Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 282 Assault on Hell’s Gate - 02

Chapter 282 Assault on Hell’s Gate - 02

Lucian gazed upward, frustration etched on his face, as three colossal heavy bombers soared high above the clouds, their altitude beyond the reach of his formidable telekinetic powers. Despite his strength, the limitations of his abilities became apparent as he couldn't influence targets more than 10,000 meters above the ground.

Gritting his teeth in vexation, Lucian issued a thunderous command, his voice echoing across the hell-like landscape. "Search for any intruders and eliminate them!"

Responding to his directive, a multitude of demons—ranging from demonized humans to low-ranking entities from the depths of hell—mobilized, scouring the area to locate and eradicate any perceived threat.

As Lucian's frustration lingered, a distant hum heralded the arrival of a formidable force. Emerging from the horizon, a fleet of futuristic VTOL aircraft approached with precision, their sleek forms cutting through the air.

The soldiers within the hulking power armor manned various weapons, ready to unleash a torrent of blessed bullets upon the demonic horde below.

With a deafening roar, the VTOL squadron initiated its assault, hovering over the battlefield and raining down a relentless barrage of holy firepower.

Gatling guns unleashed a torrent of high-caliber rounds, their distinctive sound drowning out the chaos below. Light auto cannons added their rhythmic thuds to the symphony of destruction, while standard pulse rifles contributed with precision shots.

The apex of devastation came from modified VTOLs armed with heavy auto cannons. These aircraft fired 80mm holy fire explosive shells, each detonation sending shockwaves through the demonic forces. The area surrounding the Hell Gate transformed into a maelstrom of blessed munitions, obliterating demons and marking the arrival of a decisive aerial assault.

Observing the symphony of destruction orchestrated by the various holy weapons of the Astral Tech Corporation, Christopher Ward, the Grand Paladin leading the assault battalion, couldn't contain his awe. His excitement bubbled over, and he became animated like a child in a toy shop.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh! God damn! These things are so sick! I really need to write a petition to make the Vatican buy all of these sick toys!" Christopher exclaimed, his enthusiasm on full display. His paladin subordinates exchanged side-long glances, feigning ignorance of their leader's antics.

While they appreciated the potency of these formidable weapons, they couldn't fully embrace Christopher's enthusiastic behavior, finding it unbecoming of a priest.

The fleet of futuristic VTOLs, resembling harbingers of divine retribution. Their sleek frames cut through the air with precision as they approached the designated landing area near the Hell Gate. The anticipation among the soldiers in hulking power armor mounted within these airborne behemoths reached a fevered pitch.

As the VTOLs hovered over the landing zone, they unleashed a relentless barrage of blessed ammunition upon the demonic horde below. Gatling guns, light auto cannons, and pulse rifles erupted in a symphony of destruction, raining down holy fire upon the malevolent entities. The air was filled with the thunderous roar of weaponry and the acrid scent of burning demon flesh.

Explosions dotted the landscape as the heavy auto cannons from modified VTOLs fired 80 mm holy fire explosive shells, creating a maelstrom of devastation. The ground trembled beneath the onslaught, and demonic entities, caught in the infernal crossfire, were obliterated into oblivion.

Through the chaos, the VTOLs meticulously targeted the area around the Hell Gate, purging it with a cleansing fury. The soldiers within, donned in hulking power armor, awaited their cue to descend upon the now-cleared battleground and eliminate any straggling demons with ruthless efficiency.

After the VTOLs hovered in the air and bombarded the area for some time, the hatches of the VTOLs opened, preparing to unleash the soldiers in Hulking Power Armor onto the battlefield.

Positioned more than 20 meters above the ground, these elite warriors braced themselves for the free fall. Instead of parachutes, they relied on the formidable shock absorption capabilities of their advanced Hulking Power Armor.

With a synchronized leap, the soldiers descended like metallic titans from the heavens. The air whistled around them as they plummeted, their armored forms sleek and imposing against the crimson-tinted sky of the hellish realm.

As they descended, the soldiers spotted clusters of lower-ranked demons below, foolishly attempting to obstruct their landing zone.

Boom! Splash!

The first to land on the ground with merciless determination was Field Commander Sullivan, clad in black Hulking Power Armor, crushing the low-ranked demon that dared to obstruct him. Blood, bone, and brain matter splashed on the ground, vividly displaying Sullivan's brutal efficiency.

