Chapter 269

269 Chapter 269 Extremely Rich Loot

Breathing with some difficulty, Desmond adjusted his mood as he flexed his body trying to feel the amount of damage he had taken from that little whim he had just now.

That’s right, Desmond only considered his previous battle as nothing more than a whim, for despite the slight injuries he sustained and the difficulties he dealt with to emerge victoriously; at the end of the day what he did was no different from a massacre.

Not to mention that if he wanted to, he could have asked Xiauyue and Mei to get involved from the beginning and finish the fight in just a few moments given the powerful help that he had; but he chose not to.

And this opinion was shared by both Xiauyue and Mei, who would not have much trouble dealing with such a low-level small group of disciples either, but they still had to acknowledge that Desmond’s ability to annihilate others should not be underestimated.

“Are you feeling better now?” Mei asked with certain envy not too well hidden in her voice.

Watching Mei’s throbbing pupils, Desmond knew that the girl was not much different from himself and she was eager to have a bloody battle until her warlike heart was satisfied.

Xiauyue on the other hand was different and although she found some pleasure in challenging herself and raising her strength to new heights; she didn’t enjoy the battle to the same extent as Desmond and Mei.

“Quite satisfied if somewhat sore” Desmond answered frankly but did not mention that although he had satisfied his desire to fight, it was now his sexual desires that were throbbing with anxiety fueled by the adrenaline that still flooded his system.

“In that case, I suppose it’s time to collect the loot” Mei replied with emotion as she evaluated in her mind how much profit they would have from this little encounter, but remembering how Desmond did almost all the work, she stopped thinking about the issue because this was not her loot to pick up.


Perhaps too distracted by notions of wealth, Mei didn’t realize that Desmond’s greed was now directed more at her firm buttocks instead of seeing the possible treasures they might find.

It was fortunate that Xiauyue didn’t see him looking at Mei like this or the distribution of the loot would be the last of his worries but Xiauyue was still somewhat distracted by the number of corpses around her.

It took Desmond a few moments to control his impulses again until the adrenaline consumed inside his body and exhaustion hit him, banishing any notion of lust that will remain within him.

After which the trio proceeded to collect everything that the disciples of the Blood Scorpion Sect brought with them, which was somewhat uncomfortable for Xiauyue given the degree of damage to the bodies taking into account that some were separated into up to three different parts but Desmond and Mei stepped forward and took care of those bodies for her showing some consideration and warm care for this girl who saw her eternally calm demeanor disturbed.

It took them almost five minutes to complete picking up all the valuables on the bodies which were somewhat ironic considering that it took Desmond less time to turn these people into corpses.

By the time the work was done the trio were amazed at the amount of wealth these people carried with them, just in terms of essence stones, a type of stone that contains Ki used as a training resource and as hard currency; they found the equivalent of two years’ salary for a core disciple.

As if that was not enough in the body of the main disciple they found several defensive artifacts and weapons of extraordinary value, although since no one here was suitable to use their equipment the trio ended up deciding to sell all the objects and distribute them the profits.

Regarding the issue of spreading the profits, Desmond insisted on spreading all the profits equally, and after a brief discussion where Mei and Xiauyue repeatedly tried to refuse; they ended up accepting.

Having finished handing out the profits of the Blood Scorpion Sect members, the trio turned their attention to the massive corpse of the Mountain-devouring Serpent, and not wanting to use the analysis function so openly Desmond asked, “So... do any of you know if this thing is valuable? ”

At his question, Xiauyue and Mei almost beat him up for his ignorance as they explained with a greedy glint in their beautiful eyes.

It turned out that the entire body of this massive beast was a treasure unto itself, although the biggest downside was that some of the materials that could be collected from this snake were only worth it when kept in abundant quantities.

The best example was the stone spikes that completely covered the body of the snake that had great value as a special construction material, each stone spike or scale of this snake was not worth much by itself but if almost ten tons of stone scales were collected these were worth a fortune; the problem was transporting the ten tons through the forest.

Therefore Xiauyue and Mei were overjoyed when they heard that Desmond could store the ten tons of stone scales in his strange notebook at the same time that he kept these hidden resources of the sect.

But this was not the only valuable material from this massive snake as all of its bone marrow was extremely coveted by alchemists who focus on refining strengthening medications as it was necessary for at least a couple of high-value recipes.

And that wasn’t even the best part, the most valuable part of the mountain-eating serpent was a special metallic organ that they used for their sonic attacks; This was formed with the accumulation of precious metals that these snakes consumed throughout their lives.

It took Desmond and Mei almost half an hour cutting the snake’s carcass to find this organ whose position they did not know and it took them another ten minutes to extract it due to the toughness of the meat and tendons to which this organ was connected.

As soon as they managed to extract it, Desmond would swear he saw both girls drool greedily as they stared at the strange metal frame the size of two basketballs.

“Desmond, you don’t understand how difficult it is to find a material as valuable as this, its properties make it extremely rare, if I could get someone to forge weapons from this metal, I would get a weapon with a perfect affinity with my transcendent echo martial arts “Mei Fei Long who probably felt uncomfortable by Desmond’s questioning gaze ended up explaining the reason for her greed.

With his satisfied curiosity, Desmond now turned his gaze to Xiauyue who quickly explained: “Don’t look at me like that, I don’t want it just because it’s expensive, I’ve been looking for materials for a better sword that fits not only the martial arts of my family but also my style for a long time and this material is certainly suitable ”

Not wanting to fight about it Desmond just shrugged and said simply: “In that case, you girls can have it.”

“You’re sure?” Both girls responded with adorable timing.

“I’m sure I don’t really need it and in just one day I’ve already collected enough things that I’m not in such desperate need of items,” Desmond answered honestly.

But both Mei and Xiauyue still refused to take the metal because as much as they wanted it, it was simply too valuable to be taken for free.

Slightly frustrated and already wanting to end the matter in question Desmond replied: “If you want to pay me so much you can give me a kiss each and we will be at hand”

Immediately there was silence and Desmond who was prepared to throw himself to the ground and roll to avoid the beating that was coming when he saw that the girls did not seem to respond in any way; although looking closer they at least blushed furiously.

Too slow to respond Desmond only felt a blast of pressurized air circulating chaotically around him before he felt two sensations of slightly moist warmth one on each cheek and it was not until he saw the girls appear almost thirty meters away from his place, that Desmond understood what had just happened.

With still some of the feelings on his face Desmond couldn’t help commenting to himself with an affectionate tone strange to him: “Who the hell kisses the cheek at the speed of sound? they are an adorable couple ”

Having dealt with the distribution of resources collected among the disciples of the Devilish Sect and the Mountain-Eating Serpent, the trio took a few moments to overcome their current discomfort and focused their attention on the strange tree in the middle of the stone meadow.

Despite all the destruction and bloodshed, this tree still stood, with its slim, low jet black trunk and occasional pristine white leaves; this tree gave a feeling of quite macabre beauty.

But what attracted the most attention were the small fruits hidden in its thin foliage, white with patterns of black vines on them; These nuts the size of a walnut exuded an intoxicating aroma to whoever got close enough.

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