Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 144: Would you like a dried banana, please?

  Chapter 144 Would you like a dried banana?

  Farodin's resolute opposition made Charlemagne and Aurelia Qiqi stunned.

"Your Excellency Farodin, can you tell me why you are so opposed? When you researched the improved Arcandor, you hoped that it could cure the highborne's addiction? I can guarantee that Quel'Dorei will be under your supervision. Use Arcandor for good."

Farodin took a deep breath after noticing his gaffe, and then let out a long breath, "Phew... sorry, I didn't make it clear. I don't disagree with your idea of ​​using Alcandor to cure magic addiction. I am opposed to simply Because... this seed is not ripe yet."

   "Not mature?"

   Charlemagne suddenly realized when he heard this. No wonder the Fadorei Spider-Man didn't send a large number of people to find Alcandor now. It turned out to be because of this reason.

   "That's right, after learning from the experience of the last failure, I made some adjustments to this last Arkandor seed. Now it is absorbing the energy of the surrounding magic net. It will take some time before it reaches the mature stage."

  Farodin looked proudly at the Alcandor seed that was now shimmering under the supply of the magic net. After thousands of years of experience and adjustments, he believed that this seed would be much more stable than the previous one.

  Charlemagne and Aurelia looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they understood the current situation, they had sworn to the Sun King to bring back Alcandor. The current situation made Baron Theron a little embarrassed.

   "Eh... Your Excellency Farodin, may I ask how long it will take for Alcandor to mature?"

  Farodin withdrew his gaze from Arcandor, lowered his head and thought for a while.

"It will probably take another 3-5 years. To be honest, I still can't fully trust you. In the past few years, I want to know what you said...the specific situation of Quel'Thalas before deciding whether to hand over Arcandor to you .”

  ‘3-5 years? I can barely accept it, this should allow the tree to fully mature before the orc invasion begins. '

Charlemagne didn't think he was talking big about Farodin's selling for a price. After all, without the help of him, a druid who knows Arcandor well, who knows if the last tree planted will be like the last one? That's a blast.

  Considering the safety of Alcandor, Charlemagne proposed to arrange manpower to protect it during the few years when the seed matured.

Farodin, who has been guarding Alcandor for thousands of years from Fadore's hands, has long been overwhelmed. He was relieved to hear that someone was willing to take over his job, although he was still a little worried about these upper echelons. The elves will spoil their hard-earned seeds...

"I agree, but in order to avoid unnecessary attention from the Faldorei, you'd better only send a few elites over here, and don't even think about taking the seeds back secretly. Without my care, you will only suffer the consequences if you plant them .”

  Farodin's words may sound like a bluff, but Charlemagne knew that what he said was the truth.

Now that the conditions have been negotiated, Charlemagne turned his head and nodded to his girlfriend. Alleria smiled knowingly, pressed a kiss on his face lightly, then turned and passed through the floor without stopping. Fragile Visions walked out of the temple.

Charlemagne and Farodin stayed in the Moon Shadow Temple while waiting for Alleria to return to Shal Elland to find someone, and continued to mislead the few Fal'dorei scouts around him while going deeper. exchange.

  Varodin, who has lived in Valshara since birth, has never heard of Dath's Remar's name, but he also expressed admiration when he heard Charlemagne's story about the former king.

   "Sure enough... there will be such a type of understanding among the Highborne. I have always felt that the Whispering Wind Sacrifice has gone too far. It is really not advisable to kill all the Highborne with a stick!"


  Charlemagne sneered, "Ms. Tyrande probably rejected us not only because the Highborne attracted Sargeras, but she was more out of consideration of theocracy and political power?"

After all, Queen Azshara was always dissatisfied with the people's belief in Elune higher than herself when she took power, and most of the Arcanists of the Highborne did not believe in the moon god. There is a fundamental conflict.

In addition, if the civilians want to be in power, they must overthrow the nobles who have been pressing on their heads. Considering many aspects, it was only a matter of time before the "rebellion" of the night elf civilians at that time. The Luna headed by Tyrande The sacrificial priest took the opportunity to fan the flames behind his back.

  Speaking of Tyrande, Charlemagne has always disliked her very much. She is paranoid, realistic, power-hungry and does not listen to persuasion. Almost all the qualities that a leader should not have have gathered in her.

   It was she who became the Highborne after Malfurion Stormrage fell asleep in the Emerald Dream, and her prejudice against the Highborne has never disappeared in the ten thousand years since.

   This can be seen from her questioning of Talisa in the Suramar quest line and the crowding out and ridicule after the night fortress battle. It can be said that the Nightborne, an allied race, was forced to go to the Horde by Tyrande.

Moreover, Charlemagne has always suspected that she involved a lot of political factors in the choice of the Stormrage brothers. After all, Malfurion is the hero of the night elves and the leader of the druids, and Illidan is just a bright face. The guilty sinner, in the hearts of the people, is Queen Azshara's running dog, far inferior to his brother in terms of influence.

  As for Tyrande's abilities...Another archdruid, Fandral Staghelmet, made an interesting comment about her.

   "Tyrande has no idea how to lead our people!"

  Although Staghelmet had been corrupted by the ancient **** N'Zoth at that time, Charlemagne still agreed with his comment.

  Because it was going back to Shal Ellan in a straight line, it only took Alleria ten days to bring Ke Lisha and the new Quel'Thalas ambassador to Suramar, Calpurnia, and others to the Moon Shadow Temple.

   During this time, Farodin probably learned from Charlemagne about the changes that have taken place over the past ten thousand years and the basic situation of Quel'Thalas, including the newly concluded alliance between Quel'Thalas and the Night Fallen Elves.

  Although he still couldn't fully believe the scar elf's one-sided words without personally confirming it, he actually already had some recognition for Quel'Thalas in his heart.

  If everything is as described by Charlemagne, now that Suramar is still closed, this country with a huge energy source is the best destination for Alcandor.

Among the people who came this time, Ke Lixia not only went out in person, she also brought three of her five hero-level powerhouses. Hero-level magic swordsman personally guards here.

   After Alleria returned, she first had a warm exchange with Charlemagne, and then introduced the new ambassador of Quel'Thalas to him.

   "This is the ambassador to Suramar who just came from her own country - astrologist Calpurnia. She will be fully responsible for the future contacts with the Nightborne on behalf of His Majesty."

  Astrologist Calpurnia, Charlemagne is very familiar with this name. After all, it was pushed countless times... Ahem, I have met countless acquaintances.

   One of the most valued advisors of the later Prince Kael'thas, he has been following the prince to foreign lands to find a way out for his tribe, and finally died in the Storm Fortress. He is a die-hard member of the Royalist Party.


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