Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 135: the return of the prince

  Chapter 135 Return of the Prince

  The last time Charlemagne came to Silvermoon City, he had seen the main city gate twice the size of the Shepherd's Gate from a distance, and he was even more amazed when he observed it up close.

  Krisha who was traveling with her also looked at the gate and sighed, "It's amazing! This gate is probably even more majestic than the main gate of the Nighthold, and the magic power in the air seems to be even stronger after arriving in the northern part of the forest."

Luti took a deep breath, and said with a satisfied expression, "Yes, it should be influenced by the Sunwell owned by Quel'Thalas, from here I can feel the huge energy source in the far north .”

  In the previous life, the main gate of Silvermoon City had already been breached due to the attack of the Scourge. From the Land of Ghosts to the central axis of the entire Eversong Forest, there was a dazzling scar of death.

There was not a single blade of grass growing near this filthy marching route of the Scourge, and Quel'Thalas, which had no druids, spent decades and failed to heal this shameful scar. Its existence always reminded the blood elves of the two One word—revenge.

When Charlemagne and others came to the front, the extremely ornately decorated Sunstrider's door finally opened slowly inward with a heavy creaking sound, and then Charlemagne first noticed the leader of the group of people walking out of the door. The old man with the mustache.

Osis Dawnwalker, as well as Richter Huomang and Muric Dawn, who were on both sides of him, are the three top members of the upper house of the Silvermoon Parliament. Was it a signal to come to meet instead of Darkan?

   Today, Osis, who was rarely without a cane, walked forward with a kind smile, and first winked at Charlemagne without a trace.

Then he saluted Ke Lisha and others with the ancient etiquette of the night elves, "My compatriots of Suramar, welcome to the magical kingdom of Quill founded by the former king Dath'Remar Sunstrider for the first time after a long absence. Salas."

   "I am Orsis Dawnwalker, a member of the Silvermoon Council, and these two are my colleagues, Member Richter Huomang and Councilor Muric Dawn."

Crysha returned the same elegant manners with the same etiquette, "Hi Senators and Gentlemen, I am Crysha Moon County of Suramar Moon County Family, and it is a great honor to meet Lord Dath'Remar's people again after ten thousand years. .”

  Most of the upper-class families in Quel'Thalas changed their surnames after going east. Fortunately, Sean told Charlemagne the oldest surname of the Morning Walker family before, and Charlemagne then relayed the news to Crisha.

  Moonwalker, this is the surname that Dawnwalker had during the night elves period. After hearing this, Kelisha and Luti had an expression of enlightenment, obviously they had heard of this family.

Although the upper elves of Suramar did not have much contact with the nobles of Jin Azshalin, the capital of the night elves at that time, they have basically heard of each other's names. Everyone pays the utmost respect.

   Whether Charlemagne understood the greetings and etiquette among the upper-class nobles, he could only stand by the side with a smile and wait for the two parties to end the exchange.

   Fortunately, the people in Osis also knew that this was not the time to reminisce about the old days, and they took Charlemagne, Ke Lixia and his party on the broad Sunlight Avenue not long after.

This avenue is usually not open to the public. Both sides of the avenue are full of golden maple spirit trees. These golden leaves make a pleasant "rustle" sound under the breeze. Near the Gate of the Sunstrider, you can even see the majestic Sunstrider Royal Court in the distance and the towering Sunfury Tower behind it.

  The elf civilians watching from both sides curiously looked at these ancient compatriots who needed to open the front door to greet them under the obstruction of the Sunfury Legion and the lawbreakers.

   "Dad! Why do these uncles and aunts look so thin?" A little girl who was picked up by her father and rode on her neck asked curiously while pointing at Luti and the others.

  How could his father know this question, so he could only deal with it vaguely, "Well... probably these uncles and aunts seldom have enough to eat."

Due to the relatively high position of this little elf, her voice spread far away. Her question was heard by many elves around her, and it aroused a heated discussion for a while, and the voice of discussion even spread to Luti and Ke. Lisha's ears.

  Although the father's answer was nonsense, from a certain point of view, these nightfallen elves were indeed not "fed enough" to have such a skinny figure.

  Krisha showed a somewhat dejected expression at this time, if it wasn't forced, who would want to change into this ugly posture?

  Charlemagne gently comforted the seven nightfallen elves present under the instruction of Osis' eyes.

"Don't worry, after the alliance is completed, you will be able to regain a sufficient supply of magic power, and you should be able to return to the normal night child form soon, but I don't know if you absorb the energy of the sun well will cause some special changes in your body. "

  Although both the Nightwell and the Sunwell are energy sources that can provide huge magic power to hundreds of thousands of people, they are actually completely different in essence.

  The Nightwell is an artifact energy well created by Grand Magister Elisande using the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul. Strictly speaking, it is a man-made product.

  The Sunwell is a pure magic well produced by the well water of the Eternal Well. Under the action of the Azeroth blood of the Well of Eternity, it should belong to the original energy source of Azeroth.

   That's right, blood.

  The location of the Well of Eternity was originally a huge scar caused by Aman'Thul's capture of the ancient **** Y'Shaarj from the planet Azeroth.

  Because the roots and tentacles of these ancient gods were too deeply rooted in the planet, the damage caused to Azeroth by pulling out the planet in Y'Shaarj far exceeded the expectations of the father of the gods.

The essence of the planet spewed out from this scar like blood, and gradually gathered into a pool of water. Although the continued loss of essence was finally stopped under the treatment of the Titans, the pool of water remained in the entire On the planet, the Titans named it the Well of Eternity, and this name has been used to this day.

For thousands of years, the appearance of the high elves has undergone tremendous changes under the nourishment of the sunwell. I don't know if this change will gradually be reflected in these night fallen elves. It must be a big problem for arcanists and scholars. A topic worthy of study.

  There is no answer to this question for the time being. As a mage with a strong desire for knowledge, Ke Lixia is quite interested in this subject, but she can only suppress her inner thoughts when she is gradually approaching the Sunstrider Royal Court.

   Still the same as last time, the other three members of the Silver Moon Council had already stood in the square in front of the royal court early, waiting for the visitors and the arrival of the king.

  Darkhan did not maintain an elegant smirk this time like last time. At this time, he was staring at Osis with cold eyes, and occasionally turned his gaze to Charlemagne.

  Charlemagne was not frightened by his eyes, but secretly laughed in his heart, ‘Darkan probably suffered a big loss from the old fox, Uncle Osis. '

  At exactly 9:00 am, the gate of the Sunstrider Royal Court opened slowly with a heavy sound, and Anasterian came out holding the queen's hand under the protection of a group of lawbreakers and Thalorian.

  However, unlike the last time, his other hand was holding a handsome male elf with smooth golden hair.

   Charlemagne guessed his identity immediately after being surprised for a while, and there was only one young elf who could appear hand in hand with the king and queen.

  ‘Prince Kael’thas…’

   Thanks to book friends "Red Comet Masi" and "hanhzx" for their support.




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