Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 136: ranger lord

  Chapter 136 Ranger Lord

  Although I feel a little surprised by the sudden return of Prince Kael'thas, it is obviously not the time to delve into this issue.

  After the appearance of the Sun King, the plaza, which was full of discussions, gradually quieted down. The citizens and members of the Silver Moon Council respectfully watched the three royal families walk across the long arch bridge.

  Queen Giffen and Prince Kael'thas gradually lagged half a step behind the leader, the Sun King, while walking slowly. Anasterian, who was highlighted, came to the podium alone without hesitation.

"Citizens of Silvermoon City, the grand welcome ceremony held here today is to celebrate the historic reunion of the Suramar highborne compatriots who have been separated from us Quel'dorei for thousands of years. This reunion shows that we, Quel'tha, Russ..."

  Under the effect of the loudspeaker spell, Anasterian's quiet voice was easily heard clearly by the elves in the entire square.

  Of course, according to the usual practice, His Majesty the Sun King inevitably made a long series of formalistic praises of Quel'Thalas and the Sunstrider royal family after the actual content of the initial sentence.

  Most of the elves had no interest in the bureaucratic accents of these politicians, including Charlemagne. At this moment, he took the opportunity to observe the strange atmosphere secretly revealed between Prince Kael'thas and the six members of the Silvermoon Council.

  Prince Kael'thas, as described by Alleria, has a handsome appearance and elegant temperament, and the three flame **** suspended behind his head are also extremely eye-catching.

  Like Charlemagne, there are a large number of Quel'dorei people who set their sights on the prince they haven't seen for a long time, and Prince Kael'thas doesn't care about it. It's better to say that he enjoys the ardent gaze of his compatriots.

Living in Dalaran all year round, he has been away from home for too long, so long that some elves born in the last few hundred years almost don't know him anymore. At this time, some older elves in the square are introducing the prince to the little ones identity of.

The return of the prince in the grand scene of Quel'Thalas welcoming the compatriots of Suramar was obviously not what Darkan wanted to see. At this moment, the rebellious member of the Silver Moon Councilor looked gloomyly at the Sun King on the stage. .

Corona Councilor and Fire Run Councilor, who were originally close to Darkan, seemed to have some estrangement from Darkan at this time. Although the three stood together, the discordant atmosphere made Charlemagne, who was a political layman You can see it.

On the other hand, Huomang and Chenxi, members of the moderate faction, are closely united with Osis, which is in stark contrast to the radical faction with their own ulterior motives. out of the mountain.

"I don't know what happened in the past nine days... The return of the prince, the weird atmosphere among the radicals, the reappearance of Uncle Osis, and the hostility that Darkan no longer hides. It seems that when I expand my network, Silver Moon City isn't idle either. '

   Temporarily confused about the current situation, Charlemagne, a political novice, simply didn't bother to think about it. After observing the very calm nightfallen beside him for a while, he began to look for his relatives and friends in the square.

   It didn't take long for Charlemagne to find relatives and friends headed by Aurelia among the crowd on the left side of the square. After all, Valeira, who had been waving her hand this way, was too conspicuous...

The little thief completely ignored the weird eyes of the people around him, and waved his little hand vigorously on his own. Vereesa, who was on the side, noticed Charlemagne's sight and immediately pressed the elf's hand down. Two little girls who were not convinced by each other started a new round of bickering.

Alleria nodded to him with a gentle smile, and Charlemagne also smiled back tacitly. At this time, the second lady at the side suddenly stepped forward to block the sight of the eldest sister, and stared straight at him with tender eyes. to meet Charlemagne's sight.

  This active act of adding drama naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the elder sister of Windrunner, so the two sisters also began to pull each other with the extremely fast hand speed of a ranger.

  The hand movement that seemed to have an afterimage caused the eyes of the people watching the excitement to widen in surprise, while Charlemagne twitched violently from the corner of his eyes, forcing himself to shift his attention to Xiao En and A Qiang who were on the side.

   Sean was covering his mouth and sniggering gossipingly. Charlemagne couldn't help but glared at him fiercely, but this guy didn't know how to restrain himself.

  Until Osis in the center of the field turned his head and glanced at him slightly indifferently, the kid immediately stood up straight and pretended to be listening attentively.

   Lor'themar, whose body was half blocked by Sean, still made Charlemagne look helpless. Why didn't this kid know how to imitate Sylvanas and add more drama to himself, and his sense of presence was still as low as ever.

  The Sun King's official voice finally came to an end amidst the drowsy expressions of the people. After praising the Sunwell at the end, he stretched out his hand to signal Charlemagne to bring the nightfallen elves forward.

"These are the Shaldorei who came all the way from Suramar. They came this time to conclude a covenant with Quel'Thalas. After deliberation and voting between the royal family and the Silvermoon Council, we unanimously agreed to cooperate with these ancient compatriots. Let's make an alliance!"


   In fact, most of the elves cheered out of ignorance. From the words of the Sun King, they could only know that Quel'Thalas had reached an alliance agreement with his ancient compatriots who had been separated for thousands of years.

However, Charlemagne and other insiders noticed Anasterian's spring and autumn style of writing. He referred to the nightfallen elves as the night children of the entire Suramar, and seeing Darkan's unwilling face, it was obvious that the He was very reluctant about the resolution of the monthly council.

  Krisha, Luti and the others have become accustomed to this kind of formal introduction. Under the watchful eyes of all the elves, the nightfallen elves headed by the two stood in front of the stage to receive the attention of all people.

  However, after all, their skinny figure was very inconsistent, and there was still a small commotion from the audience, and many people were discussing the appearance of these night fallen elves in private.

As the leader, Kelisha introduced her group to the people of Quel'Dorei with an elegant and decent smile. Hearing that these ancient compatriots became like this because of a long-term lack of sufficient magic power supply, most high elves They all showed expressions of understanding and compassion.

  Some elves with a long-term vision noticed the phenomenon caused by this lack of magic power, and further thought about whether Quel'dorei would also fall into this state of neither human nor ghost after staying away from the Sunwell for a long time.

According to the scheduled procedure, the Sun King and members of the council should bring Kelisha and others into the meeting hall on the first floor of the Tower of Sunfury to discuss formal alliance matters. There was a lot of discussion, and he opened his mouth to say a reward decision.

"Subjects, the important contributor to reconnecting our compatriots in Quel'Thalas and Suramar this time is the Ranger Charlemagne, who played an outstanding role in the war against the trolls last year and won the title of Thoridar's far traveler. Theron!"

   "Combined with the achievements made by Theron Ranger in helping to establish the Paladin profession, the Silvermoon Council and I have made a resolution to grant him the title of hereditary baron, and grant him the vast land on the shores of Lake Arendall in the southern forest!"

  The appearance of the second ranger lord in the history of Quel'Thalas made the audience stunned for a moment, and then with the sound of "coaxing", the atmosphere of the audience was suddenly detonated.


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