Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 145: concern in the dark

  Chapter 145 Concern in the Dark

  Calpurnia has beautiful dark blue long hair, a mature and beautiful face, and a beautiful figure wrapped in a dark red rune robe, which makes her reveal the temptation of a mature woman.

  But unlike her glamorous appearance, Calpurnia's character is very serious, and she is a rare practical group among the high elves.

  As a nobleman, she has always been deeply trusted by the royal family, and the fact that the important job of Suramar ambassador was entrusted to her shows that Anasterian values ​​her.

After being introduced by Aurelia, Calpurnia extended her hand to Charlemagne with a dignified smile, "Hello Baron Theron, I regret that I have not had the opportunity to meet you formally before. I am the ambassador to Suramar, Ka Bonya, thank you for making these important changes to Quel'Thalas in recent years."

Charlemagne smiled and held Calpurnia's extended hand and said earnestly, "Where, you are over-rewarded. I obviously haven't done enough. I hope to work together with the ambassador to do more for Quel'Thalas." contribution."

Charlemagne, who opened the future vision, can basically believe that this Calpurnia is a trustworthy person among the high elves. His enthusiastic attitude surprised Calpurnia when they met for the first time. Aurelie, who was always smiling beside her, Ya couldn't help but twitched her brows.

Noticing Aurelia's reaction with keen eyes, Charlemagne let go of Calpurnia's hand in a hurry, and told her about the situation of Arcandor in a businesslike manner, and he was full of surprise and joy from the moment he saw the seed. Crisha who studies desire.

Farodin looked at the leader of the nightfallen elves with some emotion, "Mage Crisha, your condition has improved a lot compared to the last time I saw it. It seems that the Sunwell that Mr. Theron mentioned is It does exist."

Out of concern for these nightfallen elves, Farodin had also paid close attention to these second batch of refugees from a distance before, and had seen their nightfallen forms one by one, as well as their current appearance after being nourished by the sun well It is indeed a difference between heaven and earth.

Perhaps absorbing the energy of the sun well can really change the life forms of the elves. During this period of time, Ke Lisha and others' silver hair was gradually dyed a touch of platinum gold. Although it is not obvious now, this change has been recognized by both parties. Attention has been drawn, and a joint research and observation group is prepared to be established.

  Krisha also felt a little nostalgic for Farodin's familiar posture that he hadn't seen for thousands of years, "A night elf... It's really been a long time."

Not to mention the sighs of the two, after discussions among the three parties, they finally handed over the care of the Arcandor seeds to three hero-level powerhouses sent by the nightfallen elves. freed.

   Knowing that Charlemagne and Alleria planned to go to Highmountain by detour to Valshara, Farodin, who was safe and sound, volunteered to lead the two of them.

   "It just so happens that I plan to go back to Lola Hill to have a look. I don't know if my friends still remember me after so many years."

When it comes to his hometown of Farodin, he seems a little sad and anxious. I don’t know if his fellow Druids will forgive his disappearance for thousands of years and the fault of indirectly giving birth to the Faldorei, but anyway, it’s here now It's time to face it.

   Originally, Charlemagne was worried about the next journey. It would be very difficult to get from Suramar to Highmountain without someone to help guide the way. After all, flying mounts in the real world are not as bad as in the game.

After finishing the business in Acandor, what Charlemagne and Alleria will do next should actually be regarded as private affairs. They are also embarrassed to go back to Quel'Thalas to find the Sun King to borrow the Dragonhawk, so they can only borrow it from Valsa. Pull a detour all the way to the destination.

  The nearby Nightfallen elves are willing to help, but these refugees don't have such important military equipment as flying mounts, and Crisha is powerless before contacting the Nightborne.

  After confirming the itinerary, Charlemagne and Alleria Adam bid farewell to Calpurnia, Crisha and others, and asked Calpurnia to tell the Sun King about the situation of Arcandor.

   Immediately, the two of them left the Moon Shadow Temple with their temporary new companion, Farodin, under the farewell of Kelisha and the others.

  Because the Broken Isles have not undergone major changes for thousands of years, Farodin can still recognize every landmark along the way to Valsharah.

After entering Valsharah, the originally sparse plants gradually became denser, and the weeds on the ground also appeared greener compared with Suramar. The high elves who came here were refreshed.

   Farodin, who had returned home after a long absence, seemed a little excited compared to his usual calmness. When he reached a fork in the road beside a stream, he was already impatient.

"On the left is Moonclaw Valley. Next, I will go to Lola Hill from here. If you want to go to Highmountain, you need to take the fork on the right hand side and go all the way to the highlands through Andutara. Follow the The Mianyue River is going north all the way, and you will almost arrive when you see a big waterfall."

"You should be able to easily find the road ahead, just remember to keep going to the high place, but be careful, try to avoid the villages along the way, after all, not all night elves are willing to see you highborne. "

Both Charlemagne and Alleria nodded solemnly to Farodin's kind reminder. Neither of them wanted to conflict with the natives of Valsharah. up.

   "Then let's part here. If I am not imprisoned this time, let's meet again in Quel'Thalas. I am also very interested in the sacred tree Sas'ala you mentioned."

  Farodin impatiently waved at the two of them, turned his head and turned into a moon-white stag and rushed towards the valley below.

  Charlemagne and Alleria felt a little funny about Farodin's urgent attitude, but they couldn't understand this mentality for a wanderer who had been away from home for thousands of years.

   "Okay, let's go too. To be honest, I quite like this place. The patches of green plants and the fresh natural atmosphere have made my mood much better."

Charlemagne, who had been brooding over his previous failure, felt relieved a lot when he saw the beautiful forest in front of him. Compared with this majestic and magnificent natural beauty, Darkan is nothing. .

Alleria urged Dudu to keep up with Xun Yu's footsteps and said with a gentle smile, "That's good, if you can change your mood, we have achieved an important goal on this trip, don't take everything on your shoulders It's on my own shoulders, and I'm still here!"

  Charlemagne felt warm when he saw his lover's concerned expression, and nodded with a smile, "Thank you, Aurelia."

   Against the backdrop of the surrounding verdant woods, two chocobos, carrying their respective masters, gradually galloped along the Mianyue River to the distant highlands amidst laughter all the way.

  At this time, Charlemagne didn't know that he had already been watched by a certain big man since he stepped into this sacred forest.

  Somewhere in the boundless darkness, two huge eyes glowing with green light suddenly appeared. Under the stimulation of the darkness, the snake-like vertical pupils in these eyes quickly shrank into a line.

  A gentle and deep voice echoed in this space.

   "Could this familiar breath be..."


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