My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1437: Stopping Mei Xing from setting an array

Chapter 1437: Stopping Mei Xing from setting an array

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands? It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them


**********\Just as Song Yan said to Bai Chonglin and Liu Yunsheng, nothing could move Liu Yunsheng from the floor for the next three hours. Even when Bai Chonglin tried to drag him away, Liu Yunsheng remained stuck on the floor.

It was as if Liu Yunsheng seemed to have become one with the floor itself. No matter what anyone did, he remained where he was -- which led to Liu Yunsheng missing more than four classes!

"Damn it!" Three hours later when Liu Yunsheng could finally move, he could not get up from the floor as his legs were asleep.

It was only when Bai Chonglin returned and helped him up, did Liu Yunsheng moved.

"Are you alright?" Bai Chonglin asked Liu Yunsheng when he saw the ugly expression on the latter's face.

"Will you be alright if you were in my place?" Liu Yunsheng snapped harshly at Bai Chonglin. He was asking such a useless question. After kneeling for three hours and being made fun of by others, would he be all right?

Not only was he ashamed, but all of his face was thrown away.

Everyone kept asking what happened to him and yet Liu Yunsheng had no answer to that as he --himself did not know what happened to him.

He refused to believe that it had something to do with that woman and it was just a mere coincidence. There were two reasons for this, firstly he did not want to accept that he was in the wrong and secondly, if he accepted what that woman said then he would also have to accept the fact that his life was in danger.

Who would accept such a thing!?

Even though he did not believe anything that Song Yan said to them, Liu Yunsheng decided to be wary of He Biya.

On the other side,

He Biya dragged Wen Shen to a hotel. After the two of them were done messing around Wen Shen looked at his skin which had been bitten to the point that blood was oozing out of it and frowned.

He turned and looked at He Biya whose face was facing the mirror and said to her, "Can you stop biting me all the time? Look at this, it seems like I have been bitten by a dog."

"I understand," He Biya answered while brushing her hair.

Wen Shen rolled his eyes, he was already tired because of all the ruckus this woman had caused. For hours she had tormented him and when he refused, she would start crying and making a fuss while asking him if he no longer loved him.

Because of that Wen Shen could not say anything and let He Biya do what she wanted.

However, as he watched He Biya, Wen Shen couldn't help but frown. The girl looked really thin, in fact, she looked like she was all skin and bones and her skin was pale like a corpse.

He had asked He Biya about these changes, to which she replied that she had merely changed her diet and skin care.

What Wen Shen did not tell his girlfriend was that she looked really terrifying these days. "Then I am going to sleep," Wen Shen told the woman before turning around on the bed and closing his eyes.

"Okay," He Biya replied and Wen Shen did not know why but suddenly he felt a chill climb up his spine.

In the end, Wen Shen closed his eyes and went to sleep. He was a pragmatist and did not overthink useless things. What was more he couldn't stay awake anymore and wanted to sleep.

He buried his head in the pillow and closed his eyes, no longer caring about what the woman behind him was doing.

Time passed, and soon the clock struck three in the morning. Wen Shen suddenly felt someone shake him awake and then He Biya said something to him. However, he was asleep and did not pay attention to her but the more he ignored her, the more that woman shook him.

Each push was harder than the last.

"Shen Shen, Shen Shen...I feel so thirsty. I am going to die of thirst. Help me... Help me, let me drink..."

Wen Shen was sleeping soundly when he was woken up by his girlfriend. He was really upset with He Biya, in the morning she embarrassed him in front of his favourite actress and now she was not letting him sleep.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Wen Shen turned the lamp on and said to He Biya, "If you are thirsty then just drink water--ahhhhhh!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he turned around and looked at He Biya who was sitting right next to him on the bed. However, the second he looked at her, his worldview suddenly changed. She was He Biya but at the same time, she was not.

Her body was devoid of any flesh or blood, her skin was sticking to her bones like a dried-up corpse and her eyes were red. Like they would start dripping blood.

With her skin as pale as a corpse that had been dead for ages, she looked terrifying. The sight alone was enough to make Wen Shen scramble off the bed as he stared at the woman in shock.

He Biya seemed uncaring of his reactions. She held her throat and repeated in a hoarse voice, "Wen Shen! Ah, Wen Shen, I am really thirsty. Can you give me some blood to drink? I only need a little."

"Get...get away from me... get away! Ahhhh!!!"

A mournful scream rang out in the hotel room which was left suppressed within the

soundproof room.

The next day,

Mei Xing woke up and contacted Song Yan, she asked her if setting up an array would help keep the evil away from their dormitory.

Of course, Song Yan agreed with her and asked her to set up the array if possible. However, as soon as Mei Xing started setting up the array, He Biya returned. She was in a much better mood but when she saw Mei Xing draw an array, her expression changed and became twisted. She immediately rushed to where Mei Xing was and pushed her to the side.

Her reaction was so extreme that the rest of the girls turned and looked at her. Earlier they all saw Mei Xing draw an array but neither of them stopped her as they were used to Mei Xing doing weird things.

Thus, they did not say anything. But when they saw He Biya push Mei Xing aside they could no longer turn a blind eye to things.

"What do you think you are doing, He Biya?" Fan Ehuang supported Mei Xing and helped her up from the floor. "How can you simply push someone like this? Are you crazy? And even if you are crazy, act like this with Wen Shen, we are not your boyfriend who would withstand your unreasonable attitude."

He Biya was not only guilty but she was even more infuriated than Fan Ehuang. She said to her angrily, "And what do you think you are doing? You are bringing these feudal superstitions in our dormitory. If someone sees this, they will laugh at her for being so narrow-minded and


"I am telling you! You are not allowed to draw these stupid things in our dormitory, it is one thing that this girl keeps bringing weird things but it is simply unreasonable of her to put us

all in jeopardy."

"What if the counsellor comes to our dorms? Aren't you pushing us into a pit?"

Earlier no one said anything but He Biya obstructing Mei Xing so sternly, Chan Xueqin and Zhong Liu agreed with her.

They did not want to get into trouble with the counsellor. What if she saw this array and punished them all for spreading feudal superstitions?

Yin Qiu didn't say anything but for the sake of maintaining a proper relationship between everyone, she still said in a stern voice, "Sister Biya, Sister Xing is only drawing the array near her bed. She is not doing anything to anyone else. Even if the counsellor catches her, it will get her in trouble. Why are you overreacting so much."

"I am not overreacting," He Biya's eyes flashed with something as she repeated, "No array in the dorms or I will complain to the counsellor."

When the two girls heard that He Biya was going to call for the counsellor, they also agreed to

not set up the array.

Fan Ehuaung looked at the woman coldly and said to Mei Xing, "Leave it."

Anyway, they had Song Yan's talismans and Mei Xing was also skilled in dealing with these things, so they would be fine as for the rest-- like Song Yan said, leave it to their fates.

If not for the fact that they could not leave the dorms, Fan Ehuang would have done so! *******************[My dear fairies can you please send a few golden tickets and gifts along with comments and power stones? Please continue supporting the author! Your support is my motivation to work hard! ]*-*-*-*-

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