Purple Romance

Chapter 333: Lisa finds Justice and healing

Chapter 333: Lisa finds Justice and healing

''Lisa, don't worry about anything else. I will be here waiting. Just take your time'' Leslie said as he stood by the bathroom door, his feet shaking as he could barely calm himself down. He had thought about it while getting the test kit. If she were to be pregnant, he would accept her and the baby. He will make sure that they are protected by him and safe from danger.


Leslie turned at once when he heard the sound of the door. he held Lisa's hands saying, ''Lise, what does it say?''

Lisa sensing his nervousness decided to hand over the kit to him. It has a faded single line. His eyes somewhat turned gloomy.

''I am not pregnant'' Lisa said to him through the notepad and he turned silent. She looked at him and wrote a question this time, ''you wished I pregnant? Why?''

''No. This is actually good, right? I was worried that if you got pregnant, it will be hard on you''

Lisa took the kit from him and asked, ''do you love kids that much?''

''Huh? No, we can't have kids now. We need to get married first'' Leslie said, avoiding her gaze.

Lisa turned his head to meet her eyes before showing him another kit that was in her back pocket as she flashed the words on her notepad at him.

''Congratulations Leslie. You are going to be a father''

''What?'' Leslie snatched the kit in her hands and looked at it. His eyes turned teary as he hugged Lisa tightly, ''Lisa, let's get married. Let's have the paper together, en?''

Lisa nodded her head as she wrapped her arms around him.

''Tomorrow, we will go to the hospital for confirmation. Let's go, I will make you healthy meal. I should start writing down the things that are good and those that are harmful. I will keep a diary and write all the things that are necessary inside it''

Leslie started talking and Lisa stopped him by kissing him.


''What? Lisa, is that true?'' Paula exclaimed as she touched Lisa's stomach and took the pregnancy test results. ''You are already four weeks in. how did we miss something like this?''

''Paula, do you think I will do a good job? I am scared that the baby I don't want my past to affect the baby. I am already not in a stable state''

''What are you worried about? You have me, you have Leslie and unlike me, your father in law likes you and will be thrilled to hear this news. You need to get your act together. Now that you have an angel inside you''

''You are right. I will take my therapy seriously and make sure I become the best mother this angel can ever have''

''That's right. But, I can't believe that you are already pregnant when I just got married?''

''You sly fox. How could you do something so crazy without letting me know?''

''We just wanted to surprise you all''

''So, how was it?'' Lisa raised her eyes brows teasingly at Paula as she showed her the question.

''How was what?''

''We haven't done that yet but I think it might be tonight. Andy seems ready for it and so am I''

''Whoa, my babe is not going to be innocent anymore after tonight. Make sure you tell me the details''

''Such a pervert, I'm not telling you anything'' Paula stood up and they walked to the kitchen. When Paula opened the fridge and saw all the health tonics that was inside she squirmed and turned to look at Lisa who sighed helplessly, ''who would have thought that Leslie would be such a wife spoiling slave? He bought all these for you to take just a night after knowing you were pregnant?''

Lisa scratched her head. If this was just the beginning, she wondered how it would be from henceforth.

''Oh my phone'' Paula took out her phone that was buzzing and answered it, ''hello hubby?'' she said and blushed in front of Liza, ''the TV? Alright, I will turn it on'' Paula and Lisa rushed to the hall and sat down, turning the TV on.

''This is Breaking News. The Chairman of Philips Group Hospital was arrested today on charges of sexual harassment, defamation and revoking of licence of a group of female nurses who fell victims to his vulgar act.

Before today, there had been rumours about his numerous indecent acts of forcing himself on nurses and getting their licence revoked when they didn't agree to have anything doing with him. Now, his wife who had been supporting and using her power to also get the victims licence revoked was also arraigned for hearing.

The police this morning caught him in the act trying to force himself on a new nurse that was posted to his hospital.

Now, if everyone could remember, a similar thing happened, involving an innocent nurse by the name Lisa Banks who was forced to quit been a nurse after she refused to have anything doing with the chairman. Back then, when the news broke, the public were enraged and dismissed the innocent woman but today it has come to the open that the woman was actually innocent.

Now, with things being in this manner, the stocks of the Philips Group had plunged down with many of their shares dropping significantly.

When you get to the court right now, there are a group of nurses known as the affected victims who are railing for the chairman to be sent to jail for destroying their lives''

Paula toned down the volume and hugged Lisa who was now shedding tears. She patted her back saying, ''It's alright, Lise. He is going to pay for his crimes. You have achieved justice. Don't cry, remember you have an angel inside you''

''Lisa nodded her head and tried to calm herself now but her breathing because hoarse and Paula became alarmed. She took her phone immediately to call Leslie and Andy.


At the hospital, Paula was sitting by Lisa's side when the door opened and Leslie rushed in with Andy behind him.

''Paula, how is Lisa?'' Leslie went closer to hold Lisa's hand.

''She is fine now, but there is something else?'' Paula said trying to not give herself away.

The truth was, they had received a piece of good news after Lisa was rushed in by the ambulance. After a few tests and scans, the doctor had noticed that her healing was quite fast and now she was able to speak but for a little, she couldn't speak fast as before but with practise, she would be able to do it with ease.

''Paula, what is it? Is something wrong with my girl?'' Leslie asked worriedly.

''Let Lisa tell you herself'' Paula said and they turned to face Lisa who was smiling as she opened he mouth to speak.

''Leslie'' she mentioned his name softly and he couldn't believe it. he looked at her shocked as she repeated his name again, ''Leslie are you not going to respond?'' Lisa asked him.

''The doctor removed the tube from her throat and she is all healed but it will take time for her to speak normal again'' Paula explained and Leslie stood up and pulled Lisa into a hug.

''This is a miracle. You are my miracle, Lisa'' Leslie shook his head as his tears dropped.

''Why are you crying?'' Lisa asked.

''I am just happy. I didn't know that such a miracle could happen to me. I can't believe I got two good news, no, three good news in a row. First, you are pregnant. Second, Andy helped me found some nurses who were also victims to that man's acts and he was forwarded to prosecution and now you can actually speak and say my name? Lisa, thank you so much for coming into my life''

Looking at them, Paula and Andy smiled before they turned and left the two alone. They knew they needed some time to be alone with each other.

Paula yawned when they got to the car. Andy opened the door for her to get in before he went over to the driver's seat.

''You must be tired. I will make a bath for you when we arrive'' Andy said and Paula smiled.

''You are tired too, I will give you a massage''

''A massage?'' he raised his eye brows and she blushed.

''Don't look at me like that. You are my husband; I should take care of you''

''We still haven't consummated our marriage. I think that is the most important thing right now. We got married before Leslie but Lisa is already pregnant''

''I know, right? That so unfair. We should work harder at it then''

''Then, let's start by bathing together''

''En'' Paula nodded and turned her face which had become red like a tomato away. She couldn't believe they talked about such a thing so casually. Andy chuckled and drove the car away.

Purplebride's corner:

Hi everyone, I wished I could write a smut for this one like the other stories but I am totally burnt out trying to update three books a day and attending to work related issues so pardon me on this.

You can check out my other books as this one is coming to an end, I don't want to part with you so early so let's keep chatting through the comments section and please check out my other books, buy at least one coin privilege and help this poor author who is working hard to bring you something near everyday. Thanks!!!

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