Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 281 Assault on Hell’s Gate - 01

Chapter 281 Assault on Hell’s Gate - 01

With the defeat of Mammon's Hell Guard and Archfiend, a palpable change swept through the demonic horde. The frenzied assault that once threatened to overwhelm the defenders now gave way to disarray and panic.

The surviving demons, deprived of their leaders and faced with the relentless massacre from the defenders, began a hasty retreat. The demonic forces, once a relentless tide, now scattered into the shadows, leaving the battlefield in disarray.

As the demonic retreat unfolded, the defenders cautiously maintained their positions, ensuring that the withdrawal was not a deceptive tactic. Christopher Ward, still holding the preserved head of Mammon's Archfiend, observed the retreat with a steely gaze. The air defense systems, though silent, remained vigilant, ready to respond to any resurgence.

The aftermath revealed a city scarred by the infernal conflict. The bridge, once a battleground, bore the marks of the intense struggle. Demon corpses littered the path, and the remnants of demonic entities burned by holy fire were scattered across the once-bloody field. The defenders, a mix of paladins and soldiers, moved with purpose, clearing the area of any lingering demonic threats.

Medical teams, police, and volunteers arrived to attend to the wounded and provide support to the defenders. The injured were carefully collected, their sacrifices acknowledged by the solemn expressions of those who had fought alongside them. The city, though shaken, emerged with a newfound strength and unity in the face of adversity.

Aryan Sharma, the CEO of Astral Tech, orchestrated the deployment of engineers and technicians to the frontline. Their mission: assess the damage, calculate repair costs, and tweak reports to address deficiencies in the city's defensive capabilities.

Given the city's status as a corporate asset, this process was deemed essential for both the improvement of the corporation and effective damage control.

Penthesilea convened the Paladins and her soldiers in a borrowed meeting room within a nearby high-rise office building. Through the large windows, the scarred battlefield served as a somber backdrop, a testament to the recent infernal conflict. Tension filled the room, but the focus was palpable.

Positioned at the head of the table, Penthesilea locked eyes with each member of the assembly. Field Commander Sullivan, accompanied by his soldiers in hulking power armor, sat among the Paladins, prepared to absorb the forthcoming briefing.

"Gentlemen, the time has come to address the source of this demonic incursion—the Hell Gate," Penthesilea declared with authority. "Our intelligence suggests that it's a focal point for demonic activity, and we can't allow it to remain open. We need to destroy it, or at least find a way to close it as fast as we can."

Changing the picture on the screen to a satellite-captured image, she continued, "As of now, numerous demons are still emerging from the Hell Gate, with estimates reaching a few million. However, a direct assault is currently beyond our manpower capabilities. The use of the Metal Scarab Swarm and God Slayer Cannon is also restricted, considering their strategic importance. If news of such an incident were to spread, global consequences would follow. We can't afford to fight the entire world."

Penthesilea paused, surveying the faces in the room, then concluded, "So, I'm open to any valuable opinions or suggestions at this critical juncture."

Field Commander Sullivan, after a thoughtful pause, spoke up.

"Director Penthesilea, I propose we fall back on a tried-and-tested tactic: air superiority. We can bomb the areas with the highest concentration of demonic entities, using high-power holy bombs to maximize their effectiveness. This initial assault can significantly reduce the demonic presence. Following that, we can drop holy fire bombs around the Hell Gate to create a barrier, discouraging further demon emergence."

Sullivan continued, outlining the plan, "Once the concentration of demonic entities is diminished to a manageable level, we send in ground forces. Their mission will be to eliminate any remaining demons, clear out stragglers, and secure the area. We can establish outposts for further assault and maintain control over the region."

He glanced around the room, gauging the reactions to his proposal, then added, "This approach leverages our air capabilities to soften the demonic forces before committing ground troops, minimizing casualties and ensuring a strategic advantage."

Aryan Sharma, representing Astral Tech as its CEO, raised a critical concern.

"I must object to this plan. The scale of the proposed bombing run will undoubtedly result in significant collateral damage to innocent civilians. While I understand the unfortunate reality of war, we must also consider the public image and reputation of Astral Tech. Can we explore other solutions or alternatives?"

Christopher, his expression somber, added, "There's no other solution… May God have mercy on their souls."

