Chapter 279

279 Chapter 279 Consume the Soul of Twilight

“So, what can we do now?” Trying to ignore the headache that he had during his interaction with the wayward creature known as Kryzsha, Desmond asked the girls for their opinion.

The first to respond with some impatience in her behavior was Mei who didn′t hesitate to present her idea: “I want to consume the fruit that we obtained from that tree in the stone meadow, we can roam these forests as long as we want but it is unlikely that we find another treasure like that not to mention it’s the easiest way to increase our strength for both you Desmond and Xiauyue and I who need a way to break our current bottleneck. ”

Despite the impatient tone that Mei Fei Long used to make her argument, Xiauyue and Desmond had to admit that the girl was right, they had already been lucky enough on their first and second day in these mountains and it was unlikely that they would ever have any more strokes of luck like that.

In addition, both Xiauyue and Mei knew that consuming resources as powerful as the fruit they obtained used to be a very time-consuming and intense process that used to require the person who consumed it to do so in an isolated place where they would be safe.

Both Mei and Xiauyue had too many enemies within the sect so going through this process there meant that if someone found out, any of their enemies would do everything possible to take advantage of that moment of weakness.

In that sense, for them, there was no safer place in the world than the home of Kryzsha, they simply didn′t know anyone powerful or crazy enough to try to attack them in this place.

Regarding Kryzsha herself, they both believed that it was unlikely at this point that the creature harbored any malicious intent towards their group, not to mention that whether or not they were in cultivation wouldn′t make the slightest difference to the irrational tyrannical power that Kryzsha wielded.

Having thought so far, Xiauyue was the first to agree with Mei to consume the Desmond on the other hand had no reason to refuse since he was probably the person who most desperately wanted to increase his strength besides Mei who seemed eager to charge towards the bloody scorpion sect to take revenge for her clan.

An interesting thing is that none of the three seemed to want to mention anything regarding the things that Kryzsha revealed about them, perhaps in the trio’s mind these secrets weren’t so important as to cause tension in their relationship.


Having decided on a course of action, under the guidance of Xiauyue who had more experience dealing with high-level resources, the trio communicated with uncomfortable difficulty with the stone maids in the cave requesting some things they needed.

After nearly twenty minutes of beckoning to the stone maidens, these finally seemed to understand the trio’s intentions and went to work.

A couple of the stone maids raised their delicate hands pointing to the end of the cave where the trio was staying, causing the solid rock to begin to mold itself to the will of the little maidens, thus creating a set of three deep tubs of solid rock.

Another of the maidens approached and put its hands together over the sapphire on its chest before it glowed brightly after which three spheres of water materialized above the stone tubs, slowly filling these as if these little spheres had an endless supply of Water.

A fourth stone maiden approached placing its hands on the stone tub, closing its eyes the ruby ??floral pattern on its chest shone brightly causing the temperature of the water in the stone tub to reach the ideal point for a bath; after which the stone maiden repeated the process in the other two vats.

In the end, a small group of maidens brought with them some medicinal foods to treat different ailments as well as some garments and fabrics for other purposes.

In the end, all the marble and obsidian maidens bowed towards the trio before gracefully retiring from the room but not before semi-sealing the entrance by molding the rock around at the request of the trio.

Needless to mention, the trio were quite impressed with how skilled these little servants were, but it was Desmond who was most surprised when he realized that these adorable creatures had used mana to perform all of their tasks; It was just strange to see mana based creatures whose essence was based on mana in a world where Ki filled almost the entire atmosphere with almost no room for arcana and mana.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Desmond ended up using the scan function discreetly when the last of the stone maidens left the room.

<Harmonious stone maiden. One-star class, medium-level.

Breed: Natura. Sub-race: Home Fairy. Species: Golem.

Elemental Affinity: Earth / Water.

Description: These strange creatures are born from the powerful elemental aura that forms naturally around other powerful creatures of the natura race, their bodies are generally made up of various minerals with special properties that allow their stone bodies to harbor life at the same time as these grant them certain special abilities. Their shape, personality and, motivations are usually influenced by the subconscious mind of the member of the natura race that caused their appearance, but they are considered sentient beings with a soul of their own.

Additional note: These creatures are known to artificially create other members of their species by using their own breath of life to plant a seed of life in a core made up of precious gems and carving the rest of the body from various stones and minerals. The member of the natura race that gave rise to their existence is usually required to cooperate during the creation process. These creatures typically only go through this crafting process until their numbers are sufficient to meet the needs of the being they consider to be their master.>

After reading the unexpectedly detailed description, Desmond ended up letting a disappointed sigh, any notions he had about somehow obtaining one of these creatures and taking it home flew out the window when he noticed the clear symbiotic relationship that exists between Kryzsha and these stone maidens.

Trying to put aside the disappointment he was feeling at the time, Desmond refocused on his current problem... consuming the fruit.

About the size of a walnut, this small, inconspicuous fruit with white skin patterned with black vines was quite misleading regarding the enormous power it concealed within and its mysterious origin.

But the problem faced by the trio was who will consume the fruit first, since the effects of the fruit were somewhat vague in some aspects of the explanation given by analysis and no side effects are mentioned, it was difficult to assess the risks involved in consuming it.

Desmond still remembered the first time that he consumed a magical fruit in the Serefía forest without any concern in the world just because the analysis function did not indicate any side effects and with the memory of the pain that he felt at that time; Desmond didn’t dare take everything the analysis function said at face value.

In the case of Xiauyue and Mei who did not understand everything related to the hunter’s book, they still had a lot of previous experience consuming natural resources and medicines so they knew that there was always a price or risk involved.

Knowing that they were getting nowhere arguing, Desmond volunteered to be the first guinea pig, at first the girls flatly refused arguing that being he the weakest person in the group; he took more risks if something bad happened.

But Desmond didn’t take no for an answer and his somewhat domineering uncompromising attitude ended up causing Xiauyue and Mei to remain silent and obediently watch in case something happened.

Taking a deep breath and speaking a couple of names under his breath, Desmond took the small fruit and ate it in a couple of bites, waiting for it to take effect.

After a couple of minutes, Desmond began to feel cold and warm currents of energy from the center of his stomach begin to make their way through his body.

Desmond could feel how those gentle currents of energy gently massaged his body nourishing his muscles, his bones, his blood, and nerves, it was a quite pleasant feeling.

These energies playfully moved around his body in no apparent order as if guided only by whim, alternating between soft and hard, hot and cold; Yin and Yang.

With a satisfied expression on his face, Desmond looked at the girls who were still nervously watching and wanted to say something to calm them ... but he couldn’t.

At some point in the process he had undergone, Desmond had lost control of his body, at the precise moment that he realized this a bad feeling was born inside him but it was too late; hell had already begun.

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