Chapter 278

278 Chapter 278 Secrets

Needless to say, none of the group expected to see up close the romantic drama between a lightning sparrow and whatever Kryzsha was but given everything that had happened since the day began; the truth is that none of them thought it was strange.

In the end, the trio did get a chance to sample the much-mentioned culinary skills of the stone maidens but to the surprise of all three, the food was quite decent and while it helped those precious ingredients were used for everything; without the slightest skill this could even prove to be an impediment.

Mei and Desmond even went so far as to wonder if these adorable stone creatures had taste buds or were just naturally good at these kinds of tasks and Desmond couldn’t wait to use the analysis function to find out exactly what kind of creatures these little maids were.

Now with full stomachs and not having to worry about cleaning, the trio was able to focus their attention on Kryzsha who clearly had something to say from the way she was looking at them.

Walking calmly towards her bed, Kryzsha began to shrink in size to ten meters in length before lazily laying down on her nine-sun jade bed, Desmond didn’t even know where did it come from a pair of stone maidens carrying an undine silk blanket to cover Kryzsha.

Completely speechless by the enormous level of laziness of this creature that was treated as a goddess by the most powerful beings of these mountains and even had an entire race attending to its needs and whims; Desmond, Xiauyue, and Mei couldn’t help but wonder how the hell such a creature managed to survive until it became this powerful.

Although Xiauyue and Desmond who were more observant and analytical had their theories regarding the origins of Kryzsha, after all, Kryzsha’s habits and behavior were far too human.

Unaware of how her lifestyle habits were being judged by her guests, Kryzsha lazily stretched out on her bed and began to speak in her usual mature voice now with a touch of slightly sensual laziness: “Now that we’ve eaten I guess., It’s time to talk about more serious things, who wants to start? It’s gonna be the traveler from another world, the girl with the blood of dragons running through her veins, or the offspring of the ocean butterflies; I have some words for any of you ”

Needless to say, Kryzsha’s lazy demeanor did little to soften the kinds of words she spoke, not when in a single sentence she nonchalantly revealed a secret from each of the people present.


Although perhaps about Mei someone might already have an idea and about Desmond, there were already some indications that now make more sense; Kryzsha’s sudden mention of these secrets caused an air of unease among the group.

Being the one who kept the biggest secret, Desmond took a step forward and replied: “to think that you even know that.”

“It is not so strange, I met someone who carried that same strange device that you carry around your waist, he called himself a hunter but besides knowing that he came from another world I never knew more about it; It couldn’t be helped... he tried to hunt me down so he turned to ashes. “Even lying lazily, Kryzsha managed to emit a menacing aura that filled the room.

In no way interested in being turned to ashes Desmond rushed to clarify: “I am also a hunter but this time my prey is another human being... if it can be called that, in short, I am in this place hunting a human criminal and not I have no interest in becoming your enemy ”

“I assumed that someone blessed by a fairy would not be such an idiot as to try to confront a natura like me who is at the top of its strength.” Quite satisfied with Desmond’s answer, Kryzsha only nodded simply and gestured with her right-wing causing a couple of stone maidens to come over and start massaging her wing.

Kryzsha’s ridiculously nonchalant attitude caused Desmond to almost spit blood but he fiercely resisted the urge to curse and backed away expecting the girls to say the part of him.

The next step forward was Mei who impatiently asked what Kryzsha knew about her lineage but the answer she got was what she didn’t want to hear.

“You have dragon blood running through your veins, I can feel it because I have a touch of dragon bloodline although I don′t like the idea, as long as I can remember only one clan in the entire continent has such a bloodline but I understand that this clan became extinct ten years ago at the hands of one of the diabolical sects that inhabit near these mountains. “Leaving her lazy tone of voice behind, Kryzsha answered Mei’s question quite seriously and even showed some sympathy for this girl who seemed to be the last of her clan in the whole continent if not in the whole world.

Mei who heard that there were no others like her in the entire continent felt somehow more lonely than she used to feel but a warm sensation filled her hand as Xiauyue took it lovingly wanting to comfort her.

It was thanks to that gesture of hers that Mei managed to recover from her depressed mood and focus on the other important piece of information that Kryzsha mentioned.

“Do you know who did it?” Mei asked in a much more respectful tone with barely contained fury.

“I knew of the existence of your clan because it is very old and in its time it was very famous but the only thing that was left was something that I heard ten years ago from some humans who walked through my domain before, I reduced them to ashes for trying to hunt one of my maids; if my memory serves me, they mentioned something about how your clan’s blood was the best cultivation resource they ever had “Kryzsha replied without hiding the feeling of contempt she felt for these people who became compost for the plants of her garden.

Hearing Kryzsha’s words it took Mei a few moments to control her anger but no matter how much she controlled herself, Xiauyue and Desmond were sure that someone would pay dearly for this insult; They only hoped that the Blood Scorpion Sect had enough blood to shed to quell Mei’s fury.

After helping Mei calm down as much as possible, one of the lovable obsidian and marble maidens came over with delicious scented tea in a beautiful crystal mug in her delicate jade-like hands.

After drinking the exquisite citrus-flavored tea, Mei felt much better and stroked the maid’s metallic hair with affection and gratitude, seeing how a slight smile was reflected on the maid’s small marble mouth before it leaned in and take its surprisingly flexible obsidian skirt and bow slightly before retiring.

Looking at the familiar gesture, Desmond began to question whether Kryzsha had sent these stone maids to train at a professional English maid school or something like that but that idea quickly died when he realized how ridiculous the notion was.

Seeing that Mei seemed to have recovered from her altered emotional state, Kryzsha now turned her attention to the last person in the group recalling a certain group of ancient creatures that existed deep in the seas, and said with slight interest: ” only you remain, is there anything you want to know? ”

Acknowledging this creature in front of her as someone to whom respect due her power and knowledge despite her strange attitude, Xiauyue bowed respectfully before replying, “To be honest I have no questions for you, my family preserves and remembers our origins, we may not speak to the world about it but we have never forgotten where we come from; maybe ... if I had any request that would be to get some undine silk ”

Hearing Xiauyue’s explanation, Kryzsha nodded with a show of recognition on her face but it was Desmond and Mei who gave Xiauyue a strange look upon seeing her mention the undine silk again.

Noticing that her companions were looking at her strangely, Xiauyue immediately explained: “I don’t want it for something as silly as a dress or something like that, it turns out that it fits very well with the kind of material that I need to make the weapon that I have in mind”

Looking at her with clear skepticism Desmond refused to comment on it while Mei gave Xiauyue a knowing look clearly not believing the latter’s pretext.

“If that’s all you want to ask, it’s time for my mid-day nap, you can ask my maids to guide you to the guest cave or you can go exploring if you wish; but try not to hunt anything in the area of three miles around. “With clear signs of drowsiness in her mature voice becoming more and more sensual, Kryzsha fell straight asleep without waiting for the trio’s response.

Watching in amazement as Kryzsha simply went to sleep in front of their faces, the trio couldn’t help but wonder how the hell this creature survived to this day but wondering that even while asleep she still gave off a faint aura of invincibility; they thought that it was likely that there would not be many fools who would dare to attack even if they saw her seemingly helpless.

Little did the trio know that this was exactly how the Miao family group they fought with yesterday had enraged Kryzsha precisely because someone in their group was foolish enough to attack Kryzsha while she slept.

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