Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 147: i hoon kaolin protagonist

  Chapter 147 I am the protagonist Hun Gaoling

  The tauren can be regarded as a race with a long history in Azeroth. They have lived on the ancient continent of Kalimdor since tens of thousands of years ago.

  In the ancient battle tens of thousands of years ago, the tauren also sent their own warriors to join the battle, including their proud legend—Hun Gaoling.

Hu En was extremely eye-catching in the battle against the Burning Legion. He was like a protagonist template and won the favor of artifacts (Eagle Claw), beasts (Etro) and demigods (a lot) all the way. The victory of the war has made great contributions.

The great schism after the War of the Ancients caused the tauren to gradually divide into several different ethnic groups in panic. Hun led some of them to Highmountain in the Broken Isles, and finally chose to settle here. It has been 10,000 years ago. .

Huln's legendary experience did not end here. The tauren, like the protagonist, later found one of the pillars of creation left by the Titans—the Hammer of Khazgoros, and joined forces with the drogbar who lived locally. Banish Deathwing from Highmountain once and for all.

   That’s right, he was exiled. This former guardian of the earth, one of the five guardian dragons who betrayed in the War of the Ancients, was driven out of his lair where he lived for countless years by a group of mortals.

  Although he borrowed the mighty power of the Hammer of Kazgros, there is no doubt that Hoon himself is extremely powerful. Charlemagne estimates that this guy probably surpassed the limit of mortals and reached the demigod level during the War of the Ancients.

  Of course, as Charlemagne guessed, having the strength of a demigod does not mean that mortals can have the immortal lifespan of a demigod.

  The extremely powerful Hu En was finally unable to withstand the erosion of the years. After solving all his worries, he passed away peacefully in the Thunder Totem he built, and handed over the future to his descendants.

  Although Charlemagne already knew these contents, hearing the story told in a proud tone by the tauren hunter named Monton beside him also made them feel a little bit of fun.

  At least Alleria seemed to be listening intently, urging Menton to continue talking when he stopped.

  Yesterday, Charlemagne was telling the old tauren shaman that he wanted to find Eagle Claw Peak, and the old shaman sent this hunter named Monton to lead the way for the two of them.

  It is a little different from the game. There is a mountain road up the mountain not far from the Anser sentry tower. Although it is very steep and difficult to walk, it is at least much closer than going up the mountain from the Songyan Basin in a large circle.

  When he was bored on the road, Monton told the legendary deeds of the ancestors of the Highmountain Tauren to the two outsiders like a story.

  Although Charlemagne learned part of it from the previous knowledge of artifacts and a series of tasks, it is still more intuitive to tell the locals themselves.

As the terrain gets higher, the mountain road becomes steeper and narrower, and the three of them gradually have no room to chat. The mountain wind at this height is very fierce and biting, not to mention that it seems to freeze the two elves. The freezing temperature, a little carelessness may even be blown away from the mountain road.

Under the guidance of Monton, the three of them lowered their bodies and continued to move forward in a safe posture as much as possible. Even the two chocobos brought by Charlemagne and Aurelia instinctively approached their masters, biting cold The wind made them feel very unaccustomed to the pampered children since childhood.

Fortunately, this difficult mountain road finally came to an end when we reached the middle of the two peaks. The cold wind was mostly blocked by these two peaks, and the snowflakes that had been blown away could finally be clearly seen on the mountain road .

   "It's ice! Is this snow?"

  As soon as she stepped into the snow, Alleria couldn't wait to squat down and dig out a ball of snow from the ground. Her pink hands seemed to become transparent against the white snow.

  Charlemagne didn't have much thought to pay attention to his girlfriend's girlish heart at this time. He had already seen the towering stone sentry tower in the style of night elves on the mountain from a distance. It seemed that they were finally going to the top of Eagle Claw Peak.

   Sure enough, after wiping off the snowflakes on his head, Monton pointed to the sentry tower and said, "It's almost here, that watchtower is one of the three claws of the Falcon, and behind the watchtower is Eagle Claw Peak."

Then he turned his head and looked at Charlemagne solemnly and said, "Although I still don't know why you want to come to Eagle Claw Peak, and you don't feel any hostility in your body, let me remind you, don't hug each other on this sacred mountain. If you have any bad thoughts, the God of the Eagle will always take care of this place."

  Charlemagne withdrew his gaze from the sentry tower, nodded solemnly and agreed, "Please rest assured, we did not come here with any malicious intentions. Let me just say it now, we are here to find and join the hidden passage."

  After observing and thinking all the way, Charlemagne reckoned that this Monton should be one of the members of the Hidden Passage.

  During the War of Quicksand a thousand years ago, the Hidden Path suffered a huge blow from the Ahn'Qiraj under the command of the ancient **** C'Thun and almost wiped out the entire army.

  The previous leader, Namulia, also died in the war, leaving only one of her disciples, Emmoreel Shadowguard, to lead the remaining survivors back to Highmountain, and independently supported the organization until now.

  As you can tell from the name, the Hidden Path pursues occultism, and generally does not inform outsiders of the existence of this organization.

  If the Burning Legion did not invade again in future generations, I am afraid that the Hidden Passage would not appear in front of the world again to recruit the top hunters of all races.

Charlemagne and Alleria came to Highmountain to join the largest organization of hunters, and with the help of Emmoreel's appeal, they called hunters from all races to join them, making preparations for the upcoming battles in Azeroth. get ready.

Monton's pupils shrank when he heard Charlemagne's answer, and he took out his huge bow from behind him conditionally, and pointed at Charlemagne with the bow and arrow and asked sternly, "How do you know the existence of the hidden passage? What is your real purpose?"

  Aurelia, who was playing with the snow, saw the suddenly serious atmosphere here, hastily dropped the snowball and walked over to stand beside her lover.

Charlemagne reached out his hand to prevent Alleria from taking out the weapon, and smiled and explained to the vigilant tauren hunter in front of him, "Monton, we really do not have any malicious intentions. You put down your weapon first, and wait until you see the current leader, Emeril. I will explain the details to you when the time comes."

   "Even Ms. Shadow Guard knows..."

  Although Monton still looked at the two with vigilant eyes, seeing that the two seemed to be very sincere with their bare hands did not seem to have malicious intentions.

  Besides... as he said, this Eagle Claw Peak has the blessing of Onhala, the demigod of the eagle.

   "Then come with me, and I will take you to meet the current leader of the Hidden Path, Ms. Shadow Guard."

   After careful consideration, Monton finally withdrew his weapon, but just to be on the safe side, he put his finger in his mouth and blew a loud whistle, and it didn't take long for a huge giant eagle to descend from the sky.

   With a clear cry, the giant eagle landed beside Monton and rubbed against Monton's tall body, then looked at the two rangers with amazed faces with sharp eagle eyes.

   Thank you book friend "hanhzx" for your support.




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