with playful teasing as he chuckled, referencing Aryan's lack of romantic experience.

Aryan's face flushed in response, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement evident. "Oh, come on. That's not why I'm here. I've actually come to seek your advice on how to approach a girl I'm interested in," he admitted, his words tinged with a bashful tone.

Luciano's laughter echoed in response. "Ah, the cherry boy is now captivated by a young lady. This is indeed intriguing. Care to divulge who has caught your attention?" Luciano prodded, his curiosity piqued as he tried to coax the identity of Aryan's love interest from him.

Aryan's expression turned contemplative as he described, "Well... She's a ginger-haired girl, quite petite and gives off an aura of fragility. You know, the kind that makes you instinctively want to shield her from the world. Like a delicate princess who could be swept away by a strong gust of wind."

Luciano's eyes widened with a mix of incredulity and jest. "Hold on a second. Are you seriously telling me you're interested in a young girl who's seemingly underage and dealing with a terminal illness? I might be part of a gang, but I could still report you to the authorities, you know," he quipped, his irritation tinging his tone. His retort only elicited hearty laughter from his charismatic friend.


Leaning in with curiosity, Luciano continued, "So, my friend, do you know her preferences? What kind words laced with playful suspicion.

"Come on! Don't be an idiot! She's 22, completely legal," Aryan protested in response to Luciano's jest, irritation tinging his tone. His retort only elicited hearty laughter from his charismatic friend.

Leaning in with curiosity, Luciano continued, "So, my friend, do you know her preferences? What kind of guy she's into? Or even something as simple as her favorite movie genre?"

Aryan's expression fell as he admitted, "No... I don't."

Luciano's eyes widened incredulously as he exclaimed, "Are you telling me you've been daydreaming about her, developing a crush, and simpin' hard without a single clue about her preferences or interests?"

Aryan's admission confirmed Luciano's disbelief, prompting him to shake his head in disbelief. "You, my friend, are an absolute and complete love-struck fool, aren't you?" Luciano sighed, rubbing his forehead as if trying to alleviate his friend's love-induced foolishness.

"Listen up. I'll give you some advice on what you need to do," Luciano said, diving into coaching mode as he began guiding Aryan on how to approach a girl with such a delicate demeanor.

As Aryan absorbed Luciano's counsel, his attention was briefly diverted by a familiar figure. He noticed a ginger-haired young woman, sitting in a wheelchair and dozing off, entering the restaurant. It was none other than the girl he recognized as Daniel's secretary, gently pushing the wheelchair through the entrance.

This pair, naturally, consisted of Maria and Sloth. Nevertheless, Luciano maintained his concentration on coaching Aryan, completely engrossed in imparting his knowledge about wooing a girl.

As Aryan's gaze settled on the two figures entering the venue, he found himself slipping into a daydream, allowing his imagination to take hold.

— In Aryan's Imagination —

In the enchanting ambiance of the luxury restaurant, Aryan materialized, his countenance graced by a warm and gentle smile. His steps were measured, his heart pounding in harmony with the romantic atmosphere. Approaching the slumbering ginger-haired beauty, he couldn't help but feel the magic of the moment, much like a prince drawn to awaken a sleeping beauty.

Meanwhile, Maria found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, her cheeks awash with a delicate blush as her heart danced with anticipation. Her fingers trembled slightly, betraying her inner turmoil as she observed Aryan's approach.

"Hey there, sleepyhead. It's time to rouse from your dreams. Or should I wake you like a prince from a fairy tale?" Aryan's voice, rich and velvety, carried the promise of an enchanting journey as he initiated the delicate interlude.

"Huh?" Sloth, roused from her slumber, opened her eyes to find herself met by the unwavering gaze of Aryan's clear eyes. Her cheeks responded with a rosy hue, and she met his gaze with a coy and endearing smile.

"Go ahead, you goof," Sloth whispered sweetly, her voice a soft melody that encapsulated their shared sentiments. Aryan leaned in, his intentions clear and his heart racing, and in a breathless moment, their lips met, sealing a connection that felt as if it had been written in the stars themselves.

"Oi, Aryan! Where the hell is your head at?" Luciano demanded, delivering a light slap to Aryan's cheek to snap him out of his reverie.

Aryan's dazed expression shifted towards the very individual he had been discussing. "That's the one I was telling you about," he indicated, referring to the ginger-haired beauty.

Curious, Luciano followed Aryan's gesture and found himself staring in the same direction. His heart seemed to jump into his throat. To think that the very girl Aryan was referring to was the same woman standing before them! Luciano had never anticipated this twist of fate—the girl Aryan had an eye on was not only a mage but also seemingly infatuated with Daniel, their benefactor. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. If Daniel caught wind of Aryan's interest in one of his own, there was no telling what consequences would follow.

Reacting quickly, Luciano swiftly shoved Aryan's head down, concealing him behind the plush sofa, away from both Maria and Sloth's view. "Are you out of your damn mind? Is your life so dull that you're seeking excitement by aiming for someone close to Mr. Emberweave? Do you want to lose your head?" he hissed, his urgency and frustration evident.

Then, a lightbulb seemed to flicker on above Aryan head. Could it be that Ms. Lucy was also a part of Mr. Emberweave's lovers? The thought ricocheted around Aryan's mind, causing his face to shift from dreamy distraction to utter shock—a transformation that would have been comically exaggerated if it were in a movie. His expression resembled a man realizing he'd fell face first on a cesspit, and Luciano couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for his befuddled friend. It was as if Aryan had unknowingly dived into a swirling vortex of trouble.


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