Chapter 309

309 Chapter 309 Unexpected Attack

The silence caused by Mei’s landslide victory as well as her brazen display of power only lasted a couple of breaths before screams of excitement filled the arena.

It was obvious that such an exciting battle filled with so many unexpected twists and cumbersome techniques greatly satisfied the thirst for the entertainment of the masses, especially that last clash of skills that happened between Desmond and Mei.

That scene where Desmond was engulfed by his ability showing only a huge wolf’s head made of gale-force winds facing off against huge silver lightning in the shape of a dragon was one of the most exciting things audiences had seen in a long time.

Therefore, regardless of whether it was a woman who won this tournament and regardless of the clear romantic relationship that existed between Mei and Xiauyue, two high-status women, the audience still clapped and shouted their hearts out to express their excitement.

Such was the nature of the martial sovereign world, at the time Mei showed that she had the strength to crush her peers and the talent to climb to the top of power in this world, at that time the fact that she was a woman left to matter, her sexual inclinations ceased to matter; the only thing that mattered is that she had the strength to shut up whoever opposed her.

Mei knew this, Desmond had told her in the past on more than one occasion, and the innate arrogance that ran strongly in her bloodline propelled her into this mindset so the audience reaction had little effect on her.

On the contrary, Mei’s attention at this moment was focused on the man who at that moment was emerging from under the rubble of the stone wall against which he had crashed.

It was only when Mei noticed that Desmond was okay that she breathed a sigh of relief as she was still worried that in her eagerness to put up a good fight she would end up seriously injuring Desmond.

Desmond for his part had an extremely helpless expression on his face after noticing the horrible creak coming from his armor every time he moved, Desmond could already imagine that he would have to spend a significant amount of association points just to repair his armor.


Fighting back the tears of blood that the stingy young hunter wanted to shed, Desmond still managed to get to his feet enduring the intense dizziness and numbness that he now felt as a result of the blow he had just received.

Noticing Mei in the arena looking him in the eye, Desmond used his iron will to suppress his discomfort so he could utter a few words to Mei: “The rest is in your hands.”

Saying those words softly so that only Mei could hear them with her keen senses, Desmond took one last look at Xiauyue who was standing next to her father, and with an incredibly sincere smile filled with fondness and reminiscence Desmond sent her a single word with a thread of mana to convey his will: “Goodbye”

As soon as the word goodbye appeared in Xiauyue’s mind, her body shook understanding the meaning and origin of this goodbye but before she could even give an answer; Desmond used his to disappear.

Although was by design an ability to disappear from a particular individual’s senses in close combat, this ability was also quite effective in avoiding being perceived when one was out of bounds where a bystander’s senses are stronger.

This is how Desmond managed to disappear from everyone in the arena including those high-level members of the various sects, although in the particular case of these high-powered individuals the reason Desmond managed to escape their senses was because in the first instance they were not focusing their attention on him; similar to when a person couldn’t tell if a fly moved in his peripheral vision if he didn’t hear it buzzing.

Yet the higher-ups of the various sects still raised an eyebrow when they realized that Desmond had disappeared as they were quite interested in recruiting someone with his strength and potential.

Whatever was the case right now the entire world’s attention fell on two individuals, in particular, Mei Fei Long the winner of this tournament, and Miao Xiauyue the perfect wife in the minds of many who would now marry Mei Fei Long if nothing amazing happened.

In fact, many people still hoped that an extraordinary scenario would take place that would prevent this marriage agreement for various reasons, one of them is as simple as they could not accept the idea of ??a marriage between two women and another reason is that many of these people they were simply jealous of both girls.

But none of that mattered, at least not to Mei who was now walking quietly but imposingly in the direction of Xiauyue’s box, anyone could tell that Mei couldn’t wait to claim her prize.

There were only two details that the general crowd had either failed to notice or perhaps had noticed but just filtered said information as irrelevant details.

The first of those details was that Mei instead of removing her draconic appearance, only hid the scales on her arms with the sleeves of her robe, her silver eyes shining like the holiest of metals; the crowd probably thought that she was just trying to appear imposing and charismatic.

The second detail that the observers chose to ignore was related precisely to the other woman who starred in all these events; Miao Xiauyue.

As soon as Mei started making her way up the stairs to her box, Xiauyue had taken the initiative to step forward and stand in front of her father and beside the rest of the various sect masters.

In her hands, she still carried the same exquisite-looking ceremonial sword with the only difference being that now at the end of the ribbon that adorned the pommel of the sword was a small crescent-shaped blade made of the same materials as the sword.

Seconds passed quickly and in a matter of a couple of breaths, Mei had arrived right in front of Xiauyue. Ignoring everyone around her, Mei’s silver eyes were fixed almost obsessively on a single person, filled with a longing hard to contain and expressing more than words could express; nothing else existed for those silver eyes other than her beloved Miao Xiauyue’s.

The same could be said for Xiauyue’s lilac-like eyes, in this world, nothing else existed other than Mei Fei Long and little by little small translucent butterflies began to emerge from Xiauyue’s long lilac hair at the same time as the scales that covered her Mei′s cheeks began to shine with more intensity.

Both Miao Taolong and the rest of the sect masters could only smile with irony and exasperation at seeing how this couple of people in love had gotten so lost in their rose-colored world that it even began to affect their Ki creating said illusions.

At least that was what many of these people thought, even the people from the blood scorpion sect who looked with unrestrained hatred at the couple didn’t notice anything else in particular probably believing that the pair of horny bitches couldn’t wait to get together in bed to enjoy their diverted pleasures.

Little did those fools with twisted minds know that they were about to pay the price for both their negligence and their sinful lives.

Unknown to those present, Xiauyue’s translucent butterflies although present all around her, were found in suspiciously larger amounts around the people of the Blood Scorpion Sect.

Soon the awkwardness generated by seeing the couple lost in themselves filled the air causing the people around to try to step forward to politely interrupt this exchange so that this tournament could end properly with all the formalities involved.

Who would have thought that as soon as the various sect leaders stepped forward, they would all be able to hear a familiar buzzing noise?

Immediately the countenances of the Blood Scorpion Sect members changed for the worse at the same time that the countenances of the rest of the sects became an expression of understanding.

Giving no one time to react, Mei and Xiauyue split off in two directions attacking without warning the people closest to them who happened to be two well-respected elders from the Blood Scorpion Sect.

With Mei on the right, it was the turn of all the people in the box to find out what the looked like up close, for as soon as Mei turned around the sleeves of her robes burst revealing the silver scales beneath it vibrating at a terrifying frequency.

Without so much as a pause in her movements, Mei again gathered all the Silver Ki accumulated in these vibrations into a small sphere of destruction before blasting it at point-blank range into the center of the chest of the Blood Scorpion Sect elder in front of her.

On the opposite side, Xiauyue burst almost a dozen of the translucent butterflies around her releasing waves of soft ki that were quickly absorbed by her sword like a sponge.

Xiauyue’s sword not only shone in response but took on a strange rippling appearance similar to seeing an image on a water surface that was disturbed, in the next instant Xiauyue swung her sword resulting in a strange scene where the blade of the sword seemed to cut through a mirror of water where the rest of the submerged blade became invisible for a brief instant leaving only ripples of soft Ki in its path.



Everything that happened took a long time to be described but these events did not take more than half a second to occur, with the energetic scream of both girls starting what would be a cruel massacre and the beginning of a war.

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