Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 137: For Quel'Thalas!

  Chapter 137 For Quel'Thalas!

  Since Taranas Windrunner, the first ranger general, was duke for his achievements in creating a ranger army and defeating trolls, there has never been any amazing talent in the ranger ranks.

  During the troll war, some rangers of the older generation were awarded barons for their military exploits, but after all, they were only barons of a generation and did not have hereditary rights.

   After more than two thousand years, the older generation of rangers passed away one after another, and the Mesozoic rangers were almost lost due to the ambush more than ten years ago.

  Apart from Ranger General Li Reza, Jialinde Xialong, and Eleanor Yunji, who have been traveling all the time, there is not even a fourth hero-level powerhouse among the rangers.

  The leaders of the new generation are undoubtedly the eldest daughter Alleria and the second daughter Sylvanas of the Windrunner family. Before Charlemagne was born, these two young female elves shouldered the important task of carrying the ranger's future.

   No matter how drunk and ignorant Quel Dorei is, he has heard of the tragic ambush that year. After that, the royal family and the parliament deliberately promoted the new Ranger General Li Reza in order to appease the uneasy emotions of the people.

Li Reza's three daughters with outstanding talents also came into the sight of the general public at this time. However, what all the high elves never expected was that the first to make achievements in the ranger team was the one who had been unknown before. Charlemagne Theron.

  The high-level officials and nobles of Silvermoon City certainly knew that the Theron family was a ranger family who served as the adjutant of the Ranger General for generations. The successive deaths of the Sigma couple made most elves think that the Theron family would die.

  However, the rise of Charlemagne has changed the inherent impression of the high-level people. With his strong posture of making significant contributions to Quel'Thalas many times, he has left a distinct mark on the hearts of all the high elves.

  The members of the upper and lower houses of the Silver Moon Parliament all learned about his reward in advance. At this time, most of them maintained a faint smile and took the lead in applauding Charlemagne.

  Even Darkan, who had always had a dead face, twitched his face reluctantly, and forced a smile to congratulate Charlemagne.

  The excited comments and praises from the surrounding people filled Alleria in the crowd with pride. This is the love she chose to accompany her for the rest of her life, but...

  Thinking of this, the Eldest Sister Windrunner turned her head slightly with a tangled face, and looked at the second sister Sylvanas with a blush on her face, and her eyes were looking at Charlemagne... It would be great if there was no such unsteady factor.

   Lor'themar and Sean both smiled and were proud of their brother and friend. Lilas was also clapping his hands excitedly at this time, and his rosy and handsome face showed a look of extreme admiration.

  Valeira, who was still arguing with Vereesa just now, heard the praise of Charlemagne from the surrounding elves for the first time, and truly realized the help of the seemingly chaotic things he did to the entire race and country.

Vereesa, who still pinched her left hand on Valeira's face, was also staring blankly at Charlemagne, who seemed to be shining brightly in the distance under the bright sun. The strange emotion that rarely appeared in the past seemed to be This moment is infinitely magnified.

Charlemagne, who was in the middle of the field, was also very surprised by the sudden award from the Sun King. Although he had already known that he was about to obtain a title and fief when he came to Silvermoon City last time, he really did not expect that Anasterian would choose announced at such an important moment.

Due to yesterday's notice, most of the citizens of Silvermoon City and merchants from other villages gathered around the entire square today. Once these merchants return to their hometowns to publicize his achievements, Charlemagne can be said to be one day. The world knows about fame.

  Crisha, who was temporarily reduced to a supporting role, showed such a look in her eyes. When she saw Charlemagne take out Solidar, she knew that this ranger would definitely play an important role in the future of Quel'Dorei.

  But even she, who was born in the upper class aristocratic Yuejun family and has undergone various tests, did not expect that this time would come so early.

Encouraged by Anasterian's benevolent eyes, Charlemagne stepped out from the queue of nightfallen elves. Wearing gorgeous ceremonial armor, with the bright red cloak fluttering behind him, he took the next step under the gaze of tens of thousands of people. Stepping up a hundred steps, he came to the Sun King respectfully, stretched out his hand, stroked his chest and knelt down on one knee.

   "I sincerely thank Your Majesty and the Council for their love. From now on, I will continue to work hard to make more contributions to the country and the people, for the sake of Quel'Thalas!"

   "For Quel'Thalas!"

  Among the shouts led by King Anastrian, Prince Kael'thas, Queen Giffen, and members of the Silvermoon Council all shouted a solemn oath.

  The high elves below were also blushing with excitement, temporarily abandoning the laziness of the past and shouting this inspiring oath.

   "For Quel'Thalas!"


When Anasterian placed the artifact Flame Strike on Charlemagne's shoulder to complete the awarding ceremony, the Sun King, Prince Kael'thas, and six members of the Silvermoon Council brought Ke Lisha and the newly promoted Theron The baron was teleported to the meeting hall on the first floor of the Tower of Sunfury.

Luti and five other nightfallen elves temporarily lived in the temporary embassy just prepared for them in the DC area of ​​Quel'Thalas. Near the Arcanist Guild in the XC area.

   The conclusion of the covenant did not have much to do with Charlemagne, and the previously negotiated conditions basically became a model for the final agreement.

  Quel'Thalas opened up the Sunwell's absorption authority to the nightfallen elves, opened the royal library to nightfallen mages such as Crisha for them to consult materials and magic books, and sent ambassadors to Sar'Aran.

  Nightfallen is to send people to help when Quel'Thalas needs it, such as in the war against trolls.

   Ke Lisha agreed without any hesitation. After all, the hatred between trolls and night elves has lasted for tens of thousands of years. Fighting trolls while eating and sleeping is typical political correctness for all elf branch races.

In addition, the nightfallen also need to share their magic swordsman inheritance and some precious classics with Quel'Thalas. At the same time, they are responsible for finding opportunities to contact the Nightborne in Suramar City to assist Quel'dorei and Shaldorei. The two fellow races, also of the Highborne, entered into an alliance agreement.


With the official signing of the covenant, Kelisha finally breathed a long sigh of relief. The tribal people's suffering for thousands of years finally came to an end today. The elves have opened up part of the permissions of the Sunwell.

   "This is! What a pure arcane energy, and this very nostalgic aura is..."

  Krishia trembled with excitement as soon as she absorbed the energy of the Sunwell. From the deep and pure arcane energy that was as deep as the sea, she felt a familiar breath that she had not seen for thousands of years—the Well of Eternity.


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