Purple Romance

Chapter 332: Could I really be.....?

Chapter 332: Could I really be.....?

In this world, everybody is fighting something. Everyone goes through pain but everyone also heals in their own way. Everyone has their own way of dealing with their pain. Just because you don't feel another person's pain doesn't mean it isn't there. it doesn't mean one to dismiss the pain of everyone else.

The truth was, everyone is selfish at one point, focusing on their hurt alone that they fail to realise the pain anyone else was going through.

Paula finally knew. She went through a lot of pain, but it didn't mean that everyone else had it easy. That one moment of trying to protect her family through the only way she knew possible brought about their separation and increased pain. She realised that, if she could go through that moment again, she might make a different choice all together. she wouldn't have carried the burden alone.

But, in the end everyone makes mistakes!!!

Paula knelt in front of Mali who was sitting down. She took her hands and rubbed them gently while looking into her eyes saying, ''big sis, I'm sorry''

''You must hate me a lot, right? I've only hurt you all this while'' Mali asked in tears also.

Paula shook her head, ''no, I hurt you too. I was selfish. My decision back then was selfish''

''You were just a kid. I am the elder one, I should have protected you but I didn't. I am sorry, Paula. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to be this selfish. You are right. I have only received love all this while that I forgot how to give back that love. I know it is too late, but, can you please forgive me? I can't lose you, I really want to make things between us work''

''Yes, even I want things to work between us'' Paula helped Mali to stand on her feet and they turned to their mother.

''Mom, I'm sorry for keeping the truth away from you all these years. Paula is right. I was the one who got drowned and in trying to save me, dad passed away''

''I should have been your safe haven, but I only paid attention to my own pain. I have failed you two as the adult here. I have no right to be forgiven''

''No, mother. We all were blinded by our emotions and couldn't see anything else'' Paula said and their mother stretched forth her hands.

''I missed you so much, Paula. I missed you so much'' she said and pulled Paula into a hug.

Andy smiled. It seemed reconciliation wasn't that hard after all.


Andy covered Paula up with a quilt and sat next to her as she slept soundly. After leaving her mother's house, she had been feeling a little down so when they got to the villa, she fell asleep right away.

Andy was worried about her as he sat next to her. he took out his phone as he rang and went outside to answer it.

''Hello, Leslie''

''Andy, how did it go? How is Paula doing?''

''She is fine. Everything has been sorted but it drained her out. I'm afraid she might get a fever later in the night so I'm staying by her side''

''Sure, do that. I called to inform you that I obtained the detailed report from the doctor and will let the lawyer send the court subpoena over to the Philips family tomorrow. Meanwhile, I already got the journalist who will put the information on the internet. Tomorrow, the battle will officially start between me and the Phillips family''

''No, it is a war between us and the Phillips family. Lisa can be considered as a friend and you are my brother. We are in this together. Paula and I will go over tomorrow morning. they will spend the day together while we go and meet with the lawyer with the evidence''

''Thanks a lot, Andy. I appreciate this. it means a lot to me''

''Sure, I will see you tomorrow. Get some rest''

''You too''

Andy hung up and went back inside. He saw that Paula had sat up on the bed and he went over to her side, ''what is it? Are you feeling unwell?''

''No, I am fine. Was that Leslie? I am such a bad friend. I was so concerned about myself that I forgot we had to go and see them after leaving my mom's place''

''It isn't your fault. You should rest, we can go there tomorrow. You will spend the whole day with Lisa while Leslie and I run some errands''

''Is Leslie going to sue the director?''

''Yes, he has obtained evidence of his crimes. We found out that there were other ladies he sexually abused and harassed and we were able to gather their testimonies. It will be enough to sue him and make him pay''

''Finally, a day like this is coming. I never thought that a day like this would come where that monster will be punished for his crimes. He had behind his family, used his connections and money to make sure that Lisa got her licence revoked and banned. She couldn't work anywhere else and had to open a caf. Luckily, she grew to love coffee''

''Is that how you two met?''

''En, I am even a witness to how that man tried to force himself on her. One time, the day Lisa and I became friends, she had agreed to sign a surgery form for me as my guardian and helped me with everything that I needed. He called her over to the stairs and attempted to force himself on her but Lisa refused. Lisa might be someone who sleeps with men but she has always drawn the line and never went out with a married man''

''Lisa will get the justice that she deserves, you just woke you and must be hungry, I will make something light for you''

''Andy thank you for helping me clear things between my family and I. I know that things will not be smooth right now because we are all too ashamed to see each other but with time, everything will be alright''



When Leslie returned to Lisa's room, he saw Lisa reading a book and he walked up to her and sat next to her.

''What are you reading, love?''

She showed him the medical PTSD book on healing that she was reading and showed him the small notes that she was putting down.

''Lisa, can you put the book aside? I need to tell you something''

Lisa smiled and picked her notepad, she opened it to a series of writings that did and started showing it to him.

''You want to talk about the court case, right?

''Don't worry, I heard you speaking with Andy.

I support you totally. You can do whatever you want. I will be strong and go through this.

Thank you for working so hard to take care of me''

Leslie smiled and pulled her into a hug, ''you make everything worth it. trust me, Lisa. I will protect you. I won't allow anything to happen to you this time around''

Lisa smiled and nodded her head before standing up. he rubbed her stomach and looked at him.

''Are you hungry again? Something would think that you are pregnant'' Leslie jokingly said and stood up. he was about to take a step before he paused and turned to look at Lisa with a serious gaze.

Lisa blushed confused and looked down at her stomach. She frowned and shook her head.

''Lisa, when was the last time you had your period?''

Lisa immediately took the notepad and wrote on it, 'before the incident. It ended a few days before the incident''

''Right, then, on the night before the wedding, we did it. You spent three weeks at the hospital; so if you were pregnant, the doctors would have known, right?''

''If they didn't take any pregnancy test, they wouldn't know'' Lisa wrote it on the notepad and showed it to him.

''Then, there is a possibility that you are pregnant, right?''

Lisa waved her hands at him, dismissing the thought as she wrote, ''that is impossible. I took contraceptives. Leslie, stop scaring me, okay?''

''Wait here, I am going to get a test kid for you to test. I have a feeling that you might just be pregnant'' Leslie said and Lisa stopped him, ''don't be scared, I am here with you''

Lisa smiled as she thought to herself, he was telling her not be scared but it seemed he was the one who seemed scared and tensed up.

''I will be right back'' he said and left the room.

Lisa sighed and decided to go to the hall. he had succeeded in taking her mind of her study of her current situation. She took the remote and sat down, turning it on to watch some entertainment but after a while, she sighed again and looked at her stomach.

''Could I really be pregnant? If I am, how am I going to face it?' Lisa had a lot of thoughts in her mind as she waited for Leslie.

A few minutes later, Lisa stood up at once and hurried to the door when she heard the sound of Leslie's car.

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