My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1436: Kneel for three hours

Chapter 1436: Kneel for three hours

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands? It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them


**********\"What nonsense are you talking about?" Wen Shen

was finally angered by the stupid actions of his girlfriend. He said to her, "She is in her thirties and an actress, what stupid words are you spouting?"

He Biya immediately turned silent when she realised that the woman no matter how young she looked, was in her thirties.

Only then did Wen Shen look a bit better. He walked over to Song Yan and asked her to give him her autograph. Song Yan had nothing against it, she not only signed an autograph for Wen Shen but also shook his hand.

While shaking his hand, she looked at the jug filled with water but surprisingly, she did not see anything. This man-- had no future and even if he did have one, it was terrible.

Wen Shen was surprised at his luck but he was quite happy with how his day turned out. However, He Biya had enough, she did not want her boyfriend to get close to anyone even if that woman was way older than them.

She dragged Wen Shen away as soon as he was done while Song Yan pulled Tao Guotin out of the dormitory. She asked Tao Guotin if that man and woman usually came to their dormitory to which Tao Guotin replied and told her that Wen Shen was his roommate and he usually slept with them in the dormitory.

While He Biya often came to stay the night with him as well. The two of them did not do anything too crazy which was why the people in the dormitory allowed He Biya to enter and leave as she liked.

When Song Yan heard that He Biya was used to coming and leaving their dormitory she said to Tao Guotin, "You should start living in the apartment which was given to you by your mother. Don't stay in the dorms for the time being and try to stay away from those two people and if that woman continues to come to your dorms, especially at night then it's best that you stay on guard all the time and don't let her come inside." While Song Yan was talking to Tao Guotin, Shao Li Jun and Kong Kun came out of the dormitory and together with them were Bai Chonglin and Liu Yunsheng.

These two were Tao Guotin's new friends and had. A good relationship with him. But when they heard Song Yan's words that promoted feudal superstition, the two of them rolled their eyes.

They came to show Tao Guotin some face but who would have thought that they would hear such stupid bullshit?

Bai Chonglin was helpless while Liu Yunsheng disdained the things that Song Yan was talking about and did not hide his naked contempt.

In contrast to the two of them, Tao Guotin, Shao Li Jun and Kong Kun were filled with terror. Tao Guotin was lucky, he did not have any project to do at the moment and could stay outside but the same could not be said for the two of them who had a bunch of projects that they

needed to prepare and write.

They had to stay in the dorms!

The two of them were scared witless and turned to look at Tao Guotin, especially after seeing how grim Song Yan looked with her expression. Shao Li Jun was so scared that his legs started to tremble and he almost knelt on the floor.

He rushed forward and then held Song Yan's hand tightly, "Sister-in-law, you have to save us! We cannot leave the dormitory for the time being and I don't want to die." These words of his were heard by Mei Xing and Fan Ehuang who arrived at the scene with Yin Qi.

While Bai Chonglin and Liu Yunsheng were amused by Shao Li Jun's pathetic appearance, Yin Qi the other had a frown on her face when she saw Shao Li Jun holding hands with another


Song Yan sighed. She also did not understand how these kids were targeted again, it was as if the person behind the scenes wanted to target them deliberately.

They should have had a proper and peaceful life ahead of them but somehow they were entangled in this dangerous mess once again. Song Yan narrowed her eyes when she thought about how these kids were targeted the very second she broke the soul-refining array that trapped her mother's soul.

Most probably that Duan woman was behind it.

"Here, keep these talismans with you at all costs," Song Yan hoped that these kids would stay away from the dormitory but since it was impossible she was not going to ask them to skip their education for such trivial matters.

Anyway her talismans could keep these two safe, as for the rest Song Yan did not bother with them at the moment as she could see that they did not trust a single word that came out of her mouth.

"Just keep a straight head on your shoulders when the time comes," Since there was no way they could escape this calamity, they might as well face it.

When Kong Kun and Shao Li Jun heard her words, they knew that Song Yan was asking them to face the calamity and were so scared that their teeth started to chatter, they did not want to face this terrible thing!

Why were they not as lucky as Tao Guotin?

Tao Guotin looked rather proud of the fact that his luck was better than theirs!

However, on the other hand, Liu Yunsheng couldn't help but laugh out loud. He clutched his belly and looked at Shao Li Jun and Kong Kun who looked terrified.

"Is this a new prank or what? Why are you promoting superstitious things in this era? Be careful if Lai Pengfei sees you talking about such things then he would rush to complain to the head of the department. You should believe in technology and materialism! Even if you have to believe in such things, at least look for someone more reliable. Do you really want to listen to nonsense spoken by an actress?"

His words were rude and ugly. Even Bai Chonglin agreed with him.

Tao Guotin was about to roll his sleeves and hit the boy but was stopped by Song Yan.

She said, "There is no need to fight. I don't care about strangers and these kids have nothing to do with me, even if they die in this tragedy, it can only be considered as their fate. You five kids are the only ones whom I care about, so don't waste your breath."

As she spoke she handed Fan Ehuang and Mei Xing some talismans to safeguard their lives as for the rest, she did not care.

Song Yan was heartless to begin with and she was also worried if she interfered with too many fates then Vincent would get angry at her again for interrupting his work.

Since these kids wanted to let their souls get reaped then who was she to stop them?

When Liu Yunsheng heard Song Yan's ugly words his face twisted and the smile dropped from his face. He said to her, "How can you say such things?! Are you cursing me to die, you old hag?"

Song Yan smiled she flicked a talisman at the boy and sent him to his knees.

"Wha....what?" Liu Yunsheng knelt on the floor and his eyes widened in shock. "I...I can't get


"Since you don't know how to respect your elders. Then I will teach you," said Song Yan as she walked over to where the boy was kneeling. "Don't worry you can get up in three hours. As for whether or not I am cursing you? You will know it very soon."

She smiled at Liu Yunsheng and walked away while leaving a dumbfounded Liu Yunsheng and Bai Chonglin behind.

"Quick help me!" Liu Yunsheng said to Bai Chonglin who hurried to help him. As neither of them believed that he would have to kneel here for three hours.

However even when Bai Chonglin gave it his all, he could not help Liu Yunsheng get up from

the floor.


"If my sister-in-law said that you will get up in three hours then it means that you will get up in three hours," Tao Guotin was pleased with how Song Yan taught this man a good lesson. He sniggered and then left, Shao Li Jun and Kong Kun would naturally not help Liu Yunsheng,

this brat actually insulted their saviour!

He deserved it.

Mei Xing and Fan Ehuang also didn't extend a helping hand and returned to their dormitory, Mei Xing was thinking about drawing a ghost warding array in her dormitory as she had been

taught by Song Yan.

Thus she had no time to waste on Liu Yunsheng.

"Chonglin, continue pulling me up! I don't think that I cannot get

up!"*******************[My dear fairies can you please send a few golden tickets and

gifts along with comments and power stones? Please continue supporting the author! Your support is my motivation to work hard! J*-*-*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

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