"Hahahaha! C'mon, lads, what are you waiting for?" Sullivan shouted, glancing at his soldiers above, calling for a more brutal and intense assault.

Inspired by the fearless leadership of Field Commander Sullivan, some of the soldiers decided to follow his example. With precise timing, they aimed for the heads of the demonic entities, using the momentum of their descent to deliver crushing blows.

The impact created shockwaves, sending ripples through the demonic ranks. Demon heads collided with the heavy Atlantean-tempered steel plate boots of the descending soldiers, pulverizing the lesser entities that dared to challenge their might.

Amidst the crimson chaos of the hell-like realm, soldiers in Hulking Power Armor, bolstered by the presence of the paladin group led by Christopher Ward, the Vatican Grand Paladin, engaged in a relentless and fierce battle with the remaining demon horde.

The air resonated with the clash of steel against demonic flesh, and the ground shook beneath the powerful strides of the armored warriors.

Periodic airstrikes, orchestrated by fighters and the advanced VTOLs above, added an explosive symphony to the battlefield.

Holy fire and blessed bullets rained down from the heavens, creating fiery eruptions and scattering demonic entities in all directions. The combination of ground and aerial assaults carved a path through the demonic ranks.

Sullivan, leading his soldiers with unwavering determination, cleaved through the demon horde with his black Hulking Power Armor, followed closely by an elite squad of his brave soldiers. His strikes were swift and precise, each swing of his bayonet attached to his trusty heavy shotgun sending demon heads rolling.

The paladins, with their divine powers, provided crucial support, purging the demonic entities with holy energy and their blessed blades and weapons.

As the battle raged on, the landing zone transformed into a gruesome battlefield, littered with countless demon corpses. The soldiers, adapting to the chaotic conditions, strategically carved out a foothold in the demon-infested area.

The captured area became the foundation for establishing a field outpost, a bastion against the infernal forces.

Despite the relentless onslaught, the soldiers, guided by the fearless leadership of Sullivan and the divine prowess of the paladins, held their ground. The demonic horde, battered and scattered, faced an unyielding defense from the soldiers at the captured area who still encountered periodic attacks from demons attempting to reclaim their position.

The area was secured, and a command front had been established with tents, portable turret emplacements, and fortified positions built from Atlantean steel plates.

Communication equipment was set up, marking the first outpost in the demon-infested country of Tessia Kingdom established by the soldiers of Astral Tech.

Penthesilea, sitting in the command tent and checking information with Atlanteus base, inquired, "Has our lord nearly arrived yet? According to the information from Father Ward, our lord possesses the power to destroy the hell gate in one go."

"He's about two hours away from the forward base you're in right now," replied Odysseus.

Hearing this, Penthesilea let out a sigh of relief. The prospect of destroying the hell gate in one decisive strike without added complications was reassuring. 

Despite their advancements in magical technology and the advanced artifacts their lord had created, their current power was insufficient to deal with the hell gate.

Their primary focus remained on thinning out demon ranks, limiting reinforcements from the hell gate by periodic bombings the area around it, and establishing forward bases for their lord's convenience.

Lucian, seated upon his skull throne, became aware of the intruders invading his kingdom of ruin. Enraged, his wrath twisted his demonic face into a contorted expression, and in his anger, his power outburst claimed the lives of many of his demon guards.

"Those damn worthless mortals!" he uttered in frustration, then quickly composed himself. "It's good that they come to me. I'll personally deal with them this time. Daniel... you second-rate mage piece of shit! This will be the last time you mess with me!" Lucian's voice resonated with a long-held grudge.

— Meanwhile - Ghetto's Ruin —

In the ruins of the ghetto, demonic incursion and relentless bombing runs transformed once-vibrant streets into a desolate wasteland. Crumbling buildings, pockmarked streets, and lingering demonic remnants narrated a tale of destruction, leaving behind an eerie silence in the air.

Under the wreckage of a building, Erina Sun concealed herself with salvaged food from a convenience store, its owner lying in a pool of blood with a demon claw mark on his throat.

Hiding beneath a broken floor on the second level, she observed lower-ranked demons passing by, accompanied by tank-like high-ranking demons, all seemingly searching for her.

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