Chapter 268

268 Chapter 268 Scorpions painting the landscape red

“Do you think it’s okay to let him fight alone?” Xiauyue asked with some concern for the well-being of Desmond who had become one of the closest people to her besides Mei and her parents who loved her very much.

But contrary to Xiauyue’s expectations, Mei didn’t seem worried about her friend, which wasn’t that strange since she was the one who knew the most about Desmond’s combat capabilities; Desmond was far from the strongest person she knew, but he was certainly the most lethal person she knew.

“You shouldn’t worry too much, he is usually quite sensible but if you worry too much you will end up upsetting that proud side of him that he hides under his calm expression and you will make him do something stupid” Seeing Xiauyue’s concern, Mei explained her reasoning in detail showing that she had a fairly detailed understanding of Desmond as a person.

As naive as Mei could be at times, her instincts were top-notch, and sometimes it was all she needed to understand a person, especially someone with whom she lived so often.

As the girls talked at one end of the stone meadow, Desmond and the group of young scorpions had already entered the fray; but unlike on other occasions, this time Desmond was fully equipped which left these young disciples a bit helpless when they saw some of their most cunning but less powerful attacks being repelled by the sturdy black armor that Desmond wore.

Desmond on his side was enjoying the fight, with his daggers sheathed at the back of his waist, Desmond used his gauntlet-clad fists to attack and defend.

But as well equipped as Desmond was, he was still at a distinct disadvantage when fighting such an unbalanced battle, and then with a sinister glint in his smile Desmond exploded with momentum as he used the impact force he received from another attack as a propelling force to pounce on the weakest link of the opposing group.

Of course, their enemies weren’t going to just sit there watching Desmond attack his younger companion and they used pack tactics to try and block Desmond’s path but they weren’t expecting him to activate one of the armor’s functions using a small stream of Metallic mana to further bolster his defensive capabilities, essentially making him an unstoppable wrecking ball.

It was almost ridiculous to see a human being run over like a truck another individual of his size but that was exactly what happened, Desmond did not use any fancy techniques at all and it just depends on the raw power and ridiculous toughness of the armor to overwhelm his opponent, breaking half a dozen bones at the moment of impact and another half a dozen bones at the moment Desmond stepped over him with his heavy boots.


Such a style did not at all conform to Desmond’s usual fighting methods but from the fierce smile on his lips and the beastly gleam in his eyes, one could tell that Desmond had no intention of having a classy fight and just wanted to unleash the impulses of violence that had been brewing in his heart.

It couldn’t be helped, after a month in this world the calming effects that Kyuru put on Desmond’s mind faded, and after weeks of boring office work added to the lack of sex; this had left Desmond full of stress that he unleashed with joy on these sinful souls who dared to stand in his way.

But how could Desmond’s unfortunate enemies know that part of the reason they faced this violent and irrational man was because he had built up a lot of sexual tension.

All the details aside, Desmond had only just begun and after receiving a heavy blow that sent him flying a couple of meters, Desmond regained his balance mid-flight and landed in a feline position that he learned from Mei before channeling both and making all muscles his legs, thighs, waist, and back swell as he adjusted his posture on all fours similar to a jaguar about to leap.

The disconcerting thing was that as obvious as his intentions were, no one saw him move, the burst of instant speed used by Desmond when leaping like a cheetah was too absurd leaving behind only the sound of the wind breaking in his way before the sound of metal piercing the flesh reverberated amidst the group of disciples followed by a cry of pain.

The rest of the disciples turned their trembling gaze in the direction of the shout only to find one of their companions with his chest being impaled by both of Desmond’s hands protruding from the back of his companion’s body with palms facing outward and without allowing anyone to intervene; Desmond flexed all the muscles in his back raising his arms outward causing a nauseating sound as they tore his partner’s body in two.

The blood poured out like a fountain for a moment with the pressure generated by the last beats of what was now only an almost unrecognizable corpse, at this moment Desmond who still had the traces left by the blood that fell like rain on his face had a macabre smile that raised his devilish charm to infinity causing both Mei and Xiauyue’s hearts to skip a couple of beats while a little unfamiliar warmth made their cheeks flush with a small note of shyness.

But Desmond didn′t notice no one did, everyone at this moment looked in terror at this bloody monster that had come out of nowhere while Desmond was enjoying the feeling of exercising his body with the emotion of combat.

It was perhaps because he knew in advance the kind of people he was up against that Desmond not only did not feel any kind of guilt in killing these people but instead allowed himself to enjoy the violent emotion that at this moment filled every fiber of his body.

Of course, as deep in thought as Desmond could be at this moment, his body did not stop moving, responding defensively by instinct to the attacks of his enemies that had begun to target the vulnerable points of the armor or the parts that it wasn′t covered like the face.

Desmond even saw the tip of a red Ki stinger just inches from his eyes, but protecting the eyes was one of the most ingrained animal instincts in human beings so Desmond responded with extraordinary reflexes, avoiding most of the damage and just taking a small cut on the cheek.

And then it was Desmond’s turn to test the corrosive capabilities of the Red Ki of these people who were smiling in anticipation of seeing Desmond slowly weaken as they drained him to death.

Soon Desmond’s speed began to slow and his ability to defend himself against them couldn′t keep up with the coordinated offense of his adversaries which led him to accumulate small wounds that kept pouring corrosive Ki into his system.

Seeing the precarious position in which Desmond had fallen, both Xiauyue and Mei felt the urge to intervene but Mei having the sharpest senses of the two ended up stopping at the last moment and when Xiauyue questioned her about it she replied: “It may seem like he’s in trouble but I could swear I just saw him smile”

Xiauyue wanted to ask what Mei was referring to but there was no need because as soon as those words left her sweet lips, Desmond lowered his defensive posture slightly, revealing his slightly hurt face that was smiling mischievously.

The two people closest to Desmond felt the breath of death caress his faces but it was too late for them to do anything, as their group tactics used to rotate the way they attacked and defended; they had fallen into the dangerous situation where they were supposed to be there to defend the next to attack but they had no one to defend them.

The group simply didn′t expect that Desmond still had the strength to fight back with the same ferocity that he had had before, little did they know that Desmond had been deceiving them all this time; the Kyuru blessing that made him resistant to all kinds of poisons was enough to counteract the minor corrosive effect of the red Ki they used.

Desmond just wanted them to lower their guard again to take down some of them more easily, as they had become very defensive after watching him slaughter two of their own making Desmond’s job more difficult.

It was when they lowered their guard again that Desmond exploded once more at full strength, he even activated the armor’s other ability to give his speed an extra boost to draw his daggers, and with two flashes of silver and gold, the people in front of him fell in two pieces.

Now with only four of them seeing two of his companion’s collapse to the ground with their incomplete bodies and seeing Desmond who had pulled out a pair of dangerous-looking golden swords from somewhere; the remaining people had already lost the courage to fight.

What followed was no different from watching a wolf rip apart a small group of rabbits with its sharp fangs leaving nothing but red streaks painting the previously insipid gray stone floor.

When the third of them fell in different segments in front of Desmond, the fourth of them who was the first to run had already almost reached the outer edge of the stone meadow where the forest began again and where he hoped to lose his pursuer.

But Xiauyue and Mei who were still onlookers of this massacre only saw how Desmond kept his daggers and drew his bow with calm and leisurely movements; using a serious expression to pull the bowstring while saying out loud: “No witnesses”

After which Xiauyue and Mei only watched as the last disciple of the bloody scorpion sect collapsed on the ground with just one hand outstretched touching the grass that marked the beginning of the forest as an arrow lodged in the center of his back.

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