My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 650

Chapter 650: Unknown Within

Sera didn’t take the notion that we couldn’t just haul the entire goddamn tree with us along the way too well. I dunno, maybe she thought I’d pull out a wheelbarrow from some broom closet somewhere or something and happily break my back trying to lug it all the way home.

I couldn’t believe I actually had to reassure her that the nice cashier lady would take care of business and even had her swear out loud that everything will be delivered to the house by the evening. It was the only thing I could do to satiate her dubious growling.

Seriously, lore-wise, she’s around the same age as me, and yet she’s worse than Sammy when she was eight. I’m aware social norms weren’t exactly her forte, but c’mon... it’s like trying to drag a screaming child away from a toy store, and at least the child won’t skewer you with some mangled-appendage-eldritch-abomination if you piss them off too much.

Anyway, my bank account considerably emptier, I led us onward towards our next destination, along the way taking brief detours, a glint, a shimmer, from various store windows catching my eye and rousing my mind with some viable gift ideas.

Amanda had become a priority number one of sorts for some pretty obvious reasons. Girl deserves the whole world and more... yet alas, I’m only a man... a man that could probably conjure up exactly that for her if I probably try hard enough, but a man regardless... for now let’s start small.

I went through jewelry, I scoured through handicrafts, even paid a visit to the cultural side of the place, sifting through figurines for characters that might look nice on her shelves... until I realize that she already pretty much bought the entire store and then some.

Sadly, it seems today would only prove another unsuccessful hunt. It’s weird, nothing I think of was enough to satisfy... at least I didn’t think it would anyway. Not the finest jewelry, the tastiest chocolate.... maybe I should just throw in the towel, take Irene’s advice... ask the giftee herself what she’d love to see tied up in a red ribbon.


“I don’t suppose you’d know what you want for Christmas, do you?” I asked my silent companion.

Sera didn’t enough give me the courtesy of a glance, walking further ahead, following the sweet, warm scent of something coming freshly off the oven. Fair enough, I guess.

Once we got to the bakery, and all sorts of tantalizing swirls began to caress my nostrils, I could feel my stomach starting to act up... seeing that I skimmed over breakfast in favor of appeasing a certain woman-child’s patience. Welp, guess that means we’re dining in, then.

“Just point to what you want, I’ll get it for you,” I said to Sera, who had her hood and veil propped up so close against the glass display it was starting to fog... and based on the way her head kept flicking all around, I suspect she’ll be pointing for quite some time.

Eight minutes later, I sat ourselves at a corner table by a window, a modest early meal of coffee and bread in my hands, as opposed to Sera, who had a large paper bag on her lap consisting of half the goddamn bakery inside it with a milkshake to go, ’cause why the hell not?

Now I really do feel like a Dad treating his spoiled daughter.

Sera never took off her mouthpiece, even when it came to eating... as much of an inconvenience it was trying to squeeze in every bite, it seems she rather deal with the hassle, than have her face be revealed to all.

It’s got me wondering, really...

“Why do you do that?” I asked in a moment of goaded curiosity. “Cover yourself head to toe the way you do? I know how you think to a certain extent, but I can never figure that part out. In any case, I doubt it’s just for aesthetic purposes, right?”

She slowed her chewing, cocked her head, and simply began staring at me with a blank look.

“Like, for example...” I raised a hand over the table, and slowly reached forward. “If I try and take your hood off right now, what would you-?”

A warning growl, the squeak of wooden legs as she slightly dragged herself away. This, all with a disapproving glare. I immediately put my hand back away, and gave a small smile.

“Just an example...” I reassured her, taking a sip of my coffee and pointing my gaze out the bakery window. “You don’t have to indulge me if you don’t want to. I’m just... I just thought I’d like to see it, is all...”

When I looked back at her, I was surprised to see that she still wasn’t eating, that she was still staring... hints of violet strands slightly falling over her eyes of gleaming gold. She turned her head to the otherside, a low noise sounding out from unseen lips. And that’s when I realize she didn’t understand what I meant.

So I clarified.

“You,” I said, gesturing at her. ” I’d like to see you. Um, your face, I mean. Y’know, without all the uh, stuff in the way-if that’s okay, of course. But knowing you, I suppose that’s uhh...?”

Another harsh growl, another furrowed stare.

“Off-limits,” I said for her, nodding my head in complete understanding. “Oh well, can’t blame me for being curious... it was worth a shot,” I shifted in my seat, taking a bite of my bread. “Just out of interest, have you shown anybody what you really looked like? Ah, how about Ash, does she know? Did you show?”

Sera shook her head immediately, hastily gnawing off the head of a poor gingerbread man, and for some reason, I felt my body shiver at the sight.

“Why not?” I asked. “Just what is it about you that you don’t want to show people?”

The silence between us was the only answer I receive... which is no answer at all. But it seems it was the only answer that she was content with giving.

But for real though, what was this truly? Were all Fey-kind just as secretive and elusive as she was? Or was this exclusive just a she-thing? And if so, then why?

Why does she hide herself the way she does?

“Man, you are a stickler for personal privacy, let me tell you,” I said, half-amazed, half-flabbergasted. “Such a shame too. You’re like a walking, talking mystery... minus the talking part, that is. C’mon, I doubt anybody has to be that ugly, right?”

She splattered a sleeve onto the table, clattering the silverware atop... and I gave a chuckle.

“Joking,” I said. “Of course, you’re plenty beautiful just the way you are.”

I gotta admit, she was handling my bullshit quite admirably. I pull this kind of thing like a month back, I’m not sure I’d even be alive to tell the tale. It’s really quite remarkable how far we come in terms of putting up with each other, really.

“So, fell in love yet?” I raised a brow. “Can you show me now?”

She growled.

Guess that’s a no.

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