My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 649

Chapter 649: Treat Tree

I think it was probably the first time ever for me, seeing Sera this edge-of-her-seat ecstatic over something... yeah, sure, there were the rare and few wide-eyed with wonder moments stretched far and sparse in-between, but this... this was something else.

No glare, no growls, just pure unadulterated giddiness that her ever-elusive cloak and veil mystery vibe completely fail to shroud. The Christmas spirit must be a universal feeling, I suppose... though she did get a little annoyed when I announced I needed a shower first, like... as if maintaining one’s hygiene was not important enough a need to her or something.

Actually, has she even taken a bath before? Or does she just stand outside whenever it just starts raining and call it a day there? Should I really be dawdling on this fact? Is the thought of her in the bathtub still wrapped in her robes funny to me? Maybe.

For her sake, I scrubbed, soaped, and changed as quickly as I could, and met with Sera downstairs who was already ready by the front door. Yet I only made it about halfway before I found myself skidding to a stop in the middle of the living room, quickly counting all three large comfy couches in sight, and noticed the lack of a nice and snugged vampire laying in any one of them.

“Adalia,” I said, glancing back towards Sera. “Tell me you had seen her lurking somewhere around the place... otherwise, I’m gonna have a particularly cranky little sister on my mind all day until she’s found.”

She shook her head, and promptly began tugging at the door handle like an impatient brat that can’t wait two seconds for dad to find his keys, ’cause Disneyland, man. Surely couldn’t be me.

Although I was still a little nonplussed about Adalia’s absence, it’s not like I can just pull a Van Helsing and go on vampire hunting, especially when there isn’t any red flag being set off yet... I mean, it ain’t like this is the first time she’s gone off on her own before-I’m sure she’ll be back soon.


Once I stepped outside the porch, I almost retreated back inside in a blur of chattering teeth.

Freezing doesn’t even begin to describe it, it’s like Antarticatica became a next-door neighbor to ours. But I mustered some grit, put the keys in the ignition, and after promising a snarling Sera backing away I’ll be a whole lot more lenient on the throttle this time, we were off-blazing trails at a whopping 10 square-inch an hour... or at least it kinda felt like it after a while.

Needless to say, not a lot of drivers were particularly happy with me...

With Sera for company, it was like being with Ash all over again on those first few days together. Now she didn’t have to cling to me for dear life, the reflection in the rearview mirror showed her totally immersed in every aspect of modern living. Even the tiniest cracks on the sidewalk fascinated her to no end.

She almost looked innocent and harmless enough to not be that same girl that would kill you and then also turn you into a mindless decaying puppet without batting an eye. Thankfully that particular side to her has yet to rear its ugly head in more recent times, and really, sincerely, I believed she had mellowed a bit since the first we laid eyes on one another.

If her consoling me with happy memories earlier this morning was a sign of anything... then, yeah... I don’t think there’s much of her I needed to really worry about anymore... or so I’d really love to believe anyway.

“Okay, we’re here,” I announced, parking in the almost-barren parking lot of the shopping complex. “Hop down, and try not to stray. I already lost one mythical being this morning. Don’t be number two. Irene’ll kill me.”

I realize I could have easily gone to a random D.I.Y store for lights and a bakery for the cookies-be done with this whole fetch quest in ten-minutes flat, but who’s trying for a speedrun record here? Most of her life living among trees and all things dead, I think it’s about high time for the half-Fey of the forest to have a complete change of scenery for once.

More time to browse for presents too.

Early-morning shopping came with a very sparse crowd all around, which was good, because Sera was attracting stares no matter where we went. Some folks recognized her, stopping us briefly to fawn over her apparent attention to detail. They weren’t even fazed at all when she completely refused to answer any of their questions. After all, it was only in character, right?

Ahh, If only they knew... if only they knew...

I decided to deal with the hardest of the two objectives first, and indeed, upon strolling into the outlet where all manners of bulbs and trees flash and gleamed, I was totally overwhelmed for choice.

“Know what?” I said to an awe-stricken Sera. “You seem to have an eye for this. Pick a tree, pick your favorite bundle of lights, and don’t forget the decor too... then let me know, alright? I’m getting texted...”

Which wasn’t a lie, my phone was buzzing real hard as I excused myself... and once I was off to the side, the metal buzzing bee in my hands, I finally realized why.





Ash on a warpath, in the middle of butchering the entirety of the English lexicon. And here I was thinking I’d be back before she woke up... or was she actually awake even? Judging by the state of her messages, I’m not too sure on that front.

<> She continued to type. “My memoirs eis. who I was. Wh at I had done.>>

Reading that, my fingers sprang to life all on their own. <>

It’s not as if I didn’t want to talk about it. Shove it to the side and pretend it didn’t exist. The exact opposite actually. But I think it would be best if this conversation was left for a better time sometime down the line... or at very least, in a time where I don’t have to scramble through any kind of word vomit.

It was a long while before I received anything else. In the back of my head, I could vaguely see her bleary eyes drifting across the screen, watch as the gears in her began to turn, her lips narrowing, considering, making the cutest of sounds as she tried to come to a half-conscious decision, and then...

Another message chimed in.


Correct spelling too. The effort alone was enough to plant the widest smile on my face. My fingers slowly moved again, >

Still had that big dumb grin on my face when I flicked my gaze over my phone, and saw Sera mutely standing in front of me, pointing a loose, baggy sleeve over at the tallest, biggest, brightest, and most lavish Christmas perhaps this side of the country.

Almost immediately, my smile vanished. “Are you serious?”

Sera nodded her head, her wide golden eyes gleaming with no signs of compromise.

“But, Sera...” I tried to reason. “Money is... can’t you...? Isn’t there any other you might like instead? Y’know, something smaller, less fancier... something that won’t bankrupt me, maybe?”

But again, no compromise.

So alas, I could only sigh, comply... pulling out my wallet, knowing this will be the last time in a long time I could look at it without crying... and slowly took the walk of shame to the cashier.

I did say anything, didn’t I? Pick a favourite, is what I said. Damn idiot never bother looking more than five feet in front of him before opening his stupid mouth.

It’s what I get for carelessly relegating the choice to the sole person here with no concept of money. Hands off to me.

Oh well.

I hope this outlet does deliveries...

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