Chapter 308

308 Chapter 308 Victory

“Did you have to try that hard?” Mei couldn’t help but comment bitterly as she still struggled to free herself from the chains of water still restraining her as she witnessed the dangerous sight in front of her where Desmond was preparing his finishing move.

Interestingly despite being surrounded by what can only be described as a maelstrom of chaotic wind, Desmond still managed to hear Mei’s question to which he replied matter-of-factly, “I wouldn’t be satisfied with a half-hearted farewell...not for you Mei.”

There was a hint of melancholy in Desmond’s words that was not lost on Mei, but she couldn’t get a word out before she felt the chains that held her begin to loosen.

It was then that Mei realized something, as far as she understood using these chains was already pretty close to the maximum of Desmond’s abilities even though he had spent almost a month training to get used to the power he acquired after consuming the so it was strange that Desmond was still able to execute an ability as powerful as the one he was displaying right now while still maintaining his grip on said chains.

As it turned out, Desmond had only held onto his control over the chains while he was forming the initial stages of his new ability, and as the power of said ability increased, Desmond’s control over the chains also decreased.

Sensing a moment of weakness, Mei burst out with all of her physical strength completely shattering the restraining chains and thus completely breaking Desmond’s .

At the same time that Mei was freed from her chains, Desmond finished gathering a huge amount of wind mana from the atmosphere, a task that took much longer than expected due to the inherent mana shortage that exists in the martial sovereign world.

It was this scarcity of mana that had been restricting Desmond’s progress and skill development in this world, it was just as Elaisa had told him when she showed him the information of this world, this world was very suitable for obtaining resources that strengthen the physical body but it was not truly suitable for an Elementalist to train in the ways of mana.

Part of the reason Elaisa had sent him to this world was that she believed that someone like Desmond would still find a way to take advantage of this world’s martial arts by learning something from it and applying it to his mana-based skills and she was not wrong, but with all said and done Desmond’s mana control abilities were still lacking.


But none of that mattered now, Desmond wouldn’t make excuses for his weakness and incompetence, no, he would just find a way to increase his strengths and cover his weaknesses for the sake of growing stronger.

Just as he demonstrated moments ago when he used his to subdue Mei as he prepared his next move. Now that the chains had been broken and Desmond had finished gathering as much mana as he could control; the moment of truth had arrived.

Stepping forward, the rings of ultra-condensed wind on Desmond’s legs acted like pistons, all ten rings shooting downwards, impacting the ground in unison before condensing and exploding in a shockwave of enormous power that knocked Desmond forward with a speed never seen before.

As soon as Mei witnessed the shock wave produced by Desmond’s advance, she began her display of power to clash with Desmond’s impending attack.

With her arms crossed in front of her, Mei rubbed both arms against each other causing silver sparks to come out caused by the friction that existed between the silver scales that covered both arms.

However, the strange thing was that as the scales collided with each other, they began to vibrate. Little by little, the intensity of the vibration became higher and higher, and this vibration spread from the scales that had collided with each other until it completely covered Mei’s arms.

At some point, the vibration of the silver scales reached a level where a low hum could be heard coming from them even in the distance.

Compared to the scenario caused by Desmond’s skill deployment, Mei’s skill could be considered bland and harmless at best but only someone who didn’t know the nature of Mei’s martial arts would think such a thing.

With martial arts based on the concepts of sound and resonance, Mei was able to unleash devastating attacks by creating instant shockwaves with her attacks and she attacks with extraordinary lethality by channeling the shockwaves of multiple attacks into a single moment.

Her skills and were based on the first concept while was based on the second concept.

But at this time Mei was showing a different application of the resonance concept than she had shown in the past and was adding the concept of accumulation to it.

If one took into account Mei’s ability to create instantaneous shockwaves, the next question would be one that would run through the minds of several sharp-minded people: If it took Mei only an instant to create a destructive shockwave...then, What would she be able to create by accumulating many of those shockwaves and firing them all at the same time?

Well, the answer was about to be seen by the entire world, but before that, they would first witness Desmond’s ult who had just magically appeared right in front of Mei.

Surrounded by chaotic wind Desmond was currently carrying a gigantic amount of condensed wind mana in his arms where wind rings unable to further condense and store mana had collapsed into two fierce and chaotic tornadoes in Desmond’s arms.

It was precise because Desmond was having trouble controlling these two ultra-condensed tornadoes that he had lost control over the that led to Mei having more time to create her counterattack.

But Desmond didn’t care, he would give everything he had and he wouldn’t be satisfied otherwise and right now, these two tornadoes in his arms were the best he had.

Still being propelled by the force generated by the wind rings that burst from his legs, Desmond assumed a mid-air martial stance where both of his hands were placed in front of his chest in the form of a three-fingered claw just before unleashing a Double claw slash forward finally unleashing the full power of the tornadoes that threatened to tear his arms apart if he lost control of them.

It was only for a brief moment but when Desmond finally released this attack, an idea flashed through his mind and this idea somehow shaped his mana briefly causing a scene that no one in the audience would forget.

At that moment for a split second, the audience would swear they watched a wolf’s head made of chaotic wind materialize just before Desmond’s attack finished executing.

For her part, Mei looked at this wolf made of wind trying to devour her and she smiled, it seemed strange that she smiled in her circumstances but she couldn’t help it, this moment, this attack meant a lot to her because it was the crystallization of everything that Desmond he had passed and learned in this world with her.

It was for this reason that for her there was no better parting gift in the world and that was why she had to return the favor.

Much like how Desmond unleashed his attack, Mei adjusted her stance with her hands forming a pair of claws on the side of her chest, the vibrations in her silver scales having reached their peak as currents of vibrating silver Ki began to condense into a small sphere in the center of its claws.

The process was extremely fast, in just the blink of an eye, all the Ki that Mei had been accumulating and vibrating had condensed into a small silver sphere that vibrated at an ultrasonic speed that made it look extremely dangerous.

Then... it was as if time had stopped, with Desmond on one side charging forward wielding the wild power of the storm in his hands and Mei on the other side unleashing the infinite destructive power of sound; an epic scene of two titans about to collide that was accompanied by the scream at the top of their lungs from said titans who proudly claimed the name of their abilities.



What followed could only be described as a crushing defeat, Mei unleashed the power contained in that small silver sphere forming a silver bolt of lightning in the vague shape of a dragon that annihilated everything in its path.

Unfortunately, Desmond’s didn’t stand a chance, the gap between their forces was simply too great, as soon as the silver dragon collided with the two tornadoes wielded by Desmond like wolf fangs; Desmond’s technique collapsed.

Seeing how his most powerful technique was so easily crushed by Mei’s , Desmond only smiled wryly, it was just as he had thought, it was too soon for him to compete with Mei; still, he was pleased to see how Mei’s attack still had to drain more than half of its strength to parry his

“This is going to hurt” was all Desmond managed to say before he was mercilessly crushed by the silver lightning and dragged by it to the edge of the arena before smashing into the warding wall at the end creating a ruckus with the crash.

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