Chapter 290

290 Chapter 290 Uncomfortable Morning

As soon as the sunlight came through the window, Desmond felt that familiar sensation of warmth caress his face at the same time that he felt that familiar soft, heavy sensation on his chest.

Looking at Ai Zuling’s exhausted but satisfied face on his chest, Desmond put on a wry smile in response, only he knew how much he needed to vent in bed but also how guilty he felt after the act as he thought about Claire and Sasha.

But nothing would come of regretting now, Desmond was never the type to immerse himself in his own thoughts, and in its place, he preferred to act; So he decided to act on his current situation.

The first step was to get up carefully so as not to wake Ai Zuling, the second step was to get dressed, and the third step was to prepare breakfast for this lady with whom he shared the night.

Yet while Desmond was executing step two, he remembered another problem that he didn’t worry about last night, so resisting the urge to curse, Desmond added a fourth step to follow: Get Ai Zuling’s birth control medication.

And on that same line of thought Desmond reluctantly added the sixth step, cleaning up the mess he made in his bed last night; although looking at the state of the blankets Desmond guessed that he would have to get a new set.

Driven by what can only be described as the sixth sense of a guilty man, Desmond decided to leave as soon as possible to get everything necessary for steps five and six before Xiauyue and Mei woke up; Just thinking about the attitude that both girls would show him today was enough to give Desmond a headache so he didn’t want to add aggravations.

Using mind-blowing speed Desmond made record time on his way to the treasure and medicine pavilion before using his state to discreetly enter and remove a bottle of contraceptive medication and hurry out of the place.

On his way back he stopped by a low-key shop set up by some servants with decent sewing skills and bought a complete set of sheets and blankets to replace the ones he ruined last night.


And so in less than ten minutes Desmond was back at home, where he proceeded to cook breakfast as quietly as he could, leaving his purchases on the corner of the table.

Unfortunately, Desmond had underestimated the sense of smell of a certain girl with a gluttonous personality who appeared in the kitchen with her disheveled robes barely covering her body.

Before Desmond even noticed her presence, Mei Fei Long had already sat comfortably at the table without caring about her appearance at all as she began to devour the food that Desmond had left on the table.

Transferring what he had in the pan to a plate, Desmond turned to see Mei finish devouring everything he had cooked so far. Grinning wryly, Desmond was about to make a comment when he saw Mei take the bottle of medicine on the table with the obvious intention of drinking it without knowing what it was.

“Wait, don’t drink that,” Desmond almost yelled nervously.

“Why? Don’t be stingy. “Still sleepy and foggy-minded, Mei replied.

Little did she expect the answer Desmond gave her as he gave a helpless sigh: “That’s contraceptive medicine ... it’s for Ai Zuling”

Clearing the Morpheus mist that clouded her thoughts, Mei Fei Long finally woke up fully to look with a mixture of fury and surprise at Desmond as she held the medicine bottle in her hand.

Fearful of what Mei might do, Desmond approached her to snatch the medicine from her, but it was at that moment that his attention shifted from Mei to the bottle that she was holding that Mei did something that took him with his guard down.

“Why can she have something that I don’t?” Leaving that slight whisper behind her, Mei fainted from Desmond’s senses.

Feeling his back slam into the wall behind him, Desmond stared in disbelief at the pair of fierce silver eyes just inches from his own eyes as he felt Mei’s lips press against his before she forced her way into her tongue into his mouth and start fiddling.

Putting aside his disbelief, Desmond tried to push Mei away only to be held by force by her, feeling how she was holding his wrists firmly Desmond ended up being carried away by Mei’s constant provocations and responded to the kiss by caressing Mei tongue with affection with his tongue.

The strange thing is that as domineering as Mei seemed now, the moment Desmond began to respond to the kiss, she seemed to have come to some kind of fulfillment when she began to weakly try to back away; But how could Desmond let her go now?

Using his right hand to support that beautiful ass that he had so tempted in the past, Desmond held Mei tightly as he used his other hand to gently tease her breasts as he kissed her with more intensity.

In a matter of seconds, poor Mei went from being a ferocious dragon to being nothing more than a defenseless sheep waiting for the big bad wolf to decide her fate. Her mind was beginning to cloud, her breathing became more and more agitated and her body temperature kept rising more and more as her lips and her body continued to be touched and explored by Desmond.

Soon Mei’s shyness faded into the deep rivers of lust that began to flow within her causing the silver glow in her eyes to intensify as she lost herself in the sensations that her body was transmitting to him at that moment.

Fortunately or unfortunately, someone else walked into the kitchen at that moment to see Desmond with Mei on the top of the table with her robes almost removed as he held her sensual curves with both hands and feasted on the lips of the girl with eyes silvery.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Xiauyue’s enraged scream reached Desmond’s ears accompanied by the gut-wrenching pain that threatened to tear him in half from the waist before his vision blurred for a moment after which he found himself buried in the courtyard floor of the pavilion with his whole body screaming in pain.

“Wait Xiauyue, it’s not what you think” With his consciousness blurred Desmond heard Mei try to defend him with the worst argument ever.

To his surprise, Desmond didn′t feel the next blow he was expecting, dragging his aching body back, Desmond returned to the kitchen to watch Mei comfort Xiauyue as she explained something to her in a low voice.

Sincerely afraid of dying from another blow like the previous one, Desmond only left the place wounded with a jar in his right hand and an incomplete breakfast in his left hand.

Upon entering his room, the first thing Desmond saw was Ai Zuling seeing him back with a mocking smile as she asked, “Difficult tomorrow?”

Refusing to comment on it, Desmond only handed over what he was carrying before starting to clean the room while Ai Zuling for her part only opened the jar to smell its contents before giving a wry smile and drinking the contents.

Nor is it that she expected something different because she was aware that her relationship with Desmond was not romantic, so her ironic smile was due to a different reason.

It was the memory of the night before that caused her expression, as she could still remember how intense the night was and how without caring about anything in the world she kept asking Desmond to come inside her.

The mere memory of it still caused her feelings of lingering pleasure as well as a shyness rarely seen in her, the shyness that only intensified as Desmond pulled the covers off the bed that was in a complete mess.

In the end, after drinking the contents of the bottle and enjoying the breakfast Desmond prepared, Ai Zuling looked at the man she spent the night with a complicated feeling wishing this was not a one-night stand but she knew she was looking forward to something impossible.

Saying goodbye with a flirtatious kiss in front of Xiauyue and Mei’s annoyed faces, Ai Zuling left as she tried to keep the memory of the previous night in a valuable corner of herself before concentrating on her next task: Poisoning Feng Sho.

Desmond on the other hand had a much more difficult task to accomplish, surviving the still enraged Miao Xiauyue and dealing with the incredibly shy Mei Fei Long only to have his awkward situation worsen when the auction pavilion staff showed up on the spot to deliver the ten girls from the sand tribe who bought yesterday.

Desmond’s only saving grace was that Mei Fei Long managed to distract Xiauyue with the matter of the newly arrived girls, asking her for advice on caring for them, training them, and administering the medications Desmond had bought the day before.

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