Penthesilea, understanding the gravity of the concern, reassured the CEO.

"Mr. Sharma, Commander Ward, you need not worry excessively. We have a solution. Daniel, one of our engineers, has developed a smart bomb with advanced IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) capabilities.

This will allow us to target specific concentrations of demonic entities without risking unnecessary harm to civilians. Additionally, we'll utilize satellite surveillance to identify areas with innocent civilians, ensuring we use these smart bombs in those locations to minimize collateral damage."

She paused, allowing the assurance to sink in before continuing, "Besides, I don't think there are many innocent survivors in the area affected by the Hell influence anyway. So, after a quick scan from the satellite to identify human and demon signatures, we can proceed with the bombing run."

Hearing this, Aryan nodded and agreed to the plan. The group quickly outlined the details of the plan, ironing out potential flaws, and consulted with Odysseus, who oversaw the entire theater of war in the base command center.

Odysseus also endorsed the plan but added that he would send a fast fighter to make a feint attack on the Hell Gate. This maneuver aimed to provoke the demons to respond to the attack and lure those scattered throughout the Tessia Kingdom's mainland back to guard the Hell Gate, concentrating the demon horde around the gate.

Under the blood-red sky of Tessia Kingdom, the fighters executed precise maneuvers as they approached the ominous Hell Gate.

In a strategic formation, they released a barrage of holy fire bombs, creating a dazzling display of divine energy as the explosives detonated around the demonic portal. The result was instantaneous—demons in the immediate vicinity of the Hell Gate were obliterated, consumed by the purifying flames.

To the surprise of the attackers, however, the Hell Gate remained standing, a testament to its infernal resilience. As the fiery remnants of the holy explosion cleared, the portal still radiated a malevolent energy, undeterred by the assault.

Suddenly, from the depths of the demonic forces, Lucius sat on a throne made of countless human blood, flesh, and skulls not far from the royal palace, in his formidable demon form. His eyes glowed with an eerie intensity as he focused his telekinetic powers. With a swift and powerful gesture, he unleashed a surge of energy, tearing through the air to seize one of the fighter planes.

The targeted fighter shuddered as its wing was violently ripped off, sending it spiraling out of control. The pilot struggled to maintain stability, but the inevitable descent began.

Acting quickly, the pilot guided the one-winged fighter to crash land in a remote area, as far as possible from the demon horde clustered in front of the Hell Gate. This strategic move aimed to increase the pilot's chances of survival amid the chaotic aftermath of the attack.


The fighter crash-landed on a building in the remote area of the royal capital within the maze-like ghetto. The pilot, clad in a highly advanced protective suit, survived the impact and swiftly retreated from the wreckage, armed with weapons for self-defense.

With a quick motion, the pilot removed her helmet, revealing a beautiful face akin to that of an Asian supermodel, her golden-dyed hair tied into a bun.

She was none other than Erina Sun, the daughter of Kevin Sun, the former mayor of Sector Alpha City. Activating the stealth function of her protective suit, she vanished within the labyrinthine ghetto to evade the pursuing demons that would undoubtedly come after her.

Meanwhile, not far from the Tessia royal capital city, high in the sky at an altitude of about 20,000 meters, a few immense futuristic heavy bombers, each measuring 150 meters in width and 250 meters in length, glided steadily, resembling sky fortresses.

The colossal heavy bombers, with an air of ominous determination, continued their steady advance on the designated target areas. As they positioned themselves strategically, the bomb bay doors opened, revealing an arsenal of both holy and smart bombs ready for deployment.

In a synchronized display of destruction, the bombers released their payload, and the sky lit up with a blinding radiance. The holy bombs descended like divine fury, unleashing purifying flames upon the demonic presence below. The ground shook as the infernal entities within the target area were reduced to smoldering ashes, their malevolent forms eradicated by the cleansing fire.

Simultaneously, the smart bombs, equipped with advanced IFF capabilities, were precision-guided to specific locations identified by satellite surveillance.

As they descended, these intelligent munitions unleashed a series of controlled explosions. The multi-missiles embedded within each smart bomb sought out nearby demons, leaving no room for escape.

The blessed silver shrapnel from the explosions selectively targeted the demonic entities, ensuring the safety of any civilian survivors hiding within the city ruins.

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