Chapter 289

289 Chapter 289 Auction (2)

“The next item on display is what every ambitious man needs to build his little force from scratch, sent directly from a distant sect that specializes in alchemy; we have here a whole batch of various medications that would allow anyone to train a group of ordinary people into decent martial artists. As you will understand, training a martial artist takes a lot of resources and dedication but this batch of medicines contains everything necessary for the first stages of training a martial artist and all this will be yours starting with the price of 1500 essence stones. “Giving an elaborate explanation and enthusiastically the auction host pointed to the small batch of jars of various sizes and labels behind him.

“1600 essence stones”

“1650 essence stones”

“1700 essence stones”

As soon as the presenter was silent, multiple voices arose around the stage bidding for the batch of drugs, but a more observant eye would realize that all the people who were bidding seemed to be independent martial artists because they didn′t carry any kind of insignia that affiliated them with any sect.

Desmond noticed that detail but it was not until he heard Ai Zuling’s explanation that he understood why, it turned out that this batch of drugs was something quite decent by the standards of a sect but at the same time it was too expensive; Therefore, only people who seek some kind of efficiency or did not have support bid for said article.

Little did Ai Zuling expect that after hearing her explanation, it would be Desmond who immediately bid for the item and ended up acquiring the lot after raising the price a couple of times.

Feeling the stares on his back, Desmond didn’t hesitate to make a nonchalant comment: “I have my own reasons.”

Strangely as bland as his response was, none of the people present continued to question Desmond.


“The following article is something for many of our male members in the public and certainly will catch their attention, transported from distant lands to delight us with their exotic beauty and abilities in bed; our auction is proud to feature not one or two but ten sand tribe beauties. “Moving out of the way so viewers could see the merchandise, the presenter didn’t even bother to hide the lustful glint in his eyes as ten young dark-skinned beauties of various ages and complexions filled the stage dressed in just enough fabric to cover their private parts.

And it was at that moment even if it was an instant so brief that it almost seemed like a lie, an intense bloodthirst filled the east wing of the auction room before vanishing without a trace leaving everyone present who felt it with a confused and slightly fearful expression.

In some ways, Desmond should consider himself lucky that he hadn’t attracted the attention of anyone dangerous or important enough, so much so that his slight loss of temper only seriously alerted the people accompanying him in the room.

As for the reason for his anger, it goes without saying that it was these girls on stage being sold as sex toys when most of them were barely past the age when they were no longer kids.

It should be mentioned that neither Ai Zuling nor Xiauyue or Mei had a pleasant expression when they saw this exhibition but still being originally from this world, they were already aware of such events so their reaction was slightly better than Desmond’s.

Still, it came as a surprise to the trio that accompanied Desmond to see him bidding on all ten girls with a blank expression on his face no matter how high the price he had to pay went up.

At the end after a heated auction war, Desmond managed to obtain property from the ten girls and a member of staff showed up shortly after to deliver the property papers as well as to ask for instructions on where to deliver the girls.

One can imagine the surprise of those present when they saw Desmond sign Mei Fei Long’s name before giving instructions for the girls to be delivered to Mei’s pavilion.

As soon as the auction room clerk left, Desmond had to start explaining his reasons for buying the girls before Mei Fei Long beat him up for using her name to sign the property papers.

“Well, somewhere you had to start forming your faction to support Miao Xiauyue in a few years when she want to become a sect master and a group of girls abandoned and brought to a foreign land to suffer a fate worse than death. I am sure that they will be grateful to you for having rescued them from their destiny; so you can turn that gratitude into loyalty... don’t worry I’ll give you part of the batch of medicine I bought earlier so you can train them into something decent in the shortest possible time. ” Desmond explained calmly trying to hide the fact that this was a plan that was being invented on the fly.

As sharp as Mei was, she noticed the slight nervousness hidden in Desmond’s voice but decided to let it go under the circumstances. After all, the plan didn’t sound so bad and she wasn’t against saving those exotic-looking girls from what the future held for them.

After that little incident, the trio bid on a few things for the remainder of the auction but nothing that was too surprising and they mainly bid on secondary weapons-making materials or some rare natural treasures.

The only exception was two purchases that Desmond made near the end of the auction, one of these being a strange red fruit with a dark aspect that supposedly should serve for the purification of the bloodline of certain beasts; although Desmond bought it primarily based on a secondary characteristic that he read while discreetly using the hunter’s book to analyze it.

Desmond’s second purchase on the other hand was something that earned him more than a suspicious and defensive look as he had bid on an item whose uses could only be dubious.

Just the item name was more than enough to make more than one person raise their eyebrows not to mention that Desmond had to have an auction war with what could only be described as a bunch of perverts to win the Article.

As if that wasn’t enough, Desmond had bid for the entire batch of twelve items, thus earning a look of deep contempt from Mei and Xiauyue as well as Ai Zuling.

Unfortunately, this couldn’t be helped, the item description told Desmond he needed it at all costs, for the same reason that he bought that batch of drugs at the beginning of the auction.

It should be noted that there were quite a few cool items at the end of the auction following the trend of saving the best for last but none of these items were of any real use to the trio so they didn’t bother to bid on them.

And so after three hours of presenting and bidding on exotic treasures, this year’s auction ended with no bigger winner than the auction house and the roaming cloud sect.

A small detail that is worth noticing is that in addition to the auctions, the auction pavilion also handled another kind of more traditional commerce in the place and it was there that Desmond exchanged almost all of his essence stones for what were several tons of materials for the various formulas of alchemy that he learned in his time here as well as for those interesting formulas that he found in the alchemy book that he obtained in the forest of a thousand beasts.

On top of that, perhaps it was due to the somewhat festive atmosphere of the event, but Desmond’s group had drunk a considerable amount of alcohol by the end of the auction so they staggered back home.

Separated into pairs, Xiauyue and Mei were too drunk and absorbed in their own bubble of pink aura to notice that Ai Zuling was also following them back to their pavilion as she clung to Desmond’s arm with her face flushed and her body emanating a sensual aura to hard to ignore.

Inhibited by alcohol, Xiauyue and Mei got into the same room and didn′t even hesitate before going to bed together in the same bed with that pink aura still around them, but very typical of them, their caresses and intimate gestures were brief before sleep starts to gain ground and the two of them just snuggle together getting ready to sleep.

The poor girls would never have expected that as soon as their sleepy eyelids would begin to close, Ai Zuling’s moans of sensual pleasure broke the silence in the room, taking with it any lethargy left in Xiauyue and Mei.

As if that weren’t enough, Ai Zuling’s moans only increased in intensity over time, accompanied by a faint tapping sound that was almost deafened by the sensual voice of the woman who seemed to be having the time of her life as she screamed occasionally the name of the man who was with her giving her all this pleasure.

Hearing how Ai Zuling moaned Desmond’s name loudly, Xiauyue and Mei were enraged but helpless without knowing exactly what to do, as time went by their anger turned into discomfort, from discomfort turned into curiosity and finally turned into aura Pink around the girls into something a little more purple with hints of lust filling Xiauyue and Mei’s eyes who looked into each other’s eyes with the sounds of the other room in the background.

Xiauyue could almost hear the sound of her own heart beating when she saw Mei’s eyes turn silver with a lustful glow inside before she was surprised to feel Mei’s lips were pressed against her.

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